Monday, August 10, 2009

Picture tag!

I was out of town this weekend and came home to find that I have been picture tagged!

Natalee over at Raising Normal Kids put up a picture of the fat squirrel that apparently likes Italian food over at her house, so I'm not sure if I can top that, but here's my photo:I try to keep my millions of pictures somewhat organized by putting them into folders by months, so when I opened my photos it was set to August 2009 and this was the 10th one. It's from a recent walk to the park near our house and I was sitting in the shade with Little Sister B while Big Sister E went up and down on the playground and enjoyed the nice day. I'm not sure why Little Sister B was sticking her tongue out (I didn't take it personally) but I had pulled out the camera and managed to catch the picture before she stopped. She's a pretty happy baby and I actually have quite a few photos like this one where she's grinning or laughing or just in general being smiley.

Now on to the rules of picture tag:
  • Open your first photo folder.
  • Scroll down to the 10th photo.
  • Post that photo and story on your blog.
  • Tag three others (or more) friends to do the same.

Heather @ Theta Mom
Lauren @ Mud Mama
Daisy @ Lil Hiccups

you're it!


Theta Mom said...

Thanks so much for the picture tag! Sounds like fun. What a candid shot! :) I'll get it up as soon as I can!

Daisy @ Lil Hiccups said...

Thanks for the tag! Hoe fun! Oooh....going to post right now!

Will pass it on!


Brittany@Love Stitched said...

"better luck next time" as most people put it...well here is your next chance! head over to LOVE STITCHED and enter to win a boutique style dress in ANY size!!! hurry ends soon!

Anonymous said...

beautiful baby!