I have recipes all over the place. I copy them online, I rip them out of magazines, I photocopy them from library books... and then they sit nicely in my cupboard. Therefore, when I read blogs where talented people take the time to actually cook, I am very impressed. And jealous. Everything always looks so tasty!
Yonca @ Yonca is cooking is one of those moms that not only does fun things with her son, but then follows up by making him banana pancakes. Yum! I love seeing pictures of food (they just make me want to be less lazy and do something about bringing the picture to life on my own plate) and I thought it was hilarious when Yonca went to take a picture of banana bread that she had made and, upon finding her husband had eaten all of it, posted a picture of him instead!
It was very sweet of Yonca to pass along this wonderful Loyalty Award to me, I definitely appreciate it! This award is given to loyal followers and friends of your blog who really spread the love, so I am passing it to...
Sophia's Mom @ the wannabe wahm
Alexandra @ My Take on Mommyhood
Molly @ I'm a Sleeper Baker
Jackie @ 3 Little Ones
These ladies have left me some very sweet and thoughtful comments and I thank them for being so Loyal!
Thank you so much for the award!
I love reading your blog. And you give the best reviews! Everything you review, I want to buy!
I just left you a comment on your review for "On the fly".
Wow! Thanks for my award!!! I really do enjoy your posts.
My post today about the skinny jeans? That happens about once a year. I get back to where I want to be, then the holiday's hit, and the cycle starts all over. I can't help it, I looove to indulge!
: )
Thank you so much for your kind words about me. And thanks being a great bloggie friend. I love your daughter's pics. They are both sooo cute :-D Hugs!!!
My son standing by me right now, trying to read your site :) just saw the photo of Little Sister B..He says 'Ohhh mommy, look at her! What a cute baby' :-))
Hi Xenia,
Thanks for following me! I'm following you now too. That part about this post just cracked me up about your friend Yonca taking a photo of her banana bread cake only to find out her husband had eaten all of it!!! That's horrible yet also so comical and easy to visualize. Poor thing. Now I guess she'll just have to make another one and her husband will have to owe her BIG TIME! Especially for the eating the WHOLE cake; it's one thing to eat a piece of cake or two but the whole darn thing; talk about a big WOW! lol :D Nice to meet you Xenia!!
Your new friend,
Sarah from MBC
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