Thursday, December 24, 2009

What some may call a "guest post" is what I might call "just me rambling."

A few days ago Shannon, the adorably sweet writer of Coupon Mommy of 2... Now 3 approached me about writing a guest blog post for her. To which I immediately responded, "Huh?" Not knowing what to write about, ideas floated through my head for a day or two (which I left poor Shannon hanging) and I finally agreed and thought, well, sure, why not?

To see my oh-so-eloquent post on my thoughts about my mail carrier being Santa Claus and how I feel about my blog and my blogging friends, head on over there and check it out. While you're there, if you decide to follow Shannon's recipe and make some peanut butter balls, be sure and send a few this way because it would make my husband pretty happy. He's a big fan and, since I'm not, he has to wait for his own mother to make them for him every year. That's the holiday spirit, right?

Speaking of which, I can't wait to see the look on Big Sister E's face when she sees the following pictures tomorrow morning:

Okay. Our living room. Nothing exciting.

What the? Where did HE come from?

That's right, shhhh. He's a sneaky one, that Santa Claus.

Thanks to Nichol over at Kiddies Corner Deals for hosting a fun giveaway from Capture the Magic, because now our Christmas morning is going to have a little extra excitement!

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday and get to enjoy some quality time with your families... Here's to a great end to 2009 and an even better beginning for 2010!


Amy R said...

Hi Xenia! I love the last picture, too cute! :-) Have a merry Christmas!

doreen lamoureux said...


stefanie said...

these pictures are great!! A merry christmas and happy New Year to you and your family!

(...just stopping by from MBC)

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

How cool is that?!? Love it - Hope you had a great day with your family.

Emily's Family said...

Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

What necessary words... super, a remarkable phrase

lovemylevi said...

Following from MBC, hope to see you at soon!

Stockpiling Mom said...

Following from MBC!

Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip said...

Awesome post on Shannon's site. I learned a lot!! And I left a comment for you over there on her site too. Hope your holidays are awesome!!!

Mandee said...

Oh I can't wait to hear what your little one thought of the pics! How exciting!!! :)

TwentySomethingMomma said...

Stopping by to send you and your beautiful girls belated Christmas greetings! I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend with your family! :D

Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip said...

Hi Xenia! I'm sorry that you found your award today before I was able to tell you about it myself! I suck!! It's been hard to keep up during the holidays. I loooove your bloggie and I'm glad to know I'm not the only complete and total addict around. Thanks for the friendship and sweet support! I heart you:)

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love it!
how cool is that!!!

visiting via follower club MBC...following you on google friend connect...hope you will follow back..

MIG said...

I bet Big Sister E was so excited!

Liz Mays said...

The pictures came out so cute!! Now I'm wondering what she thought! :)

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures with santa!

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

So you caught Santa sneaking under the tree too?