Now that we are partway through three, I understand.
All of the same issues that we had when Big Sister E was two are still here, except it seems that more have surfaced. Add to that the fact that she is twice as stubborn and has to test each and every limit and... well, there are days that motherhood isn't so much fun. I'm completely baffled when "No, I do it MYSELF," as she snatches the pajamas from my hands is followed immediately by "I need HELP! I no know HOW to do it!" and wonder what in the world I could have done to prevent the inevitable oncoming storm.
I don't want to spend my time focusing on what she should NOT be doing and how she should NOT be acting, but it's just harder to point out the positives sometimes. Now, thanks to Little Billies, encouraging the behaviors that I want to see is just so much easier.

Mother of two, Sarah Dawson, created Little Billies in 2006 when she was looking for a tool to not only positively reinforce her son's behavior, but one that would actually engage him and make him want to behave better. From there, her innovative Reward Charts were invented and later followed by Routine Charts, Visible Schedules and more to help children and parents learn and grow together.
As all of the parts to Big Sister E's My Reward Chart are magnetic (the chart itself as well as the reward sticker-magnets), she was eager to find a place for it on our refrigerator. She and I sat down and looked at the

I appreciated having the Parents Tips for Use sheet with us because the suggestions for each magnet were really helpful and yet, the images and words displayed on the magnets can easily be adapted to whatever works best for us. Combining generic terms with simple visual cues, the magnets can have alternative meanings as life changes and children develop.
For instance, the Good Sleep magnet doesn't need to mean just taking a nap or going to sleep on her own because Big Sister E does a great job at those already. Instead, we talked about not complaining when it is nap time and doing a great job of staying in her room in the morning if she is awake before everyone else. In the future, when she no longer takes a nap, maybe it will mean playing quietly while Little Sister B is taking one or, when it is time, having a good transition from a toddler bed to a bigger bed.
Big Sister E easily understood the concept of her good behavior leading to putting the magnets on
Still needing work on her delayed gratification skills, Big Sister E was immediately eager to fill up her chart. "I put these away?" She asked me, pointing at the random plastic cups and containers that Little Sister B had pulled out of a kitchen drawer. I nodded and she quickly stuck them back in, rushing back to the chart afterward and pointing at the Packing Up magnet. My husband could only laugh.
Since that day, using a My Reward Chart with Big Sister E has not only helped her work on her good behavior, it has made her WANT to act better -

In an effort to make parenting a positive experience, Little Billies has created products that are affirming for both children and adults. At the end of the day, I'm much happier having rewarded my daughter for waiting patiently, sharing nicely and using good manners instead of having had to take away her toys or continually put her in a time-out. It's a much better situation for all of us and I get to enjoy my sweet, loving girl so much more!
Thanks to the generosity of Little Billies, one person will get to select the parenting tool(s) that will work best for their child because...
One lucky person will win a $25 gift certificate to Little Billies!

To enter to win a $25 gift certificate to Little Billies: Check out all of the wonderful products at Little Billies and tell me which one you would love to own. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner.
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1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
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$25 gift card to Little Billies - positive parenting tools reinforce good behavior! @thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/by4Xjd #win #giveaway
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3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Little Billies. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on February 25th at 11:59pm CST. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. Giveaway open worldwide - if you're reading this, you can enter!
A big thank you to Sarah at Little Billies for providing a My Reward Chart for me to review as well as a $25 gift card for one lucky giveaway winner. Positive reinforcement is so important - and now easy to do! The opinions shared are my own and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
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I entered the EIROfit giveaway
The My Reward Magnets would be a big help around our house, we hust have a piece of paper I made into a rewards chart.
I like the little princess reward jacksond@nhr3.net
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entered the giant yard ball gw jacksond@nhr3.net
The morning and evening charts would be so useful at our house!
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entered the HearthSong giveaway.
entered the Walking Wings giveaway.
entered the Random Lines game giveaway.
entered the Nuddle giveaway.
entered the chic monkey giveaway.
I like the My Morning and Evening Charts!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
The Morning and Evening Routine Charts are my favorite!
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
My Class Chart
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I would love to have the My Class Chart!
Entered Chic Monkey giveaway!
I'd love to have the My Morning & Evening Charts for my son.
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I entered the Chic Monkey Boutique giveaway.
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entered Chic Monkey Boutique giveaway
entered Nuddle Blanket
entered Eden's fantasy
entered great big ball and electric pump giveaway
I love the rewards charts!
I entered the walking wings giveaway!
I entered the randomline game giveaway!
I entered the nuddle blanket giveaway!
Would LOVE the My Morning Routnie Chart for my almost 3-year-old - thank you!
I would select the Designer Reward Chart for Boys.
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I entered the Walking Wings Giveaway.
I entered the Eden Fantasies giveaway.
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I like the My Reward Magnets.
My Morning & Evening Charts
I like the my rewards magnets
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My Morning & Evening Charts look very interesting!
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i would love a routine chart for my daughter.
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I like the visual schedule chart
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