I can't count the number of times that I've sat down at the computer to do something and, an hour later, find myself still blog browsing. There are so many of you that write such heartfelt, funny, serious, imaginative, tear-jerking, downright bizarre or just plain truthful posts that I wouldn't know where to start in listing them all. You remind me that there is life outside of baby oatmeal, Brown Bear, Brown Bear and emptying potty chairs, gag.
Long before I started my own blog, I was a serious blog lurker and always enjoyed reading from the shadows before moving on to the next site. However, now that I have my own little section of the blogosphere, I realize how great it is when someone, anyone, comments on my blog. Whether to agree or disagree with what I've written, share an opinion, enter a giveaway, or just say hi, I read over every comment at least once with a sense of satisfaction that this person made the effort to make this small connection with me.
Another thing that I didn't realize before starting my own blog, was the existence of blog awards. I compare these to the People's Choice Awards (not that I really know much about the People's Choice Awards) in that they are decided by The People. Meaning you. You took the award that you received and deemed my blog to be high enough quality that you passed it along to me.
Recently you have chosen my blog as one that you enjoy and I am beyond flattered.

From Shades of Green, a cool blog about ways to keep costs down while still trying to stay green, I received the One Lovely Blog Award.
From Riding With Jessica, where Jessica writes about life and hosts fun reviews and giveaways, I received the One Lovely Blog Award.
From The Fulton's, where, among other fun things, you can find great posts hinting you towards free samples to sign up for (I ♥ free), I received the One Lovely Blog Award.

From Ruminations of a Twenty-Something Mama, a young mom with two adorable boys who has both a profound view of life (read her About Me section) as well as fun giveaways, I received the Honest Scrap Award.

From Mama Such at Raising My 4 Sons, where you can read about the daily antics of her four adorable boys, I received the Best Blog Award.

Finally, from Sophia's Mom at The Wannabe WAHM, where "Rants, Musings, & Other Random Crap" comes together on a beautiful blog that she designed herself (herself! Need blog design? Go there!), I received the the Friends Award.
There's not much more that I can say besides thanks.
Really. Thank you. So much.
love how you compare blog awards to peoples choice awards....it does mean something when someone else likes you enough to want to honor you. and it's cool to find out about other blogs!
Happy Weekend!
Oh you know we love you too!! It is cool to read other thoughts and about their lives
what u said about blogging is so true!
The awards do mean a lot, don't they. Bloggers are just plain ole' nice people.
Congrats on your awards and Congrats to those that received them :)
Agree with everything I just read! I enjoy blog hoping too!
I think these Awards are important and really have weight to them simply because they come from fellow bloggers!
Congrats to you on your Awards, you have a great blog and deserve every Award you received!
Congratulations on all of your awards!
hello..coming by your blog for the first time..
Congratulations on all of your awards! That's great!
Your right, before I started to become an avid blogger, I never really commented on other posts, just enjoyed reading them. Now though, I realize how exciting it is to get one on one of your own posts and try to comment on other posts I enjoy as much as I can! Great point that you stated! I really think a lot of us can be considered a "blog post lurker" at one time! lol!
Congrats on all of your awards.
I wonder if there is an award for "coolest header"...because that mail carrier is too cute coming down the street-and I agree that it is exciting to get mail but I like the UPS truck too!
Congrats on all of your awards! :)
I love blogging and blog-surfing too (obvs. since I just found your blog!). I think it's such a wonderful, supportive community. :) So glad I started a blog a year ago. :)
You deserve all of those and more!! Congrats on having an awesome blog
Congratulations! You are a delight to read - and I just keep coming back for more :)
congrats on all the awards!
knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com
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