A tutu.
We're not talking any tutu, we're talking a custom-made, one-of-a-kind, gorgeous PINK tutu that I was beyond fortunate to win over at Crunchy Green Mom. I have to pause for a minute here to point out that this blog might not exist if it wasn't for Lilith's encouragement in starting one (she apparently thinks that I'm, like, funny or something?) so a huge thank you to her for giving me the extra push I needed, as well as pointing me in the right direction to get started.
When I saw that Crunchy Green Mom was hosting a giveaway for a gift certificate from Sugarbeez Tutus, I was immediately smitten. EVERY little girl needs a tutu, there is something completely magical that happens when they put it on that right away they are transformed into a princess. When I heard back that I had won, I knew it was going to lead to something special.
Unfortunately for Mackenzie, working mom and owner of Sugarbeez Tutus, I am truly quite poor at making decisions. Therefore, my emails contained lines that said things like "I would like to do a create your own type using pinks - hot pink, pink and light pink" and "...if that is an option, I think some pink or white ribbon would be wonderful." Helpful, right? Probably not so much. Fortunately for me, Mackenzie has been a creative maven for over 15 years and took my vision and created something amazing.

As well as being lovingly handmade, these tutus are sewn,

Looking to take pictures of your little girl in a beautiful outfit this fall?

How about an upcoming wedding in the spring? Forget the stuffy, traditional flower girl dresses that cost a fortune in the store and will never be worn again.

The reactions Big Sister E received from wearing her tutu from Sugarbeez Tutus were priceless. She was a little tentative about wearing it at first but as soon as everyone oohed and aahed and marveled at what a princess she was in it, she was sold. I think she even got into showing off her tutu a little bit. Plus, Big Sister E hearing how great she looked? LOVED. EVERY. MINUTE. What Rock Star wouldn't?
Thanks, Crunchy Green Mom, for having such a great giveaway (and for the whole "How come you don't have a blog?" chain of emails. Here's where they lead). And thanks, Sugarbeez Tutus, for making such awesome tutus and being such a loving shop... besides getting a great product, when you purchase a tutu from Sugarbeez, 5% of every sale goes to help fund research and information for Celiac Spruce Disease. Sugarbeez Tutus has currently raised over $400 in 3 months for Celiac Disease Research. That is a lot of adorable tutus!
The box Big Sister E's tutu came in was a wonderful find on our doorstep. Even though it was light, you still had to come trekking up our driveway with it, so thanks, Mail Carrier. You rock.
(Other than the gift certificate that covered one tutu and shipping that I was lucky enough to win, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way but instead just really thought that Sugarbeez Tutus are positively too gorgeous to not share my opinion.)
Oh.my.GOODNESS. It's products like these that make me cross my fingers for a little girl someday... E's tutu is positively gorgeous! It's a shame I'm a little too old to wear tutus myself... ;)
(BTW, there's a little something waiting for you on my blog - stop on by and pick up your newest award!)
How stinking cute!!! Oh how much fun you must have dressing up a little girl! :)
Oh my goodness! Those tutu's are beautiful!! Some of the prettiest I have seen. Poor Momma Such above with all 4 boys. Little boys are wonderful though :)
they are so beautiful!
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