Thursday, January 14, 2010

CONTEST: 1 of 10 Cottonelle Gift Baskets

This is a very personal topic... but it's time to tell the truth.

Are you Over or are you Under?

I am definitely an Over. I can't take it when my toilet paper comes from underneath the roll, it's just not right! I'm not to the point where I would change the roll at someone else's house (those people are a little too toilet paper-crazed) but I definitely need it to be Over in my own home.

Want to win 1 of 10 Cottonelle Gift Baskets for your family? Cottonelle will compile the entries from all of the blogs participating and draw 10 winners on January 29, 2010.

How do you enter? This is an easy one - all you have to do is leave a comment! Go ahead and tell me if you're an Over or an Under and how important it is to you and you'll be entered to win!

(By posting this giveaway, I am entering to win a month's worth of Cottonelle toilet paper as a member of the Mom Bloggers Club. Who doesn't need more toilet paper?)


Anonymous said... 1

The consensus in the blogs seems to be over, doesn't it? I'm over, myself.

EmmysBoosAndRawrs said... 2

I voted under, but I don't really care either way I just like going against teh majority. haha.

my email is littleheathen9109 at yahoo dot com

elaine said... 3

I agree-I am over!

Elaine R

Cupy Cakey said... 4

Positively an OVER! That's how I roll...LOL

Miriam T. said... 5

I'm on team over!

Luv to Save said... 6

I'm team over also!

following you from MBC- simply 50

dymphna said... 7

i'm on team over

Ashleigh said... 8

I prefer over but not a huge deal to me.
ThankfullyThrifty at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 9

OVER all the way here....
when it is actually on the roll thingy... LOL
over is wining 81% to 19%
Annie Wadsworth

Andrea Kruse said... 10

I am a stick in the mud over kinda gal! I have even been known to change it at friends' houses... shhh don't tell anyone!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

mommietj said... 11

I am over.... over is the right way! LOL

mommietj at yahoo

Unknown said... 12

OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER I have to tell them to CHANGE the toilet paper roll and PUT the Cottonelle roll OVER!!!!

(All those overs were for my six kids and hubby...who could give a crap---pun intended, but makes me crazy!!!Haha!)

aledol said... 13

Under for us girls-3
over for the guys-3

Anne said... 14

over, but it is not important to me.

Kim said... 15

Over- so important

Unknown said... 16

We are definitely on Team Over.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

bettycd said... 17

Over, absolutely over in my house. Can't remember ever changing it while visiting elsewhere so guess I'm not at the head of the Over Team list. Interesting how few are voting for under - I would of thought it was more even

Anonymous said... 18

I actually had to look, but I guess I am over. Obviously, not a biggie---- now if we are talking toilet seat--- I am down, lol.


Amy said... 19

Under, haha!

Kristina Jo said... 20

I am SUCH an over that I find myself fixing EVERY roll of toilet paper that isn't going the "right" way. No matter what house or business I'm at. It's a good thing most places have those covers over them so I can't see the toilet paper roll!

Veronica said... 21

Hahhaa... I can't believe it that I am not the only person out there that is DEFINITELY an Over. I can't stand for it to be under even to the point I always switch ours in the house correctly to being over but also awhile I am at other houses. Wow, I am not alone :) Thanks for a great giveaway!

moushka said... 22

OVER OVER OVER!!! How dare anyone have it under. And yes, I have changed at other peoples houses.....I need to go to TPA (toilet paper annonymous)....LOL!

Pres. Kathy said... 23

In our home it is OVER!

Unknown said... 24

we are an OVER family!

Anonymous said... 25

I voted with the majority....over
although I really don't mind either way, as long as the roll gets changed when it's empty.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Jennifer C. said... 26

Team OVER!

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Molomatic said... 27

I'm definitely a roll OVER gal, thanks!

Anonymous said... 28

I was always an under until I met my husband. Now I am an over who dreams about being an under once again. (smile)

Ashley said... 29

Team OVER!

Mami2jcn said... 30

Roll over.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Kristy said... 31

Over, over, over!

Unknown said... 32

I am over.

Kel said... 33

Over is the best!

Cheryl said... 34

I am an under. I can't handle seeing the paper come off the top, it has to be mysterious and come out from under.

Unknown said... 35

Obsessively over!

Jennifer T. said... 36

I am in the OVER crowd.

Lisa R said... 37

I am an over person. Don't even get me started with this. I don't need someone coming to my house reaching for an under with their hands full of poop and grabbing for an under and touching the wall instead. What about the public bathrooms when the roll thing is broken and they have the roll just sitting there and they want you to unroll it by hand and everyone elses hands were holding it before u.

sibabe64 at ptd dot net

Terri Dell said... 38

Always over, I will turn it around if someone puts it on the wrong way.

Tamara B. said... 39

There is only one way we roll in this house and it is Team Over

LV said... 40

I'm definitely TEAM OVER!

leonardml said... 41

I'm over, but not anal about it!

Lindsey said... 42

I'm an over. If my husband puts the roll on incorrectly (assuming he actually put the roll on at all), I have to fix it.

Jen V said... 43

I'm an over. It drives me nuts when the kids put it on the other way!
ssovrnej (at)

Barbarawr said... 44

I'm an over, but I could probably survive if ANYBODY ELSE in this household actually put a roll on the other way. I don't see it happening in this lifetime, though.

Nancye said... 45

OVER-- for sure!! I get very irritated when someone replaces the roll and puts it under. It is much harder to pull off the roll if it is under.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Mijal Photography said... 46

over... but really not that picky!

Unknown said... 47

i'm deffinetlly an over!
i drives me CRAZY if it isn't over!
yeah, maybe i'm a little insane =P

Robyn said... 48

I'm definitely an "over." I have to resist the temptation to change every "under" I come across, so I'd say I'm mildly compulsive about it. :)

h. mcnaron said... 49

has to be over, how could anyone stand under?

Wendi P said... 50

I am on Team Over as is most of the U.S. Yay!

Jaime said... 51

Over. Period. There is no other way!

Latsyrc728 said... 52

I would have to say under, but that is mainly because I have 2 cats and a dog that like to play with toilet paper. Under makes it a little less easy for them! I personally don't care, as long as there is toilet paper on the roll!

merlot83 said... 53

Over. WHy is it that Cali is the only under state??

Sandra said... 54

Over is best.

CathyH said... 55

Under here in TN :)
cathyhorner at

Jennifer H said... 56

Over! Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

wigget said... 57

i'm an over. it's not that important to me, but it does irk me when it's under.

Jolynn said... 58

It's always been over the top at our house.

robcallfamily said... 59

i like it over...but it isnt to big of a deal at our house!

bigskygirls said... 60


mrvannice at hotmail dot com

Jaime said... 61

Alway OVER
very important it is always over, the cats find it too easy to unwind if it is under
copperllama at yahoo dot com

kanaha said... 62

over! it's just easier

Meg said... 63

That is so funny that most are "overs"--me too : )

Anonymous said... 64

I'm an over but flexible I wouldn't change it at someone else's house!

jbats101 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Anonymous said... 65

I voted Team Under :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Erica best said... 66

i'm an under. it's not that important to me

Anonymous said... 67

I am team over! LOL
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 68

nynekats at aol dot com

The Dreamer said... 69

Over! Over! Over! I've even changed it at someone's house before. I'm a freak. :)

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

betsy said... 70

neither, we have ours in a basket.

trishden said... 71

Hello, I'm definately an over. If my husband or son puts it on the wrong way, I always change it. Is that an obsession or just plain common sense? It's very important to me. Thanks for a great giveaway! trishden948(at)yahoo(dot)com

Ms. Anita said... 72

I'm an "over." Only one in our family thinks she's an under, but we'll forgive her! LOL!

roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

LMG said... 73

I'm an over but the unders don't bother me!

Anonymous said... 74

over over!

doreen lamoureux said... 75

I can't believe I almost missed this. I am Team Over. Not sure why...I just always was.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Candace said... 76

I definately over. And I have to have it that way.

afinegirlyar said... 77

Definately an over.
It burns my bu!! when someone makes it an under :(