While pregnant with Big Sister E, I did all of my homework on the top-of-the-line, absolute must-have items for baby. Sure, there were varying opinions on which cribs were more advanced than others, particular diaper bags that had special features and why one high chair might hold up to the rigors of daily (messy) eating better.
But the steadfast view on which brand of car seat would keep my baby incredibly safe never faltered. Every book, website and mom confirmed that Britax was the leader in their commitment to providing children a safe and secure ride and the ease of installation, use and continual testing of their car seats was unparalleled by any other.
Heading to the stores, my husband and I thoroughly inspected all of the available options to see for ourselves. What we found has led us, 3 1/2 years

Therefore, when I heard that Britax had come out with the Blink, a lightweight, compact, umbrella-style folding stroller, I already had extremely high expectations about just how great this stroller needed to be in order to live up to the Britax name.

What I found definitely did not disappoint.
Britax clearly did thorough research to find out what elements matter to parents prior to constructing the Blink. Right out of the box, all that is needed is a quick snap on of the front wheels, canopy and safety coverings over the hinges and you're ready for a

Designed for children from 6 months old up to 55 pounds, the Blink is comfortable enough for younger babies and tall enough for older children to easily fit without nearing the top. The all-wheel suspension, padded seat and 5-point harness mean that no matter what the terrain, your little one will experience less bumps

Add that with the reclining seat (simply use the sliding mechanism to customize the level for each child) and the simple one-click adjustable leg rest and, whether awake or asleep, how can they not feel as though they are being pushed around in a throne? However, what king or queen wants to have sun in their eyes to ruin their walk?
The Blink features the largest canopy and visor I have ever seen on a compact stroller, perfect for not only providing shade but keeping the wind, rain and sun's UV rays off of your child. An extra bonus is the generously-sized window on the canopy that allows you to peek in at your child

As for me, I can't get enough of the way the sturdy wheels and heavy duty construction make the Blink such an easy stroller to push. Both my husband and I are able to walk comfortably with the ergonomic handles and the one-foot, linked rear brake means with a single push both wheels are securely locked. Britax doesn't mess around when it comes to safety, after all, and I know a certain someone who is pretty happy about that:

Britax also really took convenience for parents into consideration with the great storage basket beneath the seat and, a feature that is one of my all-time favorites, a zippered storage pouch right on

When it is time to close up the Blink, the genius fold release mechanism allows you to do it all with one hand. Simply step on the side lever and pull up on the strap and the entire stroller folds down into one compact package that is perfect for storing or traveling. Additionally, to make life even easier, Britax included a carry

At 16 pounds, I wouldn't recommend hiking up a mountain while carrying a Blink, but for a hands-free way to move it from one point to another, having the strap can really be a lifesaver. On our next vacation, I know that this feature is going to be extremely useful in the airport while already dealing with the rest of the carry-on luggage.
If you're thinking that 16 pounds sounds heavier than some other compact strollers, that might be true. However, it is definitely light

I couldn't be happier with the Britax Blink, it has far surpassed any compact stroller that I have ever tried. Forget buying a massive, unwieldy contraption that doesn't fit through store aisles or in your trunk. Instead, the Blink combines the best features from full-size strollers in an efficient, more manageable model. You end up with a lightweight stroller that provides comfort, style and safety without having to deal with unnecessary bulk. It's the best of both worlds!
Having spent years being the leader in manufacturing top-quality car seats, in my mind making a move into superior strollers makes perfect sense for Britax. I can't wait to see what they come up with next! Thanks to their generosity, one person will have the opportunity to push this amazing, world-class stroller because...
One lucky person will win a Britax Blink Stroller of their own!
ARV $149.99!

To enter to win a Britax Blink Stroller: Visit Britax and tell me which of their amazing products is your favorite INCLUDING the fabric option you like best for it.
Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Britax on Twitter and/or become a fan on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
I want to WIN a BRITAX BLINK STROLLER ($150) for high quality travels @thxmailcarrier from @britax! http://bit.ly/9baW9g #win #giveaway
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Britax. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on April 19th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A massive thank you to Britax for providing a Blink Stroller for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. This is truly the compact stroller of any parent's dreams. The opinions shared are my own and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
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maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
I like the Boulevard carseat in grey and black.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
Love the Marathon car seat in Platinum fabric! tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I follow Britax on Twitter (HY2024). tylerpants(at)gmail.com
Awwe i heart the Diplomat carseat in Cowmooflage!!!!
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I like the Marathon Car Seat in the cool cow print.
I love the blink kite one, very nice.
Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/12467764379
I would love to get the Boulevard CS car seat in Davenport. These car seats are great.
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High-Capacity Convertible in Marathon print.
I like the Marathan car seat in Onxy.
I like the Chaperone in Savannah!
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My favorite product is actually the Blink stroller in Sprout. I also really like the look of their convertible car seats. It's just too difficult to choose between them at this point.
Right now my favorite is the Marathon seat and the Cowmooflouge print.
jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com
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As a new, first-time, grandmother, I'm hoping to care for my grandson often. I'd love to have the Advocate CS car seat in Onyx.
I love the Chaperone car seat in Savanah..
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Lexiquin (that's me) is following you on Twitter. Gotta tell you, I love your name. My Mom is a retired Postmaster :)
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I like the idea of the blink stroller. The stroller i have is from when my first son was born (7, almost 8 years ago) and there are much better ones on the market.
I like the Blink stroller with the kites design.
My favorite Britax product is the Advocate CS in Onyx
I would lobe another marathon in the cow print!
I love the the CHAPERONE stroller in the Savannah fabric. I could really use a new stoller my current one was bought three kids ago from a garage sell.
I love the advocate cs thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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I would love the Chaperone Stroller in Savannah
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I love the convertible car seat in Advocate CS!
Rachel M.
I like the carseat boulevard cs in Berkshire Tan. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
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My fave is the onyx Advocate CS car seat!
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hayatiggs at comcast dot net
I like the Belt-Positioning Booster Seat-Parkway SG.
I love the Blink in Double Dots!!
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I entered your Flirty Aprons giveaway
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I love the Frontier Car Seat and the Double Dots fabric
Love the Advocate carseat in the Kathryn fabric option!
vschilke at gmail dot com
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vschilke at gmail dot com
dipolmat car seat in cowmaflage ty.
I like the Marathon car seat in Emma.
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tweet http://twitter.com/ThriftyJinxy/status/12496213153
The Britax Chaperone full size stroller in Savannah.
I tweeted tonight http://twitter.com/TheMarciFactor/status/12496573266
marcimallow at yahoo dot com
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I like the Chaperone in the Moonstone fabric!
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i like the chaperone car seat in red mill.
I love the Diplomat Compact carseat in the Modern Flowers fabric!
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great stroller. comfortable, portable, lightweight, and handle height is perfect
I like the high-capacity convertible car seat Advocate CS
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Shannon Wallace
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