As Little Sister B has gotten older, my husband and I have realized just what an easy baby Big Sister E really was. She was content to just sit, whether it was on the floor surrounded with toys, in a bouncy seat while I made lunch or in her stroller for the longest of walks. At the time I didn't know that it was unusual or how lucky we were because she was our first child and life had already been turned upside down.
Little Sister B, on the other hand, helps define the word mobile. She has to be everywhere, do anything, touch everything. Being the second child, her

I have tried more than a handful of baby carriers with Little Sister B and she wasn't a huge fan of any of them. She never liked slings or wraps (she always acts like they are too confining) and was able to be somewhat content in a front carrier for a little while but grew bored of that, too (plus her little hands got into everything). I have one versatile carrier that I love but I can't get her easily on and off my back by myself, not to mention that she starts to squirm after a little while from being pressed up against me.
Enter my life-saver, kokopax.
A few months ago I found out I had won a giveaway on Piece of Me for a kokopax tote... or so I thought. When the box arrived and I found a gorgeous kokopax classic carrier in their beautiful buds fabric inside, I was slightly pleased (by slightly, I mean that I hooted and hollered and did an embarrassing happy dance around my kitchen for only about ten minutes before calling up half the people I know to share the exciting news with them).
Kokopax was founded in 2007 when Sarah Spoor, mother of 4, combined the benefits of framed infant carriers with hip, modern fabrics to create a stylish, lightweight carrier that can be used anywhere and everywhere. Having never used a frame carrier before

Kokopax added a large number of nice features to the classic carrier that really make it luxurious to own (and use from 6 months to 2 years or up to 35 pounds). Created out of anodized aluminum, the entire thing weighs only 2.7 pounds and the padded straps, waist support and adjustable frame give Mom or Dad extra comfort and support. My favorite, however, is the kickstand that allows for easy loading and unloading, as well as a seat to contain Little Sister B when I need to put her down in a pinch.

Note: Baby carriers are not meant to be seats. Little Sister B is definitely able to push on the ground with her toes and rock the carrier backwards a little bit. However, for the moments between when I put her down and pull her out (or put her in and pick her up), it is SO handy that she is able to sit suspended and comfortable.
By far, this is the carrier that Little Sister B is REALLY HAPPY to hang out in, no matter what her mood. If she goes in crabby, she becomes happy. If she goes in happy, well, then she turns super happy! She loves to be up high, see the world from a different perspective and she definitely has plenty of room to sit back and relax and enjoy the ride. Whether we are picking Big Sister E up from preschool, shopping in the grocery store or I'm just looking for a way to have my hands free while cooking dinner, Little Sister B is content to just hang out in our classic carrier and calmly observe what happens next.

After the successful introduction of the classic carrier, kokopax is expanding their carrier line and is preparing to debut two new ones, that, according to Sarah Spoor will come in "an array of styles and price points to meet individual needs."
The new kokopax city carrier (shown at right) offers parents a
Kokopax is also introducing an adorable eco baby sun hat to their line of cute sun hats that is made out of natural cotton and eco-friendly dyes and comes in patterns to coordinate with the eco-classic carrier. For mom, kokopax is debuting a stylish

Looking to do some shopping at kokopax? Use coupon code tmc2009 for a 10% discount off your entire order! But wait, kokopax has generously allowed...
One lucky person will win a kokopax classic carrier of their own (ARV $149.99)!
To enter to win your kokopax classic carrier: Visit kokopax and tell me which fabric option you would choose for the classic carrier if you won, as well as why you would like to win it. Have a crazy little one like I do? Would this make a fantastic gift for someone you know? Please do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile. I have to have a way to contact the winner.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry)
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway. See the list on the top of my right sidebar - there are some really great ones going on right now and coming up!
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
2 Extra Entries per follow method (leave 2 separate comments for each type) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave the URL where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you blog about this giveaway, linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier. Please leave an address where it can be found.1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway. See the list on the top of my right sidebar - there are some really great ones going on right now and coming up!
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
Kokopax carrier #giveaway @thxmailcarrier! Top of the line way to carry your baby in style! ARV $149.99! http://bit.ly/16OC0p Ends 11/3 #Win
2 Extra Entries per follow method (leave 2 separate comments for each type) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave the URL where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on November 3rd at 11:59pm CST. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway open to U.S. and Canadian residents only.
A big thank you to kokopax for providing a classic carrier for one giveaway winner. I was not provided anything for this review as I was lucky enough to have already won my kokopax classic carrier at Piece of Me. The opinions shared are my own and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
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I am having a baby girl in December and I would love to win this for her! I would go with the Licorice print... black goes with everything!
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I love the bubbles. I didn't have anything like this with my first child and we are trying so I would love to have this for my next baby. amypugmire@live.com
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I would love to give this to my friend who has a fussy little girl - I love the "buds" print, thanks for the chance!
I would choose the espressor fabric. I would like to win it to give to my niece who just had her first child.
love the bubbles fabric!!!
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buds my daughter in law is with child mverno@roadrunner.com
I like the Licorice fabric best, and I would love to win this for my neighbor, who is now pregnant! Thanks!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
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#2 for following you on google.
sphinxcw at aol dot com
I like the Espresso. My first grandbaby is due at Christmas - it would make a great gift.
I like the bubbles fabric the best. I would love to win this so I would have a way to carry my baby but still have both of my hands free.
I just had a baby and would lov eto take her for walks in this next spring
My fabric choice is espresso. I love the idea of babywearing, but having purchased anything yet. I like that this has the kickstand so you could easily take the carrier off and leave it set up for a few moments.
My little one never stops!! I would love to win this for her in the Licorice Design! How cool these are!
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I own CoolCanucks.ca, which is a Canadian Contest and Freebie site. This giveaway is shared here:
I love the buds fabric. Beautiful!
I would love to win this carrier in the Bubbles fabric for the little one we are expecting in the spring.
I really like the Bubbles fabric although Buds came in a close second. I would give this to me daughter who is due in March.
love the bubble print! I soooooo hope I win!
entered cupcake topper
I'd get the espresso - to give as a gift!
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I really love the Buds Print for my niece due on June 1st! Thanks for the chance.
i'd choose licorice so my husband cant say "i'm not wearing that its too girly!"
follow and tweeted http://twitter.com/tyjosmom/status/5051635151
I'm looking for a carrier that will work for my baby who's already 20 lbs at 6 months, I think I may have found it! I like the gender neutral espresso color.
Thanks for this giveaway.
I like the Sailor fabric. I would like to win, so I can take it on my vacation next spring!!!
My baby girl is stuck to me like glue! It would be so nice to tote her around with hands free while I do laundry, dishes, etc. I would love the bubbles print.
I'm such a plain Jane - I love the licorice one! This would so come in handy for #3 to rest in while hang out with the other kiddies at the playground! :)
I've got a three year old little boy and another boy on the way (due Feb). I'd love to win the sailor design--this would be great to have because I don't think it will be easy having two under four.
I love the espresso fabric. I have watched my friend struggle with slings (awkward) and wraps (confusing)- this looks like a great, different and practical solution!
ebickell at hotmail dot com
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I like hte buds but would probably go with licorice since I have a little boy. We're heading on a crazy adventure come May and this would be perfect for carrying John-John. He's 25lbs and cute as a button!
beautifulcalling @ gmail.com
I love the bubbles print! We have a wild little 13 month old and another due in March, and would really love to have a frame carrier for long walks and hikes!
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I like the "bubbles" fabric.
It would be perfect as a gift to my sister for her 1st baby and my only nephew.
#1) GREAT Job on the blog... love seeing it!
#2) I would love the buds fabric. Very cute.
#3) I would get this for my little monkey... she's so small still.. MUCH less than 35 pounds!
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I love the bubbles print
Debra @ www.familyliciousreviews.blogspot.com
I'd choose the licorice and it's for a newly pregnant friend.
I would love the espresso pattern. I have a 2 year old and I am expecting another. We're hoping for a boy so this would be a great neutral fabric!
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licorice i would use it when i walk to pick my daughter up from school or when we go hiking! fulfam@hotmail.com
I would get this for my cousin. She is expecting her first and I would like it in licorice.
The bubbles fabric is my favorite. I'm currently expecting and definitely need one!
bubbles. For when we go hiking!
I like the bubbles fabric. I want to win for my daughter who is expecting in early spring.
smitchathome at aol dot com
I would choose the bubbles! Very cute! Thanks!
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
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I love the Bubbles print. I feel in love with this carrier when I first saw it. I think what I love most about it is that my little one can sit so much higher in a Kokopax than a regular soft structured baby carrier. I also love that it can be freestanding with baby in it to help get on and off easier!
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OOOHHH THIS IS NICE!i would love to win this to use with my 2 granddaughters.They are a handful and when u add a 4 year old wildie on your hands..well..i could surely use this..lol..
i would choose the pattern BUDS..
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wanna win!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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100 Customized Postcards from UPrinting.com.
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Thinkbaby Feeding Set from SproutBaby.com
alwaysatryin at gmail.com
I love the "bubbles" fabric.
Thanks for linking up your giveaways at www.agiveawayeveryday.com
I like the Sailor fabric
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I entered the sprout baby feeding set giveaway
I would choose the espresso fabric. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
We love to hike and take walks as a family ~ this would be perfect for our newest addition. I would choose the buds pattern.
The bubbles fabric is my fav -- this would be perfect for our 10 month old.
entered postcard giveaway
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entered Bumbo giveaway
I would choose the Sailor fabric and it would be a wonderful gift for some very special expectant parents!
I like the espresso. Me and my husband are "talking baby" this year, and this would be great to have for us.
I entered teh Bumbo giveaway
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I tweeted! http://twitter.com/suebeeking/statuses/5220982682
wow, great contest
Love the espresso print!
taraz9 (at) excite (dot) com
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I would love to give this to my niece, they are expecting their first little one and I would choose the Licorice fabric.
i would choose sailor. i want to win because it'd at least free up my hands every now and again!
entered sprout baby giveaway
I like the bubble fabric. I would give this to my friend who just had her first baby- a boy!
I love the Licorice print. I would love to win this, I just had a baby a few weeks ago and I also have a 2 years old that I can use this for.
luvtosave at gmail.com
I entered Thinkbaby Feeding Set giveaway
luvtosave at gmail.com
Entered Bumbo Baby Seat giveaway
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I would choose espresso. and I want to win this because I have my own little one of my own and this would be great, thanks for the chance to win it! yyeres(at)gmail(Dot)Com
I like Licorice and I would love to win for my 3 mons old little boy!!
I entered the Sprout Baby giveaway!
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bubbles! These are great...I have a very hyper little one and this would contain her well ;)
dealectiblemommies (at) gmail (dot) com
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I entered the thinkbaby giveaway
dealectiblemommies (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love a Kokopax in the bud pattern.
I just had a little girl and would love to carry her around in style!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
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I love the buds fabric. I want to win because my cousin just had a little girl so I would love to give it to her.
hebert024 at aol dot com
I would definitely pick the bubbles material. Oh how CUTE!!!! My daughter would surely love this as she is expecting this spring and this would be a welcome addition for a couple that loves to take walks with their dogs and hike.
I like the bubbles fabric. Neutral for boy or girl!
I love the garden fabric.
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I love the bubbles. I didn't have anything like this with my first child. We would love to try for our next baby.
I entered cake decor giveaway
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