Lose weight.
"I need to lose weight." "How can I lose weight?" "I'm unhappy with my weight."
I know for a fact that I'm not the only woman who hears those words go through her head multiple times a day, every day, every week. However, with resolutions running rampant this time of year, the little voice in my head has been talking a little louder than it normally has. LOSE WEIGHT.

I'll be honest though, there are two main things that are always in the way of me managing to shed the extra pounds. One is my complete lack of willpower. I know everyone is faced with temptations but I really do think I'm missing the part in my genetics that would allow me to walk past a brownie and not eat it. Even if I'm telling myself that I don't need it, my hands find a way to get it to my mouth.
Second is my sheer and utter laziness. Exer-what? When it's warm out at least I can walk to the park with my kids. In the winter? Nope, nothing. It's like that same willpower that forces the junk food into my mouth manages to turn up again, this time as feelings of exhaustion that overcome any ideas about going to a gym or even turning on one of the many workout DVDs that are sitting around here.
Needless to say, I need help. I need someone to tell me exactly what to do and what to eat and possibly find a way to send a message to my body to start burning some extra calories. That's not too much to ask, right?

EIROfit (pronounced air-o) is more than a typical diet program, it is a complete weight management system designed to help you reach and maintain your ideal weight with ease. Combining general exercise and dietary guidelines with their two main supplements, EIRO Burn and EIRO Lean, you are able to begin taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle from the moment the products arrive. They even offer an online system to track your progress, so you can receive support while seeing the results.

So what are these innovative products? EIRO Burn is easy. Just pop one of these metabolism-boosting capsules into your mouth and it helps enhance your energy level while controlling hunger between meals - two things that I know I sure can use extra
EIRO Lean helps with the all-important calorie reduction, as it is a meal replacement shake that is low in fat, high in protein and contains multiple vitamins and minerals for ideal nutrition. It is also high in fiber and contains resistant starches that are not digested by the small intestine and keep you feeling full longer. Extremely easy to make, simply use the provided scoop and mix EIRO Lean with milk (or try one
As I mentioned, I'm someone who needs explicit instructions to follow when it comes to weight loss. Fortunately, the EIROfit program breaks things down into two phases that are clear enough for even a slacker like me to follow.
First, the Induction Phase, which can last anywhere from two to four months depending on the amount of weight you need to lose, is designed to quickly help you lose the extra pounds and get your body to the ideal weight that you are working to achieve. When you've reached that goal, the second phase, the Maintenance Phase, begins and works to aid in keeping your new, healthy lifestyle.
Throughout the Induction Phase and the first week of the Maintenance Phase, EIRO Burn and EIRO Lean play a large part in getting you on track with losing weight and reducing the amount of calories that you take in, therefore encouraging

However, with the recommendations that EIROfit gives for exercise and diet (including meals from The Wellness Prescription by Dr. David Rahm), by the second week in the Maintenance Phase, you are able to go back to eating three meals a day (healthy ones, of course!) and continue upholding your new weight. I appreciate the fact that EIROfit actually wants to teach you how to live and eat on your own so that you don't have to worry about what will happen when you complete their program.
I wasn't able to try the EIROfit system out for an extended enough period of time to gauge how much weight I truly could have lost or how easy it is to maintain it, but I was able to review both the EIRO Burn and the EIRO Lean enough to get a feel for how it works and how using the full program would show true benefits for anyone.

So, for two weeks I did my best to follow the program and found that it did indeed meet up to my initial impressions. Taking EIRO Burn was extremely easy, simply wash a capsule down with breakfast and with dinner, no problems there. When it came to EIRO Lean, I was pleasantly surprised with the vanilla taste and how it really did curb my hunger. One shake kept me from snacking and didn't result in that feeling of not having eaten anything as I had found in the past with other meal replacement drinks.
The aspect that I had the most difficulty with was, of course, sticking with the program. Only days after starting EIROfit, my husband and I were treated to a weekend away for the two of us (thanks to his parents watching the girls) and... well, I managed to take my EIRO Burn twice daily, but when it came to our meals my old habits returned and I went back to my usual unhealthy overeating.
At the completion of two weeks, I ended up having lost three pounds. Not a huge amount, but not too bad either, particularly because one weekend included vacation eating and one weekend included a family birthday party (and cheesecake. Lots of cheesecake). Imagine what could be accomplished in eight weeks or more and with even a small amount of willpower? If you're looking for a way to jump start your weight loss, EIROfit is a great place to start!

As a retail customer, EIRO Burn sells for $49 for 60 capsules and EIRO Lean costs $49 for 15 servings. It pays to sign up as a preferred customer, however, because using the convenient EIROfit autoship program will save 25% off of the retail price of their products. For more information or to order any EIROfit products, be sure to visit their website.
Now is the time to lose weight and feel better about yourself! Thanks to the generosity of EIROfit, one person will get to experience the program for themselves because...
One lucky person will win a canister of EIRO Lean and a bottle of EIRO Burn for themselves! ARV $98!

To enter to win EIRO Lean and EIRO Burn from EIROfit: Visit Become Whole with EIRO and tell me something that you learned there. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner.
Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted. For example, if you subscribe, leave one comment saying "I subscribe #1" and a separate comment saying "I subscribe #2")
3 Extra Entries if you sign up to receive information about EIROfit on SkinnyGenes. Your information is kept extremely private, so you don't have to worry about receiving any junk.
1 Extra Entry if you tell me what you found to be the most interesting aspect of one of the EIROfit products.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
You can start losing weight now with EIROfit products (ARV $98)! @thxmailcarrier @kristinajschulz http://bit.ly/cU23L1 #win #giveaway
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. I've moved! Please update your button code! Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and EIROfit. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on February 25th at 11:59pm CST. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.
A huge thank you to Kristina for providing me with EIROfit products to review as well as one canister of EIRO Lean and one bottle of EIRO Burn for one lucky giveaway winner. A healthy weight management system, what a wonderful program! The opinions shared are my own and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
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Entered Chic Monkey giveaway!
i learned that EIRO Energy contains no synthetic caffeine, no taurine, and no preservatives
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I was somewhat disappointed to learn that the 'proven' results come from an 8-week evaluation of a mere 25 participants... of which only 21 completed the program. I would have to determine for myself how effective this weight management system really is!
EIRO Energy is formulated with balanced levels of natural sources of energy from guarana, ginseng, gingko biloba, and green tea. Thanks.
I learned that the EIRO Energy contains no synthetic caffeine, no taurine, no preservatives, and is non-carbonated.
i learned it contains no synthetic caffeine meaning no crashing!... which is good because I know alll about caffeine crashing, being a caffeine addict and all. ;)
google follower 1: ferriz
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tweeted @ferriza2
Ha! So glad to hear I'm not the only one with zero willpower and total laziness syndrome, lol. I read that EIRO Energy contains no synthetic caffeine, no taurine, no preservatives, and is non-carbonated.
trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I follow via GFC #1. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I follow via GFC #2. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
daily tweet http://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/9602399060
I learned that EIRO Burn boosts your metabolism and enhances energy levels while helping control hunger between meals, thanks!
I learned that EIRO Burn boosts your metabolism and enhances energy levels while helping control hunger between meals.
daily tweet http://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/9651748396
A field test of the EIROfit system resulted in 25 participants losing over 467 pounds in eight weeks.
Sunlight, smoke, air pollution and alcohol all cause oxidative stress that can lead to weaker immune function, premature aging and even damage DNA. Antioxidants combat these effects by neutralizing free radicals and preventing oxidative stress.
what i find most interestting is the Increased energy stamina and mobility..i dont know if its just because it is winter but i have felt so tired and sluggish
1 Google Friend klp1965
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entered GIVEAWAY: Walking Wings Help Baby Learn To Walk And Save Parents' Backs (2 winners!)
entered GIVEAWAY: RandomLine Games Encourage Creativity And Imagination
EIRO Lean is the first meal replacement shake to contain resistant starch technology, which has been shown to improve satiety, resulting in fewer calories being consumed throughout the day.
I learned: Sunlight, smoke, air pollution and alcohol all cause oxidative stress that can lead to weaker immune function, premature aging and even damage DNA. Antioxidants combat these effects by neutralizing free radicals and preventing oxidative stress.
heatherpooh (hotmail)
Follow and tweeted - http://twitter.com/choochoo428/status/9664367051
What I find interesting about EIRO Burn: EIRO Burn™ helps you achieve your ideal weight by boosting metabolism and enhancing energy levels while helping control hunger between meals.
Entered to win the EvoraKids Probiotic Mints.
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EIRO Burn boosts your metabolism and enhances energy levels while helping control hunger between meals.
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I learned that founded in 2008, EIRO quickly claimed its place as a category leader in weight loss, energy, and antioxidants.
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I thought it was interesting that each superfruit in EIRO was selected for its high content of key antioxidants and polyphenols.
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