Friday, March 26, 2010

ThermaPAK Pink HeatShift Laptop Cooler {Review & Giveaway} ARV $29.99

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

When my husband and I moved into our house years ago, we bought a dining room table and chairs set that fit right in with the space and decor. Now that we have a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old, at any time during the day that table (safely covered with an easy-clean tablecloth) might be serving a number of different purposes. It's the location for a wide variety of coloring, painting or crafting projects as well as, of course, 3 meals (and a snack or two).

The dining room table also acts as my "office" and my laptop stays sitting out and turned on from the time I wake up until the time I finally drag myself to sleep. Convenient? Yes. Good for the laptop? No. Keeping it running for that amount of time leads to it getting pretty warm and, up until recently, I didn't make the connection between being it being overheated and poor laptop performance.

What made me realize this was the problem was the fact that I now had a preventative solution in the form of a ThermaPAK 15" Pink HeatShift Laptop Cooler.

The most effective answer to laptop heat, ThermaPAK's HeatShift Laptop Coolers have been proven to lower laptop temperature by more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit and significantly outperformed USB cooling fans. Constructed out of safe, laboratory-tested cooling crystals, heat is dissipated quickly and effectively without the use of any power, wires or refrigeration.

Not having been overly familiar with laptop cooling devices, in preparation for this review I looked up various types to try to understand if ThermaPAK's HeatShift Technology was really all that unique. The answer: a resounding yes! I can't imagine using a noisy, fan-type product that would blow dirt and dust at your laptop that would either require electricity or use up one of your USB ports (and the energy to run it).

Instead, ThermaPAK's HeatShift crystals cool uniformly and shift from being solid when they are cool to a gel as they absorb heat. All that is required is to place it on your table, desk or lap (no more scorching your legs!) and set your laptop right down on top. Simple and eco-friendly? Completely. Effective? 100%. And when you are done for the day and your laptop is removed or turned off, the crystals solidify once again and are ready and waiting for tomorrow.

My child-friendly vinyl tablecloth is no longer in danger of melting and my laptop hasn't frozen up or had any delay problems since I've left it placed on top of this stylish pink pad. When I do move to sit on the couch, the ThermaPAK Laptop Cooler is lightweight and soft and the design is slim enough that it could slip into a briefcase or bag for easy travels.

Available in 3 different colors, ThermaPAK HeatShift Laptop Coolers are more successful, mobile and ecological than anything else on the market I've seen. Their comprehensive research and development, attention to details and continual evolution of design has put ThermaPAK and their products (they also have a HeatShift Laptop Bag that looks pretty amazing) as the brand to go to for laptop cooling devices.

And, thanks to their generosity, one person will have the opportunity to cool their laptop in a fun, pink way, because...

One lucky person will win a 15" Pink HeatShift Laptop Cooler from ThermaPAK! ARV $29.99!

To enter to win: Why would a ThermaPAK HeatShift Laptop Cooler be helpful for you and where would you use it the most?

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you suggest another color that ThermaPAK HeatShift Laptop Coolers should come in.
1 Extra Entry if you follow the ThermaPAK blog with Google Friend Connect.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

A ThermaPAK Pink HeatShift Laptop Cooler (ARV $30) prevents overheating in style! @thxmailcarrier #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and ThermaPAK. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on April 15th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to ThermaPAK for providing a Pink HeatShift Laptop Cooler for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. My laptop thanks you too! The opinions shared are my own and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Lindsay said...

Ooh I need this! I'm on my laptop constantly and I usually just sit with it on a pillow on my lap so it doesn't get too hot on my legs. Love the pink! (It would match my computer :)

smdrm said...

I would use this for my laptop in our RV. My laptop gets VERY warm so this product would keep it and me much cooler.

kg4rmt at arrl dot net

smdrm said...

I'd like to see a nice blue one.

Anonymous said...

I would use it for my laptop. It seems to get hot in a hurry. But then again I use it a lot. I would use at home or on the go whenever I use my laptop.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see it come in dark but bright purple.

Anonymous said...

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veterankindergartenteacher said...

Following you from Friday Follow and hope you follow me back!

Kelly L said...

Great idea - love a new follower - Happy Friday - Be sure to come for a visit - I have my first giveaway!


Unknown said...

I'd use this when I am writing with my laptop in the back seat of the car......Would be wonderful to have a long.

Unknown said...

Ummm..another color~ How about a deep purple? Sounds cool to this Mom

Unknown said...

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sharonjo said...

I have two sons in college who are on their laptops a lot, working on homework and doing whatever else college kids do!! These Laptop Coolers would be very helpful for them to guard against overheating--of the laptop and the surface it's sitting on. If I win one of these, I would use it most by giving it to them. They'd have to share and live with the bright pink color!!

sharonjo said...

Other colors that would be fun--animal prints and maybe camo for the guys?

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Aricka said...

I have seen these and wondered if they work!! Currently I have an over sized book that I place my laptop on. I like to work from my bed. It's the most comfortable!! LOL It would be helpful because in the hot summer it is HOT on my legs! LOL

Aricka said...

Following the ThermaPAK blog..thanks

Aricka said...

It would be cool if the ThermaPAK coolers came in pattens other than just solids. Maybe leopard or polka dot?

Clueless_Mama said...

This is perfect for my laptop. It gets so hot underneath and I could really use something like this. I would use it under my laptop in the office. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Clueless_Mama said...

I think it should come in red! My husband would love that for the HUSKERS:)

Clueless_Mama said...

I follow their blog. Clueless_mama

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Anonymous said...

I would use this all over the house and it would keep my legs from getting so hot.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

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rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Kitty said...

I would be able to use the laptop in bed or when sitting on sofa. Now I use it on a glass end table when in the living room and rarely if ever use it in bed. I would like to be able to use it while sitting in bed.

Kitty said...

I would like to suggest-dark gray or chocolate brown.

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Anonymous said...

This would be valuable to me because I have a gaming laptop and that type always runs hotter than a normal laptop. I would use it the most on my dining room table where I do all of my gaming.

mverno said...

i would use it outdoors on those hot sunny days

Deb Anderson said...

I would love it in royal blue!

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Anonymous said...

I'd love this because I typically use my laptop on my lap, but the fan is located in a weird place that really heats my legs.

Unknown said...

i would lov this so that my legs don't burn while laptoping in bed

Unknown said...

it should come in turquoise

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

thermapak gfc

skgaff said...

This would be super helpful for me to get my work done on the computer while I'm feeding my son.

skgaff said...

I would love to have a lime green ThermaPAK -- they should make that color!

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Darcie K. said...

I would use it when I use my laptop on the couch. It always overheats!

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katidyd said...

I always use my laptop on the couch, so this would be great!
katidyd at hotmail dot com

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Laura said...

I'm always curled up in my bed in my dorm room with my lap top and I ALWAYS have to stick a pillow underneath to prevent from burning myself. This would be so useful!

Laura said...

I think the thermapak's would be awesome in a robin's egg blue-type color! Or maybe even some funky prints!

Laura said...

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Anonymous said...

i'd use it the most & in our living room!

autumn398 @

redfuzzycow said...

i would use this the most when i'm using my laptop on my bed (like right now!) my laptop overheats a lot

redfuzzycow said...

i'd love to see this in green!

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bettycd said...

I would use this within the house on the odd occasions where I watch TV while surfing. Appreciate that this does not have the noisy fans and does not require power.

bettycd said...

They need a manly color - blue or charcoal because the guys understand how laptops run better and last longer when not allowed to overheat

bettycd said...

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Terri Dell said...

My daughter would use it the most at her classes in college

Terri Dell said...

I'd like to see them make it in blue

Terri Dell said...

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traci smith said...

it would be helpful to me because my daughter doesnt have one, so she is always wanting on computer when i am on mine, this way she would have for her laptop and leave me alone , lol

traci smith said...

i think a mix of floresent colors in a check design

traci smith said...

now following thermaPak blog, traci smith

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vrtish55 said...

This would be so helpful, I would use this when I'm reading blogs and entering contests in my recliner. vickers_73460 AT yahoo DOT com

vrtish55 said...

Any shade of blue is my suggestion. vickers_73460 AT yahoo DOT com

vrtish55 said...

Entry 1 GFC/Vickie Riddle vickers_73460 AT yahoo DOT com

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Vibrant Vinyls said...

I currently use a usb powered fan cooling tray under my laptop to prevent it from overheating and shutting down. It stinks! I would love to have a pad like this! Something I could put on my lap and easily move around! I would use it every day as I sit on the sofa with my laptop.

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

I follow and tweeted today on Twitter!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

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Entered in the ZooShoo Giveaway.

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

Entered the Justice Juels Jewelry Giveaway also!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Vibrant Vinyls said...

Entered the Out Of The Box Sampler Giveaway also!

tiaragwin AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I would actually use this on my lap! How novel, huh? It would be useful this way so that I don't have to put a pillow between my laptop and my lap!

magic5905 said...

In my bedroom. I use a laptop on my lap and it gets very hot. This would be great. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I would send this to my husband who is currently deployed - the laptop gets pretty hot when he gets to use it for skype, and then you add the temperature of the desert and he's one toasty dude.

Unknown said...

I also think this product should come in more colors. especially blue, green and yellow. that would be nice

Anonymous said...

The Thermapak would be useful to me because I have a Tablet PC that apparently tries to overreach itself on more than one occasion. I use it most often at school where we are moving around and not sitting at a desk, so often I have to hold it in my arms, or sit with it in my lap.

It'd be nice not to have so many of my hairs get singed off :(

Anonymous said...

I quite like the color red, so how about that for a new color?

Anonymous said...

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Username: Timbo Squad

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Username: Timbo Squad

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Rachel C said...

Well, in my imagination where I have a laptop this would be so useful as I lounged in my recliner.
In reality though, I would give it to my sis!

Rachel C said...

This would be cool in lime green!

Rachel C said...

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Sheyz Go said...

I have very limited space in my room so I use my laptop on my bed. I can't use it very long since it heats up (and risk burning up my bed haha).

I love love love the pink one since my laptop case is pink! :)

I really hope I win this one.

sheyzah at mac dot com

Sheyz Go said...

Tweeted about your contest. :)

sheyzah at mac dot com

Sheila Go said...

This would be totally cool if it came in purple! :)

sheyzieweyzie at yahoo dot com.

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