There wasn't much more that I could have asked for to have happened DURING the party. But at the END of the party, I always like to have a little something special for our little guests. It's hard for kids to sit through watching another child open a pile of presents and not have one of their own and I didn't want to send any of Big Sister's E's "fans" home empty-handed. But, really? Rock Star goodie bags? How common are those?

A few months ago I was lucky enough to win a giveaway over at Pour Some Sugar On Me for a Frecklebox gift certificate and used it for Rockstar Coloring Books for all of Big Sister E's friends to take home with them after the party.
Judging from the reactions that I received from the kids (the ones that opened their gift before they left) or from the parents (in the days after the party), to say that the coloring books were a hit would be somewhat of an understatement. The child's name was prominently displayed on each and every page and they even came with their own crayons. What could have been better?
If you haven't heard of Frecklebox, you are missing out. If you

When I was deciding whether or not to order the Rockstar Coloring Books for Big Sister E's party, I had such a good time browsing all of the great things that Frecklebox has to offer. Not only are there

Also, if by chance you have an idea for something that Frecklebox doesn't currently offer, you should definitely share it with them. The last question in their FAQ (no, not Frequently Asked Questions. Here it stands for Fun Awesome Questions) is "Would Frecklebox be interested in learning more about my idea?" Their response: "Does the sun set in the West? Bring on the brilliance, baby." I love a company with a sense of humor, I really do.
Even though I really wasn't expecting to find Rock Star party favors, these coloring books were an amazing surprise and worked perfectly. When it came time to order, Frecklebox is so quick and easy to navigate that after a few clicks and entering in each of the names that I needed, I was done. The high-quality, bright, fun coloring books arrived at my doorstep only a few days later.
Thanks, Pour Some Sugar On Me, for hosting such a cool giveaway at the right time. And thanks, Frecklebox, for following through on your mission to educate and entertain because that's exactly what happened at Big Sister E's Rock Star Party. Finally, for bringing the box up to the door and NOT ringing the doorbell (our mail always seems to come during naptime), thanks, Mail Carrier. You rock.
(Other than the gift certificate that covered one "large" item or multiple "small" items and shipping that I was lucky enough to win, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way but instead just really thought that Frecklebox products are positively too unique and cool to not share my opinion.)
How cool! :) Your little one looks excited! :)
Thanks for stopping by http://raisingmy4sons.com and signing up for my giveaways! :)
I am very impressed with your party for a 3-year old. Only problem...how do you follow that? You've still got next year and the year after that... you know what I mean? You've got your hands full!
everything came out so cool. love the rockstar theme
knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com
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