If you are a Project Runway fan, then you'll definitely remember Christian and his lingo ("ferocia couture," "tickity tack" and "hot tranny mess," just to name a few) and what a big personality he has in his small frame. The now
What I found as I read this book surprised me. Sure, Fierce Style IS about style and fashion, but there is much more than just that. In light, conversational writing, Christian tells his readers how to look, feel and act fierce in their everyday life. While telling his journey of developing his own fashion sense and overcoming obstacles to success, Christian gives advice on creating personal style, sharing tips on building self-confidence, and revealing his own list of fashion dos and don'ts (I shouldn't go out in sweatpants? Hmm).
As well as being impressed by all the fun photographs and illustrations, I enjoyed the underlying message that Fierce Style gives its readers. Whether you are tall or short, thin or curvy, employed in your dream job or just starting out, just have confidence in yourself.

Everyone has days that they feel like they need to just rest and everyone receives criticism that makes them feel bad. The important thing is the way YOU feel and live your life. Think big, focus on the positive, take chances and be true to yourself are all major points that Fierce Style gets across and I think Christian does it in a way that one might call totally flawless. (Don't worry, there is also an official Christian Siriano Glossary in Fierce Style for all of us divas who might need a reference to know exactly what he's talking about).
Learn more on Fierce Style's Facebook page, join the Fierce Style Photo Shoot Out or visit Christian Siriano's website to view his collections and find out where to shop for them! Want to have a chance to sit down with an enjoyable read and learn how you, too can be inspired to find your personal style and bring out your inner fabulous fierceness?
One lucky person will win their own copy of Fierce Style: How To Be Your Most Fabulous Self by Christian Siriano!
Woohoo! Enter to win this fun book!
To enter to win a copy of Fierce Style: Tell me your biggest fashion faux pas of the past. My mom let me wear whatever I wanted from a very early age, so there are pictures of me in 5th grade having gone to school (MULTIPLE TIMES) wearing a neon swirl pattern leotard with bright pink and white striped stretch pants. Looking at those photos is so NOT fabulous.Please do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile. I have to have a way to contact the winner.
Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted)
1 Extra Entry - Are you watching the current season of Project Runway? If so, who are you rooting for to win?
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways currently running on Thanks, Mail Carrier. See the list on the top of my right sidebar - there are some really great ones going on right now!
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2 Extra Entries (leave 2 separate comments) if you subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email!
2 Extra Entries (leave 2 separate comments) if you follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link.
Be fabulous! Be fierce! #giveaway for Fierce Style by Project Runway's Christian Siriano @thxmailcarrier! http://bit.ly/14qRM4 Ends 10/22
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you put my cute new button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on October 22nd at 11:59pm CST. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway open to residents of the US or Canada only (no P.O. Boxes, please).
A big thank you to Hatchette Books for providing me with a copy of Fierce Style for review as well for one lucky giveaway winner. I had a great time reading it!
I wore floods for waaay too long! I have long legs and it never occured to me to buy "long" pants. Everyone had a great view of my ankles!
I follow...here's my email mesbaker@gmail.com
My biggest fashion faux pas was when I was a teen I went through a skater punk phase.. I used to wear oversized cargos and socks pulled up to my knees .. Scary :{
Biggest Fashion Faux Pas for me was when I was little and my mom let me wear socks with my sandals!! Just ghastly!! :)
I follow on Google entry #1
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#1 I follow you on twitter and I tweeted! http://twitter.com/arielle_00/status/4757978551
#2 I follow you on twitter and I tweeted!
I use to wear bright blue eyeshadow from my eyebrows to my eyelids. I also use to wear granny sweaters with sweats.
I shaved my head and wore my bleached bangs very long. fulfam@hotmail.com
there was a time when all plaid was pretty popular...
hockiemack at hotmail.com
google follower 1
hockiemack at hotmail.com
google follower 2
hockiemack at hotmail.com
entered the chic monkey giveaway
hockiemack at hotmail.com
Fishnet stockings!!!!
+1 I'm watching Project Runway this season but still don't have a favorite!
Google reader subscriber #1
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Google friend connect follower #2
I used to wear sweat pants to school every day.
My biggest mistake was the yellow parachute pants I wore over and over during 6th grade.
MY husband and I were just laughing at some pictures of me in elementary school wearing a too tight red tshirt, grey sweatpants, huge plastic framed glasses, and sporting a super curly perm. I called my mom and said, "What were you thinking???!"
I entered your labels giveaway too.
not watching, sorry :(
entered for 250 stickers from uprinting too
I wore sheer skirt that I didn't know was sheer until I got to the office!
I wore ugly brown corrective shoes for flat feet and my feet are just as flat. Could of worn something fashionable
Having grown up in the sixties I once wore blue bell bottoms with large white and red daisies on them. Cute! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am an email subscriber entry #1. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am an email subscriber entry#2. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
80s child... multiple pairs of socks in neon colors layered at different heights so you could see the different colors..paired with a large brightly colored tshirt tied on the side and big 80s hair and bangs... why did my mom let me
There have been so many over the years-- like platform sandals with glitter toe socks! EEK!
When I was in grade school I used to wear a yellow and white headband with everything, everything! Didn't matter what other clothes I had on!
I was not lucky enough to have a mother like yours who let you pick out your own clothes. My mom insisted that my twin sister and I dress identical until 6th grade, even though it got weird after kindergarten. Not only that, her choices were terrible. There is a picture of us both wearing hunter green stirup pants and floral tapestry vests. Not so hot.
I am rooting for Althea. I think that she has good designs that are usually still very wearable and not as abstract as some of the other contestants.
I follow on google #1.
I follow on google #2.
I subscribe via email 1
I subscribe via email 2.
old pants cut off to be short
Pumps and socks.
I like Nicolas (or however he spells it). I didn't like him at first but he's grown on me.
I just sent a tweet as ky2here however twitter is overloaded and I cannot post the link. It's on my twitter page at 9:22 PM
I wore turtlenecks and pastel sweatpants until about 8th grade.
Thankfully my fashion sense has improved.. just a little ;)
thefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com
I have been guilty of wearing a tacky Christmas sweater or two.
Oh my gosh. Biggest mistake was socks with sandals!!!! I could just die looking at pictures. haha! Thank you!
Tiffanys819 at gmail dot com
I used to crinkle iron my hair. How awful.
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
I wore purple and yellow "flare" pants in grade school. Yikes!
I had to match my socks with the color of my shirt
I'm guilty of having worn stirrup pants!
red head scarf
I went through the hippie phase wearing a lot of tyedyes. garrettsambo@aol.com
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