Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Justice Juels {Review & Giveaway} Handmade Jewelry with a Cause

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

Sometimes when I'm watching my daughters play, I am amazed by how lucky we all are. They are both healthy, intelligent, beautiful girls that live in a society where we take for granted that we are safe and cared for... and I'm often struck by the fact that I am the one who gets to raise them and see them grow from babies into adulthood.

What's really hard though, is to think about the girls that aren't so lucky. What about the ones that are taken from their family and forced into lives of pain and abuse? The average age of a sex-trafficking victim is 14 years old and they are often commanded into having sex up to 20 times a day. There are an estimated 1.2 million children trafficked each year and approximately 27 million people enslaved all over the world today.

Are those statistics staggering to you? They sure are to me. And they definitely are to Chelsea Dischinger, a stay-at-home mom who decided to make a difference with her life and raise money to help abolish human trafficking worldwide. This impressive mom uses her talent to accomplish this by creating the gorgeous handmade jewelry of Justice Juels.

Prior to seeing Justice Juels jewelry in person, I was already impressed by it. The gorgeous collection of necklaces, bracelets, earrings and accessories reflect not only Chelsea's skills but the feelings and emotions that go into each piece. From simple tiered earrings to custom hand-stamped necklaces, every purchase from Justice Juels is personalized, unique and the majority of the profit from each sale goes to non-profit organizations that fight human trafficking.

However, when I actually was able to see Justice Juels for myself, I realized that impressed wasn't a strong enough word. I held my Mother's Charm Bracelet in my hand and was beyond amazed and astonished at just how beautiful it really was.

Being a poor decision-maker, I supplied Chelsea with my daughters' names and birthdates and then left her in creative control over what the completed bracelet would look like. Even though it is hard to tell from the picture, the finished product is really beyond what I would have come up with myself. There is a 5/8 inch disc hand-stamped with each name hanging with their birthstone and cute star, little girl, double heart and adorable feet charms attached evenly around the chain.

I get so much joy each and every time I wear my Mother's Charm Bracelet and I love the delicate twinkling sound that it makes as the sterling silver lightly clinks on my wrist. It truly is personalized perfectly and really meaningful to me. What mom wouldn't appreciate receiving a beautiful present like this for Mother's Day?

Even better, giving this great bracelet as a gift is extremely affordable as it comes standard with 3 discs for only $26! I've seen similar jewelry online or in shops that start at 2 or 3 times as much and then to add any extra discs is another $15 or $18... at Justice Juels, each add-on is only $2! Even a mom of 4 can own a custom charm bracelet for less than $30 AND rest assured that so much of the cost is going to such a good cause.

The Mother's Charm Bracelet isn't the only item that would make a great Mother's Day gift. The Mother Means Love Necklace (shown at left) is simple and unique and would be a classic addition to any mom's wardrobe for casual or dressy outfits. If the words aren't exactly what you were looking for, that's no problem! This can be stamped however you would like - there's even a great Engraving Suggestions page to give you ideas.

For something with a little extra eye-catching charm, the Family Tree Necklace (shown at right) features an intricate tree charm surrounded by a sterling silver washer with each family member's name hand-stamped in a stunning circle. I have never seen a necklace quite like this one and I know it would easily be a keepsake to be worn and cherished for years to come.

If all of the beautiful jewelry available on Justice Juels isn't a wide enough selection for you, Chelsea also creates specialized jewelry for weddings and special events. Simply explain your design or send a picture of what you would like and she will customize an amazing piece just for you - at a fraction of the price that you would find elsewhere.

Working toward the goal of raising $1 million to end human trafficking, making a purchase from Justice Juels is helping to give a voice to the women and children around the world who need to be freed from this horrible business. As a national ambassador for Stop Child Trafficking Now (who not only rescue victims but actually go after the people who are buying and selling children) Chelsea truly is dedicated to this effort.

So, the next time you plan on buying a piece of beautiful, handmade, completely personalized jewelry, why not save money while supporting an extremely admirable cause? What a great combination! Also, thanks to the generosity of Chelsea at Justice Juels, one person will have the perfect handmade piece for themselves or just in time for Mother's Day, because...

One lucky person will win their choice of any piece from Justice Juels! ARV $56!

To enter to win an item of choice from Justice Juels: Visit Justice Juels and tell me which gorgeous piece(s) are your favorite.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you become Chelsea's friend on Facebook and/or join the Justice Juels Facebook group, where you'll find information on great sales and giveaways!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Justice Juels hand-stamped jewelry for Mother's Day! WIN an item of choice (ARV $56) @thxmailcarrier! #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Justice Juels. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on April 15th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open worldwide! If you're reading this, you can enter!

A giant thank you to Chelsea at Justice Juels for providing a Mother's Charm Bracelet for me to review as well as an item of choice for one lucky giveaway winner. Beautiful jewelry that benefits a great cause, what a perfect and inspiring combination! The opinions shared are my own and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Celeste said...

#2 blog follower

contact me at:

redfuzzycow said...

i like the family tree necklace

redfuzzycow said...

i joined the justice juels facebook group (jen reda)

redfuzzycow said...

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redfuzzycow said...

i posted your button #3

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the thermapak giveaway

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the delta faucet company giveaway

redfuzzycow said...

i entered the out of the box sampler giveaway

Nanci said...

I like the Family Tree Necklace

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I really love the Family Tree Necklace but I would ask to have a short custom quote from my daughter that passed away last April put on it. Her birthday was just on Thursday.. she would have turned 7.

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the ZooShoo giveaway.

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the ThermaPAK Pink HeatShift Laptop Cooler Giveaway!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I follow on Twitter and tweeted today!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Michelle C said...

I love the Family Tree necklace!
michelle dot lee dot carter at gmail dot com

biyagko_barbaru said...

my favorite is Bound in Chains Necklace!

biyagko_barbaru said...

I became friend of Chelsea on facebook (Mariel Fernandez)

biyagko_barbaru said...

I joined the Justice Juels Facebook group (Mariel Fernandez)

biyagko_barbaru said...

followed you on twitter (novice2aica) and tweeted here:

biyagko_barbaru said...

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biyagko_barbaru said...

followed you with Google Friend Connect (biyagko_barbaru)

biyagko_barbaru said...

subscribed to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.

biyagko_barbaru said...

I put your cute button up on your blog

biyagko_barbaru said...

I entered your snackTAXI bags giveaway

Rachel C said...

entered thermapak

EVA SB said...


Sheila Go said...

I love the Free To Be Me necklace!

sheyzieweyzie at yahoo dot com

Sheila Go said...


sheyzieweyzie at yahoo dot com

fisiwoman said...

Daily tweet:

Victoria said...

Daily tweet


Harry Barbee said...

freedom from chains necklace for my wife
Butchbarbee66 at aol dot com

Nicole Larsen said...


sharonjo said...

daily tweet

I follow on twitter @sharonjo2

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I joined the Justice Juels Facebook group.

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

skipthelaundry said...

I like the mothers charm bracelet.
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

added chelsea as facebook friend
amber jackson porter
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

joined justice juels facebook group
amber jackson porter
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

entered uprinting giveaway
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

follow on twitter and tweeted
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

rss feed entry 1
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

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skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

google connect entry 2
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

emails entry 1
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

skipthelaundry said...

emails entry 2
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I follow you with Google Friend Connect #1

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I follow you with Google friend connect #2

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

Daily Tweet ^-^

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Bacallsmom said...

The Gold Briolette Necklace is my favorite, though I liked the Gold Sparkle Pendant Necklace a lot, too.
bbentry [at] aol [dot] com

Bacallsmom said...

Requested friend status with Chelsea on Facebook (Susie Randle)

Bacallsmom said...

Joined the Justice Juels Facebook group (Susie Randle)

Bacallsmom said...

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Bacallsmom said...

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Entry #2

Bacallsmom said...

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bbentry [at] aol [dot] com

Bacallsmom said...

Subscribed to Thanks, Mail Carrier by e-mail.
bbentry [at] aol [dot] com
Entry #2

Anonymous said...

I love the freedom bracelet and necklace and the birthstone bracelet

Anonymous said...


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email subscriber #1

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

chelsea facebook friend request

Anonymous said...

justice juels fb fan

Anonymous said...

entered britax

Anonymous said...

entered zoo shoo

Anonymous said...

entered fairy gram

Anonymous said...

entered snacktaxi

Anonymous said...

entered chica-bu

Anonymous said...

entered out of the box

Anonymous said...

entered pediped

Anonymous said...

entered delta faucet

Anonymous said...

entered thermapak

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the Out of the box sampler giveaway!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the Delta Company giveaway also!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the SnackTAXI giveaway also!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the Fairy-Gram giveaway also!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the UPrinting Canvas giveaway also!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Victoria said...

Daily tweet


Tonya Dean said...

Pearls in the Night Necklace

fisiwoman said...

Daily tweet:

EVA SB said...


sharonjo said...

daily tweet

I follow on twitter @sharonjo2

Nicole Larsen said...


Rachel C said...

entered McNeill games giveaway.

crazywriter84 said...

I like the Ocean Dazzle Earrings

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the McNeill Designs gmaes giveaway also!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I like the midnight bracelet

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

sharonjo said...

I entered the McNeill Designs games giveaway.

Victoria said...

Daily tweet

fisiwoman said...

Daily tweet:

sharonjo said...

daily tweet

I follow on twitter @sharonjo2

wigget said...

i love the Family Tree Necklace

wigget said...

entered Britax Blink Stroller giveaway

wigget said...

entered Fairy-Gram giveaway

wigget said...

entered pediped giveaway

wigget said...

entered Delta Faucet giveaway

Rachel C said...

entered hallmark

Nicole Larsen said...


Huguette En said...

My favorite is the Free To Be Me Necklace.

Huguette En said...

daily tweet

Vibrant Vinyls said...

Daily tweet!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

"Iowa Mom" said...


Vibrant Vinyls said...

I sub to your RSS feed! #1

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I sub to your RSS feed! #2

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the Flirty Aprons giveaway also!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I entered the Hallmark kids collection cards giveaway also!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

sharonjo said...

I entered the Hallmark Kids giveaway.

sharonjo said...

I entered the Flirty Aprons giveaway.

Maria said...

I am more of an earring person and I absolutely love the 3-tier drop earrings and the teardrop earrings!

Here is my email (in case i win) *fingers crossed

mariamasungit@gmail (dot) com

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

My favorite is definitely the Gold Briolette Necklace!

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I'm Chelsea's FB friend (Melissa Johnson Cleaver)

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I joined Justice Juels group (Melissa Johnson Cleaver)

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I entered the NcNeill games giveaway.

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I entered the ThermaPAK giveaway.

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I entered the Delta giveaway.

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I entered the Fairy Gram giveaway.

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I entered the Britax giveaway.

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I'm a google friend.
Entry #1

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

I'm a google friend.
Entry #2

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

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Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

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Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

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Entry #1

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

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Entry #2

Victoria said...

Daily tweet

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

entered hallmark

Anonymous said...

entered games giveaway

Anonymous said...

entered flirty aprons

fisiwoman said...

Daily tweet:

shellycox said...

I like the midnight bracelet..thanks!

shellycox said...

became Chelsea's friend on Facebook

shellycox said...

Justice Juels Facebook group-joined

shellycox said...

entered the CARES Child Aviation Restraint System

shellycox said...

entered the High Sierra Sport Company Bag/Luggage Giveaway

shellycox said...

entered the Mrs. Smith's Diaper Bag Giveaway

shellycox said...

entered the Britax Blink Stroller Giveaway

shellycox said...

entered the CARES Child Aviation Restraint System

shellycox said...

entered the My Busy Kit Giveaway

shellycox said...

entered the Travel Buddies Children's Neck Pillow Giveaway

shellycox said...

entered the On-the-Go Inflatable Potty Seats

shellycox said...

entered the UPrinting Giveaway.

shellycox said...

entered the ZooShoo Giveaway.

shellycox said...

entered the Prima Princessa Presents Swan Lake DVD Giveaway

shellycox said...

entered the Choice of adorable Fairy-Gram (ARV $30) Giveaway.

shellycox said...

entered the snackTAXI Giveaway.

shellycox said...

entered the Out Of The Box Sampler Giveaway.

shellycox said...

entered the pediped Giveaway.

shellycox said...

entered the Delta Faucet Giveaway.

shellycox said...

I follow publicly on Goggle Friend Connect.

shellycox said...

I follow publicly on Goggle Friend Connect.


shellycox said...

subscribed to your RSS feed.

shellycox said...

subscribed by email

shellycox said...

subscribed by email

EVA SB said...


sharonjo said...

daily tweet

I follow on twitter @sharonjo2

Nicole Larsen said...


Peggy said...

I love the Heart Necklace,just beautiful!

Peggy said...

Chelsea's friend on Facebook

Peggy said...

joined the Justice Juels Facebook group,

Peggy said...

Entered ThermaPAK 15" Pink HeatShift Laptop Cooler

Peggy said...

Entered Flirty aprons giveaway

Peggy said...

Entered Hallmark Kids Collection giveaway

Peggy said...

Entered McNeill Designs games prize pack: You've Been Sentenced! giveaway

Peggy said...

Entered ZooShoo Soda Song or Soda Video stylish boots giveaway

Peggy said...

Follow and a tweet

Peggy said...

follow with Google Friend Connect

Peggy said...

follow with Google Friend Connect#2

Peggy said...

subscribe to RSS feed #2

Peggy said...

email subscriber

Huguette En said...

daily tweet

Rachel C said...

entered flirty aprons

Rachel C said...

entered KOR ONE

Anonymous said...

I like the thick washer necklace.


Anonymous said...

I entered the Britax giveaway.


EVA SB said...


Victoria said...

Daily tweet

fisiwoman said...

Daily tweet:

sharonjo said...

daily tweet

I follow on twitter @sharonjo2

"Iowa Mom" said...


Nicole Larsen said...


sharonjo said...

I entered the KOR One giveaway.

Anonymous said...


jc said...

What an awesome lady! Her dedication towards the Human Trafficking cause is remarkable!

I adore the Not For Sale Dog Tag necklace, very significant! Thanks for this lovely giveaway.

jc said...

I subscribe, thank you.

Terra Heck said...

My favorite is the Freedom From Chains Bracelet. Thanks.

Terra Heck said...

entered the Britax Blink Stroller giveaway

Terra Heck said...

email subscriber #1

Anonymous said...

entered kor one

Terra Heck said...

email subscriber #2

Anonymous said...

entered pillow pets

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