When I go visit my mom in the house I grew up in, each room holds memories of my childhood. In the living room, I can picture the countless sleepovers that my friends and I had and how much fun it was to stay up late into the night giggling and chatting. In the kitchen, I remember trying to make pancakes by myself for the first time and using sugar instead of flour in the batter... at least we caught the problem before trying to cook the runny mess.
What sticks out in my mind from my mom's bathroom (that is unfortunately still a problem) is how annoying the showerhead always was. Turning the water on full blast only resulted in an uneven splutter that not only did a poor job rinsing the shampoo from my hair, but it took ages to warm up. I would end up doing any number of things throughout the house in order to spend less time standing there shivering until I could get in under the measly amount of water.
Therefore, the idea of an eco-friendly showerhead was never my thing. I assumed that they were all going to be low-flow and plain, nothing that would provide a soothing, relaxing shower while still somehow saving water (and money). Then, there was evolve.
Created by people who wanted to save time, water and energy without having to make sacrifices or behavior changes, evolve and their ShowerStart technology is the answer for those of us that want to go green but still want to enjoy a luxury shower. Sounds pretty nice, doesn't it?
But what does this mean for you? If you're part of the 75% or more of people that turn on your shower and then proceed to do other things while you wait for it to warm

Step 1: Turn on your showerhead just like normal. The cold water will run out through the pipes as it begins to warm up. Step 2: Your evolve showerhead will monitor the water temperature for you and automatically lessen the water flow down to a trickle as soon as it has reached 95° F. You don't have to worry about wasting hot water! Step 3: When you're ready, flip the switch or pull the cord right on the showerhead to resume the normal flow of water for your relaxing, hot shower and hop in! Aaaaah.
We procrastinated a few days in putting up the beautiful water lily showerhead from evolve because neither my husband nor I are handy people. When I finally put my foot down and forced him in there, my husband was finished and back out of the bathroom before I even had a chance to go in to supervise. Yes, it was that easy (the water
There's just something about a rain showerhead that is instantly more relaxing than normal. Combine that with the maximum possible flow rate of water and a choice between rain, massage or a combination of the two and it really doesn't get much better than that. The water lily even resets itself after each shower so that the ShowerStart technology is in use every time the water is turned on.
The high quality of evolve's showerheads is evident in the solid brass fittings and anti-clog nozzles (standard on all of their showerheads) as well as the excellent performance the water lily has shown every time I've used it. If you're
Save water, energy consumption and money with any of evolve's showerheads, or, if you're happy with the showerhead that you currently have, simply attach their ladybug adapter and have the ShowerStart technology go to work for you, too. Whether you are looking for a handheld or a rain showerhead, chrome or brushed nickel, evolve's showerhead prices start at just $39.95. There is sure to be one to fit your budget, lifestyle and whichever shade of green that you may be - or aspire to be.
If you haven't already been convinced, for the next week enter the discount code Xenia121809 and receive $10 off your order at evolve! One of these fantastic items with a coupon? Now that's luxury at it's finest. Hurry though, this code will only work through December 22, 2009!
One person will no longer have to worry about taking the time to brush their teeth, catch an extra word or two of the morning news or answer ten more of their preschooler's "Why? Why, Mommy? Why?" questions while the shower is running, because, thanks to the generosity of evolve...
To enter to win your evolve water lily showerhead (in winner's choice of chrome or brushed nickel finish): Visit evolve and tell me another of their great products that you would like to try. Please do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile. I have to have a way to contact the winners.
Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted. For example, if you subscribe, leave one comment saying "I subscribe #1" and a separate comment saying "I subscribe #2")
1 Extra Entry if you read evolve's vision and tell me something that you learned or was meaningful to you.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway. See the list on the top of my right sidebar - there are some really great ones going on right now and coming up!
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
Evolve's water lily showerhead (ARV $75) is PURE LUXURY and eco-friendly! Win & relax @thxmailcarrier! http://bit.ly/5xuo6p #win #giveaway
2 Extra Entries per follow method (leave 2 separate comments for each type) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and evolve. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on January 4th, 2010 (a little extra time to skip over the holidays) at 11:59pm CST. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway open to US residents only.
A big thank you to Chevon at evolve for providing a water lily showerhead for review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. Now this is luxury! The opinions shared are my own and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 819 Newer› Newest»I'd like to try the emperor hand held shower.
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i'd also like to try the macaw
entered I.D. Me Labels giveaway
entered Activeion Pro giveaway
I would also like to try the emperor hand held shower head. It would be perfect for when i was the dog in the tub.
While I'd love the Water Lily in our shower, the kids would do well with the Macaw showerhead in their bathroom.
amythomas at gmail dot com
I learned that losing only 1 minute of hot water per shower can mean an additional $75 in utility bills and 2,700 gallons of water wasted per year – and that’s for a family of three
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entered sodastream
entered id me.
I'd like to try the waterlily rain showerhead
I learned that losing only 1 minute of hot water per shower can mean an additional $75 in utility bills and 2,700 gallons of water wasted per year.
follow google friends entry#1
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what an awsome giveaway..
following via MBC..hope you can follow back..my google friend connect is at the bottom of my blog..
The rain shower head looks cool! My husband would go ga-ga for this giveaway prize!
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I'd love to install a roadrunner low flow shower head in my home.
I like the Roadrunner Low-Flow Showerhead. It seems to be quite water efficient.
I really like that they created their showerstart technology because they wanted to save time, water and energy without sacrificing current behaviors... doesn't that sound like most people??
I entered the Ecostore $25 GC giveaway
I entered the Patient Style Chenile Lounge Socks giveaway
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The Macaw showerhead looks great too!
I would like to try the Roadrunner Lower Flo Showerhead. Thanks!
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
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lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I'd also like to try the Sunflower Standard showerhead.
From Evolve's vision, I learned they do their best to use recycled material and I identify with that.
I am entering Soda Stream Giveaway.
I am entering Chenille Lounge Socks Giveaway.
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I learned that it's better to offer people alternatives that won't create too much of a change in their habits than expect people to change their behaviors simply for a cause. In other words, change has to be incorporated to adapt to people rather than people adapting to change in order for the change to be successful.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I like the emperor
I love the Aspen! Thanks for the chance!!
I pick the emperor.
I like the Macaw hand held showerhead.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I would love to try the roadrunner
I'd like to try the emperor hand held shower.
entered Activeion Pro (ARV $299).
subscriber 2
Daily Tweet
have ur button 2
have ur button 3
the rain shower head looks cool!
I'd like to try the Tulip Shower head
I learned that 1 minute of hot water per shower can mean an additional $75 in utility bills and 2,700 gallons of water wasted per year for a family of 3.
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I entered the Activeion Pro Giveaway
I think the Panda Showerhead looks nice too.
I like their Vision statement as it sounds a lot like our family -- we try our best, but sometime we leave the water running, etc.
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I love handhelds so I would like the macaw or the emperor!
Besides the Water Lily, the Aspen or the Panda looks cool too!
I learned that losing only 1 minute of hot water per shower can mean an additional $75 in utility bills and 2,700 gallons of water wasted per year. That's HUGE!!!
I entered your Globetrotters giveaway!
I entered your soda fountain giveaway.
I entered your water cleaner giveaway!
I would like to try the panda showerhead. Enter me please. Thanks.
The panda showerhead looks cool. sweezeybaby@yahoo.com
Awesome! I also like the Tree Frog showerhead. Thanks!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
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shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
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shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I would love to try the Aspen shower head.
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted, http://twitter.com/laprochaine/status/6738315147
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I'd like the aspen rain shower head
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
The emperor shower head looks awesome! I need one for my second bath.
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Found you from MBC!
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I would also love the "Emperor."
clctaube @ yahoo.com
Twitter follower (clctaube) and tweet: http://twitter.com/clctaube/status/6740794550
clctaube @ yahoo.com
I'd like to try the Roadrunner
I like the RoadRunner showerhead!
The Emperor hand held -- for me and my dogs.
I'd like to try the roadrunner.
I entered the SodaStream giveaway.
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Twitter follower. Tweet! http://twitter.com/mommyisgreen/status/6744425005
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I have your button on my blog #2. http://mommyisgreen.blogspot.com/
I have your button on my blog #3. http://mommyisgreen.blogspot.com/
I like the Emperor handheld shower head.
roblyn66 at yahoo dot com
I would love to try the macaw. I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com
I like the tulip
I would like to try the Macaw
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I like the Emperor handheld shower head.
The Waterlily is perfect for when im doing at home hair care (i do ALOT)!
Following on Google friend connect
Following on Google friend connect
I'd like to try the Emperor Hand Held Shower Head.
I read their vision and learned that they want to save time, water, and energy without making and behavior changes.
I entered the SodaStream giveaway.
I entered the Harlem Globetrotters giveaway.
I entered the Activeion giveaway.
I entered the PatientStyle giveaway.
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I like the looks of the handheld shower.
I also love their Macaw! Thank you!
I love that they they want a way to save time, water and energy without making sacrifices or behavior changes.
I'm following you on Twitter (Tina12312) and I tweeted http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/6763898962
thank you!
I follow your blog with google friend connect.
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I also entered your Active Ion giveaway.
i'd like to try the panda shower head. thanks for the chance.
I love the panda shower!
emails ubscriber
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The Macaw shower head looks nice. Thanks for the chance.
The emperor hand held would be great!
The emperor hand held sounds divine!
sksweeps [at] earthlink [dot] net
ThankfullyThrifty at gmail dot com
full flow rain shower head!
I love that they are real! Recycling is GREAT but they don't claim to be pros.
ThankfullyThrifty at gmail dot com
I entered another giveaway here!
ThankfullyThrifty at gmail dot com
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
i like the emperor handheld showerhead
i also entered the sodastream giveaway
i follow you on twitter (redfuzzycow) and tweetedhttp://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/6789736387
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i subscribe to your blog by email (redfuzzycow@yahoo.com) #2
Ladybug Showerhead is another great product.
I would love to win and I tweeted again http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/6799816112
thank you!
I would really love to have the rain shower head!! ALSO - I am a mail carrier - so I know about rain!! lol
I'd love to try the Roadrunner, low flow shower head.
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
I would like to try the Sunflower traditional showerhead with a brushed nickel finish.
I like the Ladybug Low Flow showerheads
I love the Roadrunner showerhead.
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com
I like the roadrunner showerhead
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I entered the soapnuts laundry giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the Sweet Arts book giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the UPrinting giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the Hazelaid giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the Chenille Lounge Socks giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the SodaStream Fountain Jet Soda Starter Kit giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the Harlem Globetrotters giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the I.D. Me Labels giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the EcoStore giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the Activeion Pro giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
daily tweet http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/6831151558
Love to try the Sunflower showerhead. #1
Follow on Twitter @janetnels #2
I also like the Tulip Showerhead
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