Thursday, August 6, 2009

An award? Me?

Thursdays are a slow day around here, which is actually pretty nice. We usually have plans to see friends the first half of the week, so by the time Thursday rolls around it's just nice to not be rushing around in the morning to get somewhere on time. The girls and I either stay around the house and play or go for a walk to the park or, like today, hit up a few garage sales and go pick out new picture books at the library.

This afternoon was already going quite well due to the fact that I'm the only one awake in the house. Both Big Sister E and Little Sister B went right to sleep for their naps and even the dog is snoozing in his favorite spot on the couch. However, upon checking my email, today just got even better when I saw that I was given my first blog award! I'm still so new to the blogging world but have already met so many wonderful people and read a ton of fantastic stories. However, receiving this has really made my day because it means that there really is someone out there reading this... In the first few days of blogging, I wasn't sure that was ever going to happen!

If you haven't ever read Raising My 4 Sons, you've got to head there immediately. If you have... well, still go over for a visit because the stories about these four boys are priceless. Having only girls, I follow this blog with a combination of awe and, well, something along the lines of horror - mustard in the chocolate milk? Gross! Thanks so much, Mama Such, I'm so honored that you gave me this award!

Now for passing some love back into the blogosphere. Here are the rules of this award:
  • This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming.
  • These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.
  • They are not interested in self-aggrandizement.
  • Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.
  • Please give more attention to these writers.
  • Deliver this award to six bloggers who must choose six more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
  • I will pass this award to some of my bloggy friends that I find exceedingly charming...
I have chosen to pass this award to:

Lilith @ Crunchy Green Mom
Nanny Dee @ New England Nanny
Melissa @ Outnumbered 3-to-1
Shelley @ I'm Still Standing
Jackie @ 3 Little Ones
Sarah @ Brea's Mommy

What a hard decision! Thank you to everyone who is following me and for all of your wonderful comments. I wasn't sure if starting a blog was the right thing for me to do but I definitely haven't regretted the decision once.

Now, back to putting my feet up and enjoying the silence around here...


Clueless_Mama said...

Congratulations on your award! I love that award, I think it is so cute..

alpinekleins said...

Congrats on the award - you have a beautiful and fun place to visit here:) I'll be sure to come back often. Thanks for stopping my and leaving comments - always love those;)


Theta Mom said...

Congrats on the award! You deserve it! :)

shelley said...

congrats on the award and how very thoughtful of you to pass it on to me.. i will follow up and pass it on early next week! thanks for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment, it made me smile! thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!

Lori said...

Congrats on the award. Thank you for following me on Here All Along. I am following you back.

Take care, have a great weekend


Jackie said...

Thanks so much for the award!! i love reading your blog and am so happy I found it :)

Nanny Dee said...

Congratulations on your award -- you deserve it!

You are so sweet to pass one on to me -- thank you! Just like you, it makes me happy to know that others read what I write and value it. Blogging has been such a nice way to meet wonderful people (like you) that I'd never get to meet otherwise.

I promise to announce it and pass it to others during this coming week. :D

natalee said...

girl you've been photo tagged come to my blog to see.. natalee

natalee said...

girl i just awarded you..come to my blog to pick it up

natalee said...

girl come to my blog you have another pick up..natalee

Anonymous said...

congrats on the award :)

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com