We've used various humidifiers in the past that have all been little and inexpensive and inevitably stopped working after not too long. What did we do then? Why, eventually replaced it with another small and cheap one, of course. This cycle has continued for years with my husband and I blissfully unaware of all of the benefits that humidification brings that we were really missing out on.
Fortunately, we now know that there is a better way. Its name is AIR-O-SWISS.

The AIR-O-SWISS 7144 Digital Warm & Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier humidifies the air in rooms up to 650 sq ft, is energy-efficient, ultra quiet, state-of-the-art and... well, just plain pretty. On top of that, it doesn't use any annoying filters and boasts a list of special features that make it incredibly easy to operate and more user-friendly than almost all other electronic items in my life (I'm looking at you, complicated new waffle maker).
The large LCD display on the AOS 7144 makes choosing a setting as easy as pressing a button - you just have to decide which of it's handy settings will work best for you. Set the timer if you'd like the humidifier to

By pressing the hygrostat, when the room reaches your chosen % (between 40 and 60% is recommended), the AOS 7144 will automatically turn off and wait until it senses that the level has decreased to turn itself on again. Now that is a smart machine.
Using high-frequency vibrations to generate a micro-fine mist that immediately evaporates, I was pretty

Even better, I woke up the next morning in a room that was suddenly no longer a desert. I marveled at the way my skin and lips weren't incredibly dry and irritated and when I got up it didn't feel as though the entire place was charged with static electricity.
Another huge plus I immediately discovered is the ease of cleaning

All of AIR-O-SWISS's air treatment systems (ultrasonic humidifiers, air washers, air purifiers and evaporators) are

AIR-O-SWISS has set out to not only improve the quality of our air, but the quality of our lives. A large section of their website is devoted to Air Education, in hopes that they can pass along important information about the impact the harmful substances in the air have on our bodies and our health. Amazing products from a caring company? What else can we ask for? How about generosity? Of course! Thanks to the incredible kindness of AIR-O-SWISS...
One lucky person will win an AIR-O-SWISS 7144 Digital Warm & Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier of their own! ARV $199!

To enter to win your AOS 7144 Ultrasonic Humidifier: Check out AIR-O-SWISS and all of their amazing products and tell me another one that you would love to own. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner.
Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted. For example, if you subscribe, leave one comment saying "I subscribe #1" and a separate comment saying "I subscribe #2")
1 Extra Entry if you tell me which room in your house needs this great humidifier the most. Do you or your children sleep in the desert like I did?
1 Extra Entry if you sign up to receive the AIR-O-SWISS newsletter (to do so you must also register as a member).
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway. See the list on the top of my right sidebar - there are some really great ones going on right now and coming up!
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
AIR-O-SWISS Digital Warm & Cool Ultrasonic Humidifier (ARV $199) erases dry winter air! @thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/8vhayW #win #giveaway
2 Extra Entries per follow method (leave 2 separate comments for each type) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries (leave 3 separate comments) if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and AIR-O-SWISS. Please leave an address where it can be found.

A big thank you to AIR-O-SWISS for providing a AOS 7144 for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. I'll never go back to the desert again! The opinions shared are my own and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1674 Newer› Newest»the AOS 2055D Digital Air Washer sounds interesting
i would put it in my bedroom (master bedroom)
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I would also love to own the AOS 2061 Air Cleaner. I'm sure it would help out, considering we have 2 indoor cats and everyone in the house suffers from allergies.
following on twitter (as SnowflakeDay) and tweeted: http://twitter.com/SnowflakeDay/status/7738076346
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We would use this in our bedroom the most. I always wake up with dry mouth. We also have a terrible time with dry skin and this would probably help that a lot.
registered as a member/newsletter at Air-O-Swiss (username: Snowflake07 email: hotpepper71 at bellsouth dot net)
bwneyes100 AT Hotmail DOT com
I'm also loving the AOS 7144 Digital Ultrasonic!
Following on Google friend connect!
Something that I could *actually* find useful would be their evaporators. Specifically, I'm drawn to their AOS E2441 Evaporator :D
I live in Arizona and the one room that certainly needs to be humidified most would be the bedroom. There is nothing worse than having to sleep with a dry mouth and dry sinuses.
I just tweeted this giveaway here :D
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I just blogged this giveaway here :D
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I just blogged this giveaway here :D
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I would like to try the AOS 2055D Digital Air Washer
I need this in my bedroom - we have forced heat in our apartment and it is sooooo dry
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I would also love the AOS 2061 Air Cleaner
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would love to use this in my bedroom. The air gets SO dry in winter!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow through twitter and tweeted
I travel a lot so the travel ultrasonice would be a godsend.
1/14 tweet: http://twitter.com/Latsyrc728/status/7747588459
I think I'd be interested in the
AOS 7135 Digital Warm & Cool Mist Ultrasonic.
May Schultz
I like the air washers, I've never heard of such a thing!
Oh how I could use this, but I could use the AOS 2061 Air Cleaner too. I am such a neat freak that this would be neat to have also.
The AOS 2961 air cleaner is a product I like.
I would love to own the AOS 2071 air cleaner and humidifier. Please enter me.
AOS E2441 Evaporator
My son's bedroom needs this the most!
Following on Twitter and tweeted
Signed for AOS newsletter
I would like to have the the AOS 2061 Air Cleaner.
i like the AOS 7135 Digital Warm & Cool Mist Ultrasonic humidifier
we'd put this in my son's room because he has frequent bloody noses
entered wee squeak giveaway
entered My Emmy Baby Custom Tee or Onesie giveaway
I was eyeing the 7135 before I saw this offer.
jeanerz at gmail dot com
I would love the AOS 2071 Air Cleaner and Humidifier. We live in dry Colorado and my son has terrible asthma and allergies, this would help us tremendously!
My arid bedroom. I wheeze. Get electric shocks. Plants dessicate.
jeanerz at gmail dot com
Wow the Travel Ultrasonic would be great...
I'd love to try one of the air cleaners.
I would like the AOS 2071...Air Cleaner. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the AOS 2061 Air Cleaner
Purification System. It looks strong and durable. Thanks for this giveaway. Definitely a popular one.
heidibokor @ yahoo . com
My little girls room is in need of a new one most. She always wakes up congested, coughing, stuffy, etc. no matter what time of year. Thank you.
heidibokor @ yahoo . com
I follow via Google Connect #1. Thank you.
heidibokor @ yahoo . com
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heidibokor @ yahoo . com
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heidibokor @ yahoo . com
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heidibokor @ yahoo . com
I am subscribed via email #2. Thank you.
heidibokor @ yahoo . com
I entered the Oompa Toys Giveaway. Thank you.
heidibokor @ yahoo . com
I like the AOS 7135 Digital Warm & Cool Mist Ultrasonic
The Travel Ultrasonic would be very handy for our winter trips.
The travel ultrasonic would be nice for my traveling. Thanks for the chance.
The AOS 2061 Air Cleaner would be useful for us.
I'd put it in the boys' room, since my oldest son has horrible allergies.
Signed up for their newsletter.
Entered the Wee Squeak giveaway.
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Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/2010/01/air-o-swiss-giveaway/
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/2010/01/air-o-swiss-giveaway/
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/2010/01/air-o-swiss-giveaway/
TWeet thank you RE http://bit.ly/7ClsYR
The room I would put it in is my bedroom. My room becomes dry during the winter and there are several times I get out of bed for a drink of water.
The product I'd pick from the AirOSwiss website is the Evaporator. It looks like a great product especially for the recirculating of cleaner air :)
my email is melisme5@hotmail.com
Thanks! Mel
AOS 2071 Air Cleaner.
AOS 2055 Air Washer.
I think the digital air washer sounds really cool!
What a great contest - thanks for posting!
I think the air cleaners look great.
We would put it in the bedroom. My husband has allergies & snores maybe this will help.
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entered affordable scarves
AOS 1355N Air Washer
msboatgal at aol.com
I'd use this in our loft
msboatgal at aol.com
I would love the travel humidifier as my husband travels a lot and he always suffers from dry air.
I also like the Travel Ultrasonic Humidifier (AOS 7146).
sugarandsnails (at) gmail (dot) com
http://twitter.com/fangirljen/status/7774381259 TWEET
I would like the AOS 7146 Travel Ultrasonic.
I would place the humidifier in my son's room.
I am entered in the Oompa Toys giveaway
I am entered in the Wee Squeak shoes giveaway
This air cleaner would be great: AOS 2061 Air Cleaner
mrssquigg at comcast dot net
I follow on Google friend COnnect
Our great room really is a huge great room with 16 foot tall ceilings and very open. This is the room we all spend most of our time in and during the dry winter and heat from the furnace it gets really dried out in there. That's where I'd love to use this the most.
mrssquigg at comcast dot net
I follow you on Twitter.
mrssquigg at comcast dot net
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mrssquigg at comcast dot net
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Brandy B
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Brandy B
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mrssquigg at comcast dot net
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mrssquigg at comcast dot net
main entry: i would like ,
Air Cleaner & Humidifier
campcreeknanny ay gmail dot com
Daily Tweet:
entered affordable scarves
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
I would love the AOS 7135 Digital Warm & Cool Mist Ultrasonic. It would make my and my dog less staticky!
urchiken at gmail dot com
bwneyes100 AT Hotmail DOT com
We live in southern California and the air is really dry. I've been planing to get a humidifier mainly because of my 2 year old. The second product I would like to have is the AOS 2061 Air Cleaner. clean air is.
I would need the humidifier mostly for my daughters room.
Following your blog with Google.
And once again I'm following you with Google.
Following on twitter and retweeted. http://twitter.com/mariagraphics (don't really know how to link to the actual tweet)
I entered the Affordable Scarves giveaway
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/happyenchilada2/status/7779710357
tweeted @momsfocus
Cottonelle ent
AS ent
Another product I would love to have is the AOS 2061 Air Cleaner..Thanks
I would put it downstairs since it is so open..
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I just tweeted this giveaway here :D
Daily tweet http://twitter.com/jjak2003/statuses/7783082052
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would also like the AOS 2071 Air Cleaner & Humidifier.
I like the AOS 2061 Air Cleaner
1/15 tweet: http://twitter.com/Latsyrc728/status/7796016734
Tweet thank you RE http://bit.ly/6mM227
I would like to have AOS E2441 Evaporator.
I entered Wee Squeak shoes.
I entered Evoraplus probiotic mints
I entered my emmy baby tees
Retweeted once again : http://twitter.com/mariagraphics
I like the Air Cleaner & humdifier(Combined) AOS 2071. It should really be a big help to me.
May Schultz
I like the Air Cleaner & humdifier(Combined) AOS 2071. It should really be a big help to me.
May Schultz
I would love the digital air washer.
daniellawolff07 at gmail dot com
tweet: http://twitter.com/SnowflakeDay/status/7800502695
My son's room definitely needs this humidifier the most. His just decided to quit on us!
daniellawolff07 at gmail dot com
I also enteredthe Emmy Baby custom tee giveaway
daniellawolff07 at gmail dot com
entered the affordable scarves giveaway
daniellawolff07 at gmail dot com
Today's tweet: http://twitter.com/Getalonghome/statuses/7801571927
daily tweet
I also entered your Wee Squeak Adorable Shoes giveaway.
Daily tweet
http://twitter.com/fangirljen/status/7805331072 TWEET
I'd like to have the AOS 2055D Digital Air Washer for my house.
ehhogan at bellsouth.net
the ultimate traveler would be really neat to have
Another product I'd like to own is AOS 2071 Air Cleaner & Humidifier (Combi)
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Entered the Affordable Scarves giveaway
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
I like the AOS 1355N Air Washer Item # 30184.
I need it for my son's bedroom.
Tweet http://twitter.com/DreeG/status/7818484860
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I entered the Cottonelle Gift Baskets
I just tweeted this giveaway here :D
Entered your Affordable Scarfs giveaway. thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Daily tweet http://twitter.com/jjak2003/statuses/7821942480
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
The Travel Ultrasonic Humidifier would be great to have too!
1/16 tweet: http://twitter.com/Latsyrc728/status/7829512270
Daily tweet
I think I would like the AOS7135 Digital Warm&Cool Mist. That looks good to me.
May Schultz
tweet: http://twitter.com/SnowflakeDay/status/7835452542
http://twitter.com/fangirljen/status/7835974895 TWEET
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/bekki1820cb/status/7839613675
bekki1820cb at gmail
I like the AOS 2055D Digital Air Washer
I think the bedroom needs it the most. Sleeping with moist air really helps sinuses.
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