Now that Big Sister E has started preschool, my obsessiveness over the possibility of losing items has heightened. I'm not sure where this part of my personality comes from, maybe I lost something very meaningful to me when I was a child, but I freak out at the mere thought of leaving something behind when we go places. Even something tiny like a junk toy or a dirty burp cloth MUST BE FOUND before we can leave and I am constantly double- and triple-checking behind me as I walk away that nothing has been forgotten. Don't get my husband started on the manic routine that I go through when we check out of a hotel room.
Yes, I do realize I'm kind of crazy.
So, now that my big girl is heading off to preschool, the thought of her coming home without her sweatshirt or backpack or even a lowly pair of extra socks makes my pulse race and my palms sweat a little bit.
Again, yes, I KNOW. I just can't help it.
Applied Labels is the answer to my obsessive worries. These award-winning products are just the thing that I need to relax in knowing that all of Big Sister E's belongings can easily be identified as hers. The days of using a messy marker to try to write something somewhat legible in a child's jacket are over. As are the times of tearing a strip of masking tape off and writing a child's name on it to label their cup or bottle... only to have to remove it when it's time to go home and then repeat the process next time.
Applied Labels are perfectly sized (1.5" x 0.5"), dishwasher-safe, laundry-safe on clothing with tags and made with permanent adhesive and ink. Whether I am putting Big Sister E's name on her jacket, shoes (or boots, once the snow hits here), backpack or sippy cup, all I have to do is pull out my envelope of Applied Labels and I am ready to go.
When The Ultimate School Pack of labels arrived from Applied Labels, I was amazed at the number and variety of labels that are included. As well

The Clothing Backers are used with the Applied Labels to attach them to the tags in clothing and require no ironing or sewing, a DEFINITE plus. Once they are on, you're done. They stay put through both the washer and the dryer and are still easily readable. However, once my girls have outgrown their clothes and I want to pass them on,

The Shoe Shields are another great idea, as they are a clear, protective cover that will keep the Applied Labels safe and secure through all of the times your child's sweaty feet stomp on them. Using a Shoe Shield ensures that no matter how rough your child is to their shoes, the labels will remain unharmed.

Have a younger child that isn't heading to school yet? Applied Labels also has Baby Tapes available in 15 different colors to make your child's bottle stand out with their name label or Baby Dates, which make certain any child care staff would easily know which bottle is for your child and that it is the correct day.
As well as their great products, Applied Labels is impressive to me as a company. Each month they select as many organizations as they can to receive a donation of their products and services. Along with that, they have a wonderful fund-raising program that can be used for schools, camps, clubs and teams. I love a company that not only makes my life easier with their wonderful products but also cares about people!
One lucky person will win a $50 gift certificate to Applied Labels! That can get you an amazing amount of Applied Labels!

To enter to win your $50 gift certificate to Applied Labels: Visit Applied Labels and tell me how you would use the certificate if you won INCLUDING your favorite font and icon. Please do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile. I have to have a way to contact the winner.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed, please leave a separate comment for EACH entry)
1 Extra Entry - Enter any other current giveaways on Thanks, Mail Carrier (1 entry per giveaway entered). There are some great ones going on right now!
2 Extra Entries (leave 2 separate comments) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect.
2 Extra Entries (leave 2 separate comments) if you follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below (please leave me the link).
1 Extra Entry - Enter any other current giveaways on Thanks, Mail Carrier (1 entry per giveaway entered). There are some great ones going on right now!
2 Extra Entries (leave 2 separate comments) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect.
2 Extra Entries (leave 2 separate comments) if you follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below (please leave me the link).
Don't ever lose another shirt! $50 gift certificate to Applied Labels #giveaway @thxmailcarrier! Ends 10/15 Enter now! http://bit.ly/12rwbV
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you put my cute new button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you blog about this giveaway, linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier as well as Applied Labels. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on October 15th at 11:59pm CST. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Applied Labels for providing me with The Ultimate School Pack of my own, as well as a generous gift certificate for one lucky giveaway winner. I'm still going to be anxiously checking to make sure Big Sister E comes home with all of her belongings, however, now I know that if something gets misplaced, it will have a clear label to help find its way home.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you blog about this giveaway, linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier as well as Applied Labels. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on October 15th at 11:59pm CST. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Applied Labels for providing me with The Ultimate School Pack of my own, as well as a generous gift certificate for one lucky giveaway winner. I'm still going to be anxiously checking to make sure Big Sister E comes home with all of her belongings, however, now I know that if something gets misplaced, it will have a clear label to help find its way home.
I'd get the cutie font with the ladybug icon - for my daughter. This is a great idea, much better than using a sharpie on kids' clothes!
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I tweeted! Entry #1
I tweeted! Entry #2
Your cute button is on The Penny-Pinching Mama
Your cute button is on The Penny-Pinching Mama3
I entered the Uprinting poster giveaway!
i entered the uprinting banner giveaway!
I like the Elegant font and the football icon (All boys~have to have something boyish.) I would use these to label the boys backpacks and coats and so forth. I had to buy them shirts for art and wasn't sure how to label them. This would be great! :)
Happily following you on google friend connect. :) (1)
Following you!!!
raisingmy4sons@yahoo.com (2)
I have entered to win one of your other giveaways. :)
I have updated to your cute new button on my blog. :)
Have your cute new button on my blog. (2)
Your cute new button is on my blog (3)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. I'm now following you and I look forward to getting to know you. I just updated my blog after being away for a while.
I like the standart font and the football icon(I have a son:))for his clothes.
Great giveaway!!!
Following you :)
I'm a follower.
following you on twitter and tweeted. (yonca1)
Have your button. It is so cute!
Your button is in my blogroll :)
Your new cute button is on 'yonca is cooking'
Have a wonderful weekend!
For my Bekah I would LOVE to have both clothing AND sippy cup labels! I'm tired of the good old sharpie... I like the Cutie font and the eighth notes icon (or the ladybug... or the flower...)
I would get the The Monster Ultimate School Pack. I like the Elegant font and the Lady Bug icon!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I follow with Google Friend. 1
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I follow with Google Friend. 2
treflea4 at gmail dot com
such a great idea! i would use these on my kids sippy cups! I would choose the Curlz font and the butterfly icon!!
I like The Monster Ultimate School Pack - elegant font and daisy icon
entered Entitlement
Back to School labels in Cutie.
jswandrn @ gmail.com
I would get the Standard with the Skull and Crossbones; your not alone in thinking that someone would take her things, I NEED THESE REALLY REALLY BADLY, my son is in the fourth grade and so far I have bought 5 winter coats, 2 lunch totes(before switching to paper sacks), who know how many sets of gloves and 7 hats... Where do they go? NOT in the lost and found. Thanks for the opprotunity:)
I subscribed via email
* I fOlLoW*
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I entered the UPRINTING.COM giveaway
I like the cutie font and train icon for my boys. I would order the The Monster Ultimate School Pack, it has everything that we would need in it. steffanie771(at)hotmail(dot)com
I entered Entitlement Free Child steffanie771(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like the curlz font and the butterfly icon and I would use these on my daughter's sippy cups so when we inevitably leave them at a friend's house, a restaurant, etc. we may actually get them back!
I entered the entitlement book giveaway too.
I would use the certificate to buy labels for my daughters' sweaters and other items they bring to school. I like the Curlz font and the dragonfly icon. Thanks!
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the giveaway for The Entitlement-Free Child.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I follow you with Google Friend Connect. Entry #1
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I follow you with Google Friend Connect. Entry #2
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the giveaway for UPrinting.com: 24" x 36" Vinyl Banner with grommets.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
Just wanted to let you know that I added your contest to doubleprizes.com and hopefully more people find your blog.
entered the uprinting banner giveaway
I would purchase the The Monster Ultimate School Pack and pick the Elegant font and the flower icon and have the label say "The Mayans"
I now follow your blog #1
I now follow your blog #2
I follow you on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/kmayans/status/4879552110
I follow you on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/kmayans/status/4879552110
I entered the personalized sticker giveaway.
I entered the Uprinting sticker giveaway...and I also retweeted this one (I know I already used my tweet entries though!)
yay thanks for the extra tweet entry!
I would get the cutie with the heart icon. I have a 21 year old autistic daughter and I have to label everything because she lives in a residential school. Right now I use permanent marker and sometimes it's hard to fit her name on small labels in clothing. this would be great.
I also entered the raspberry beanie giveaway
Cutie and a crown, for my daughter's school clothes.
JEnnifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Elegant font lady bug icon!!!
I like the cutie font and flower icon, and I would spend it on The Monster Ultimate School Pack!
blog follower 1
blog follower 2
tweet 1
tweet 2
I entered the chic Monkey Baby boutique giveaway
elegant font, football icon on sportscards boxes
I'd buy the Monster Ultimate School Pack in cutie with a lady bug.
following via google friend connect 1
following via google friend connect
follow and tweet 1: http://twitter.com/chaipoakgnr/status/4899322746
follow and tweet 2: http://twitter.com/chaipoakgnr/status/4899322746
cute new button on the blog: http://northtoakgnr.blogspot.com
cute new button on the blog: http://northtoakgnr.blogspot.com
cute new button on the blog: http://northtoakgnr.blogspot.com
since i have a son i'll go with the football and the standard font for all of his school items and Sunday school books.
Great giveaway. thank you
i follow 1.
i follow (2)
I'd use it for my son with standard font and the train
entered fierce style giveaway too
entered cupcake toppers giveaway too
entered for 250 stickers from uprinting too
I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted:
Entry #1
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted:
Entry #2
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the UPirnting.com Stickers/Labels giveaway. Thanks!
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
i like the cutie font and I love the crossbones thanks for the chance ealgesforjack@gmail.com
i follow 1/2
i follow 2/2
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