In the time that has passed since then, Thanks, Mail Carrier has grown tremendously and I almost wouldn't even know where to begin in expressing my gratitude to everyone who has decided to join me on this ride. I was excited when I managed to have 50 followers, so you can imagine the heart-pounding that went on this morning when I saw the 300th person hop aboard.
But by far the best thing that has come from this blog is the friendship. I used to be the one reading the posts about how blogging brings people together but I never really understood. How is that possible when the internet is such a vast, wide open place?
Now that I'm here though, I get it. If I have a question, I leave a comment somewhere and will soon get an answer back. If I'm dealing with an issue in my life, chances are there are tons of moms out there that understand and can commiserate. Pretty much if I need something, someone steps up to the plate and is willing to help. Where else is there that much love?
Lately, friendship has made its way into my life in multiple ways.
One way was in the form of Sophia's Mom, The Wannabe Wahm, who now tops my list of People Who Are Geniuses At Things I Know Nothing About. See, somewhere in my mind I knew that she not only keeps up her personal blog (which is pretty freaking funny) but that she also designs gorgeous blogs on the side on her other site, Wannabe Blog Design. (Really, go check her out. You'll be impressed not only with her talent but with her generosity... she has cute freebie buttons and a link to yet another of her blogs, How To Blog Design. You'll pick up great tips!)
I've been desperately searching for a while now as to how to get the comments on my blog numbered because, let me tell you, counting through them to pick a winner for a giveaway is just not fun. I'm usually doing it over breakfast the morning after the giveaway has closed and trying to keep track while tending to Big Sister E's requests for more banana or Little Sister B's squawks for more oatmeal has just not been easy. I tried following comment-numbering tutorials I found online but not a single one worked, the comments still ended up without numbers.
How long did it take Sophia's Mom to swoop in and ease my troubles? Barely a few minutes. I almost want to run my fingers over the screen now when I see those beautiful numbers. They're just so pretty there, I can't help it. You too can be in numbered-comment bliss (I highly recommend it), just head over to Wannabe Blog Design and take a gander at what Sophia's Mom has to offer. Need a navigation bar? A blog button? Prices start at a measly $5! Right now I've got my eyes focused on even more of Sophia's Mom's generosity (I just can't seem to get enough) and have my fingers crossed tightly that I'll be the lucky winner of the blog makeover she's giving away on Confessions Of A First Time Mom. What a dream that would be!
The other way that friendship has found me this past month is with another heap of wonderful blog awards. It just doesn't get better than having your peers tell you they think you're doing a great job, it really doesn't.

Over at Ruminations of a Twenty-Something Momma, where you should hurry over to see pictures right now of the cutest pumpkin and UPS man (a major hero around here), I received the 2009 Friendly Blogger Award. Thanks, TwentySomethingMomma!

From A Mom's Balancing Act, where Jenna manages to keep up with her adorable 2-year-old while preparing for baby #2 and hosting great giveaways, I received the One Lovely Blog Award. Thanks, Jenna!
I love a good deal but was even more surprised when, over at "Deal"ightfully Frugal, I received the One Lovely Blog Award. That's even better than hearing about coupon deals, thanks!

Over at Kat's Confessions, where you can read "All of my thoughts, views, stories and whatever may seem interesting at the time," I received the Best Blog Award. I love that I was one of those interesting things for you, Katrina! Thanks!
It's no secret that I love giveaways, but I was really surprised and pleased when Kirsten at Gobs of Giveaways deemed me with the Best Blog Award. I love Kirsten's site and am so honored that she feels the same. Thanks, Kirsten!

One of the things that I use to wake myself up in the morning is a good dose of quick blog-browsing. So, I was happy to hear that Ida Red (aka Richele) from Under the Golden Apple Tree awarded me with the A Strong Cup of Coffee Award. Thanks so much, Ida Red!
So, to everyone out there that has come by and left a comment or entered a giveaway or even just lurked a little bit (that's okay, I understand), I want to say thanks! What started out as just my little blogging way of thanking my mail carrier for brightening my days has turned into something much more. It's like one big virtual hug when I turn on the computer every day and that's something I hadn't imagined would happen.
You're pretty great, Internet. You really are.
Congratulations on your awards!!!
ReplyDeleteI was glad to help! I wish you would have asked me sooner!
Congrats on the well-deserved awards!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on reaching 300..Er, now 308! Woo hoo! I'm at 299 as of this morning. I can't believe it!
I really enjoy your writing and our little chats. It is amazing how supportive the blogging community is. My husband calls my laptop my boyfriend. HE just doesn't understand.
congrats on all the awards! I love your blog :)
ReplyDeleteknickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com