I don't remember the first time I went to a tanning salon with my friends, but it definitely wasn't the last. We went regularly to keep a nice glow and then, whenever a school dance was nearing, the frequency increased and by the time the big event rolled around, our skin was bronzed and beautiful.
There isn't really anything I can do now to reverse the amount of damage I may have done and all of the wrinkles I'm sure I caused, so instead I try to do a better job of protecting myself from the sun's ultraviolet rays. My new favorite way? SmartShield's Self Tanner with SPF 15.

I love the idea of my skin naturally and safely tanning itself rather than being dyed or stained as with traditional self tanning lotions - forget the worry about turning orange or having some spots look different than others. SmartShield's Self Tanner with SPF 15 absorbs and dries quickly and doesn't leave any greasiness behind, something that is pretty important if I'm going to use it on my face.
In fact, I have used this lotion on my face for quite a few days now and it hasn't clogged my pores or left me feeling shiny at all. Instead, I can detect a soft glow that makes it appear that I don't spend my days inside hidden away from the sunlight. I also tried putting the Self Tanner on just one of

SmartShield really has invented a "smarter sunscreen" with their Self Tanner with SPF 15. It is light, waterproof, eco-friendly (why rub harsh chemicals into your skin?) and keeps your skin protected from both UVB and UVA rays while still giving you a sun-kissed look. I'm able to satisfy the part of my brain that is still in high school and thinks a tan is beautiful while the logical part of my mind knows the importance of being smart and safe in the sun.
Thanks, SmartShield, for not only having a line of safe, hypoallergenic, dermatologist-approved sunscreens, but for adding in a natural self tanner to appeal to pale people like me. And, for bringing the sunshine with you as you come down my block, thanks, Mail Carrier.
(Other than the SmartShield Self Tanner with SPF 15 that I was sent, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this product and the difference it made on my blinding whiteness.)
I will love to try this Smartshield Tanner Lotion with SPF 15. Thanks for posting this tanner lotion. I never tried a tanning salon before but I sure do need a tan before summer gets here. I am glad this product protects, hydrates and moisturizes your skin while building a natural healthy glow. And most of all don't have that orange or spots look. I am gald it has the SPF 15 and protects from both the UVB and UVA rays. I enjoed reading your blog and will be back to read more. I grab your button too. HAVE A HAPPY FAB DAY!!!
Visit my blog at http://motherof1princessand2princes.blogspot.com
Hey Xenia! Great post, now how am I even going to compete with that review?? Have a great weekend.
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