Cough, cough, hack... sniffle... cough, COUGH.... sneeze, hack, cough...
I'm ready for cold and flu season to end and it's not even technically winter yet. Every year moms around the world keep their fingers crossed that their child won't catch the flu and this year it's even more worrisome with H1N1 going around and causing the fear level to be even higher than usual. Aside from barricading your children in at home and avoiding all interaction, you do all you can to prevent them from catching a cold... but if it happens, what can you do to help provide relief to cold symptoms in hopes that they won't turn into the flu?
Thankfully, Big Sister E and Little Sister B got over the last round of colds that they had and have been relatively healthy ever since. However, now that we have Peter Penguin around, our chances of staying well are even higher.

Although sorry about the unoriginal name, Peter. That's what happens when a 3-year-old decides.
Upon opening the box, the first thing we found out about our Crane Penguin Cool Mist Humidifier was that all it needed was water and it was ready to use. No screwdrivers, no pliers, no assembly required - definitely a plus. After setting the base in her room, I told Big Sister E that we were going to fill Peter up and he would be ready to protect her from the dry, scratchy air that has been hanging around lately.
I loved the convenient handle at the top of the water tank that makes it very easy to insert and remove it, as well as carry it back and forth to the sink. As for filling the tank, I was very happy to find that it fit right in the sink and the hole is plenty large enough that the faucet can be turned up high to quickly fill Peter. Filters? Not necessary, which is one less thing to worry about.
After putting the tank on the base and putting Peter's head on top, one flick of the switch (which is very smartly located on the back so little hands aren't tempted to turn it on and off) and the cool mist came flowing out of his beak. Crane stated that their Penguin Humidifier "Runs Whisper Quiet" and I was amazed at how accurate that is. I couldn't even hear the motor or fan over the other sounds going on in the background of our house.
As for Big Sister E? She is slightly a big Peter Penguin fan.
Crane's humidifiers have a long list of great features, starting with the most obvious: the delightful styles. Almost as much as she loved Peter Penguin, Big Sister E was infatuated with the card that came with him showing pictures of the

As well as the eye-catching design, I love the automatic shut-off function of our Penguin Humidifier, meaning I never have to worry about it running while it is out of water. That really doesn't tend to happen anyway, as the one gallon water

Leaks? Not Peter. No water comes out from the tank when filling or moving it and we haven't had a single leak come from anywhere since trying it out. There are no need for towels with Crane (they recommend not using them underneath their humidifiers to prevent overheating) and I don't have to worry that the wooden shelf ours is placed on will get wet. As with any humidifier, as

Best of all, however, the moisture our Crane Penguin Cool Mist Humidifier provides allows Big Sister E relief from nasal congestion, dry cough, sinus irritation and dry skin and allows her to breathe easier and get a good night's sleep. And that just makes EVERYONE happy.
During this cold and flu season, pediatricians are highly recommending cool mist humidifiers to help moisten the air and keep children breathing comfortably. For one person, it will be easy to take this advice as, due to the generosity of Crane...
One lucky person will win their choice of Penguin, Cow, Dragon, Duck or Pig Adorable Animal Humidifier from Crane!
To enter to win your choice of Crane Adorable Animal Humidifier: Visit Crane and tell me which of their products is your favorite. Please do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile. I have to have a way to contact the winner.

1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway. See the list on the top of my right sidebar - there are some really great ones going on right now and coming up!
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
Don't let colds or dry air get you down! Crane Humidifier #giveaway @thxmailcarrier! Penguin, Cow, Dragon, Duck or Pig! http://bit.ly/4A2MHY
2 Extra Entries per follow method (leave 2 separate comments for each type) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Crane. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on December 3rd at 11:59pm CST. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway open to US residents only.
A big thank you to Crane for providing me with a Penguin Cool Mist Humidifer for review as well as their choice of Penguin, Cow, Dragon, Duck or Pig for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 541 Newer› Newest»I like the Frog cool mist humidifier the best. I registered for it but never got it - so we have a boring plain jane one in my daughter's bedroom. All of their adorable animals humidifiers are cute!
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all the animal humidifiers were cute, but for my allergy prone kids, the penguin air purifier looked great.
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I already entered your Nell & Lizzy giveaway..
I like the Elephant Cool Mist Humidifier!
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I would pick the Cat Cool Mist Humidifier for my daughter's room.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
The frog is pretty darn cute.
I love the lime green (traditional) cool mist humidifier
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I lov the piggy since everything in my daughters room is piggy themed
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favorites are the Hello Kitty and the Penguin
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
I like the Frog cool mist humidifier the best.
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I like the Dragon Cool Mist Humidifier:)
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+1 Blogged about the great Crane giveaway here http://ma21cuteboy.blogspot.com/2009/11/dragon-to-make-you-better.html
+2 I blogged about this Crane giveaway here http://ma21cuteboy.blogspot.com/2009/11/dragon-to-make-you-better.html
+3 I blogged about the Crane giveaway here http://ma21cuteboy.blogspot.com/2009/11/dragon-to-make-you-better.html
My favorite product is the penguin hudmidifier! thank you
Pig humidifier, though the tower fans are pretty cool too.
i love the personal penguin air purifier also... how cute! heatheranya@hotmail.com
entered kid basix
entry #2
I love the penguin humidifier best! How cute is he.
I really like the Dragon Cool Mist Humidifier. I have been looking at a cool mist but just saw that there are different creatures. These are great.
Love the humidifiers! The product I like the best otherwise is the penguin air purifier - so cute and so useful!
My son likes the Dragon Cool Mist Humidifier. He uses a humidifier a lot due to his asthma specially during the cold season. Thanks you!
mommietj at yahoo dot com
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mommietj at yahoo dot com
I like the Oscillating Tower Fan with Digital Clock Display. Thanks for the chance!
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I blogged about your giveaway!
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mommietj at yahoo dot com
The dragon is our favorite.
Thanks for the giveaway:)
The cool mist humidifier in green is cute, but really they all are!
i like the ultra slim mini tower heater
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I love the frog.
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I entered the nelle & lizzy giveaway!
LOVE the cow humidifier!
the white cheddar smart puffs
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I adore the duck. So cute. Thanks.
I like the frog the best. I collect frogs so this would be a great win. Thanks.
my favorite is the cow humidifier
entered snugfits giveaway
entered Safe Sippy2 giveaway
Oh that cow humidifier is my favorite. Too cute beyond words. It would really go in my daughters room too.
I think the Frog humidifier is cute!
We'd definitely buy the Frog humidifer for our leap frog baby!
I really like the Hello Kitty Air Purifier.
The penguin is just so distinguished-looking! Of course I would choose him!
I love the elephant one on the website. I would pick the duck!
I like the dragon the best.
I follow yo on twitter and tweeted. http://twitter.com/dawn408/status/5905771438
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I really like the cat humidifier! And their air purifiers are cool too!
I love the dragon and the penguin.
I like the dog humidifier! Thanks!
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I follow and tweeted!
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I like the Ultra Slim Mini Tower Heater
copperllama at yahoo dot com
I love the elephant and the duck!
melodylumpkin at gmail dot com
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
I love the duck humidfier!
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I seriously adore the Spongebob one!
ajcmeyer at go dot com
I love the Ultra Slim Mini Tower Heater. looks way cooler than mine.. haha
I'm following your blog now. Following as Sihui.
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I'm following your blog now. Following as Sihui.
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the Leopard Cool Mist Humidifier is really cute
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I love the traditional Cool Mist Humidifier. The teardrop shape is so cool!
mrswetz at yahoo dot com
I love the leopard!
entered nelle and lizzy giveaway
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I really like the frog. Thanks for the chance.
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
Don't know if I entered this one yet but my fave is the penguin. My son loves penguins
We had the penguin up until my son broke it last year. LOVE the football - had not seen that one!
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I like the Dinosaur humidifier--he looks bright and cheerful!
clynsg at yahoo.com
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clynsg at yahoo dot com
they are all so cute. i would pick the frog or the cow.
love the hello kitty humidifier
entered the snugfits contest
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entered kid basix
I love the froggie cool mist humidifier the best.
i have also entered your onesie/baby legs giveaway.
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I subscribe to your RSS feed.
Both of my kids love the dragon one. I went shopping for one two weeks ago and Target didn't carry the dragon. We are holding out to find the dragon. Too cute. I'd pick the penguin for the living room though.
I really like the Oscillating Tower Fan with Digital Clock Display!
daily tweet
The pig humidier is my favorite
Love the dragon! that is so cute
I like the Hello Kitty one the most.
I love the Frog humidifier.
I subscribe.
I love the duck humidifier! How much cuter can they be? That would beat the Vicks brand humidifier my husband and I have anyday!
I love the duck ! adorable
bargainfun1 at yahoo
I also like the Ultra Slim Mini Tower Heater
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I like the teardrop shaped cool mist humidifier.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I like their air purifiers.
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entered the Nelle and Lizzie jewelry giveaway.
Oh this is tough, they are all so very cute!!! I guess I would pick the Cow...or the Pig.
bloggermommies at gmail dot com
I follow on twitter...@bloggermommies
and I tweeted http://twitter.com/BloggerMommies/status/5938077408
I would really love to win one of these!
bloggermommies at gmail dot com
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#2 I already have your cute button on my blog! http://BloggerMommies.blogspot.com
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