I loved seeing which color of Mrs. Smith's Diaper Bag everyone liked and for those of you who said that you would be boring and choose black - don't worry! I did, too! There just really isn't any way that my husband would be caught anywhere near a zebra-print bag, no matter how amazingly organized and helpful it was. The lucky person who will get to use one of these unique bags is...

I took another airplane ride two weeks ago and got to put my wonderful High Sierra Sport Company Carry-On Wheeled Backpack with Removable Day Pack to the test yet again - and it passed with flying colors! As I was just gone for a few days, this was the perfect bag to bring with me so that I didn't have to check any luggage and the convenience was really appreciated. I recognized the High Sierra logo on a few other bags during the trip and had to hold back from asking those people what they thought of their luggage!
The lucky person who will get to travel with a high-quality, durable bag soon is...

Were you as impressed as I was that a grandmother invented the CARES Child Aviation Restraint System? After having used it with Big Sister E, I can't see ever going back to lugging a big car seat around again. Simply toss this in the bag and you're ready to go! The lucky person who will get to use this innovative device is...

Congratulations, Kevin E!
Your child would be pretty entertained the next time they're in a restaurant/at church/at the doctor/on a car ride/at a friend's house with a My Busy Kit, wouldn't they? The moms who invented these great kits definitely knew what they were doing and have made keeping children occupied much easier by giving parents a big selection of fun items in one small container. However, you all came up with some pretty good suggestions as to ideas of what could be added, so maybe they'll turn up in one of the kits soon!
The lucky person who will get to surprise their child with a My Airport Busy Kit is...

Noodle Head Toys' Travel Buddies are so cute! By combining a plush, furry friend with a comforting, soft pillow they have created a must-have for children to sleep comfortably while traveling. The lucky person who will get to give their child a new fuzzy pal is...

RandomLine has so many fun and educational games for kids of all ages and skill levels that there really is something for everyone. Big Sister E really enjoyed using the SQUIGGLE Shapes & Colors On-The-Go pad during our trip and because it has so many fun pages, there are enough left that I've tucked it away for the next time we travel. The lucky person who will get to entertain their child (while also making them think a little bit) is...

Finally, don't forget about the potty! Having an On-The-Go Inflatable Potty Seat was a big help during our trip and it allowed Big Sister E to be much more independent than she otherwise would have been. Had we owned this sooner, my in-laws wouldn't have had to go out and buy a separate potty seat for when we visit because we could have just brought this along! The 5 lucky people who will get to provide their child with a way to use the potty at home or on the go are...

Whew! Thanks to everyone who entered these fun Traveling With Children giveaways - I hope your next trip is a great one!
Hello! Stopping by from FF! Looks like you've been having some fun giveaways. ;) Following you now!
I saw you on friday follow! I know, I'm already a follower but just thought I'd let you know I saw you on there ;)
Have a grest Friday Follow and a fantastic weekend!
Congrats Winners...popping in to show some FF love!
Thank you SO much! You just made my really crummy day SO much better! :D
Hello from Friday Follow.
Following you.
Hello from Friday Follow.
Following you.
Stopping by from Friday Follow. Cute blog. I love the name too! Looking forward to seeing more fun stuff ;) Oh, and now I am a follower too!
follow friday friend. Hi enjoy your children they grow up so fast.
CONGRATS to all of the winners!
Have a great weekend! :)
Stopping by for Follow Friday.
Love the blog, and I love my mail carrier. :)
Happy FF! Hope you have a great weekend.
The Misplaced Midwesterner
Congrats to your winners!! It's Friday!!
Hi there! I'm stopping in from Friday Follow.
Congrats to your giveaway winners!
First time to join Friday Follow.
I followed you as Pinay Mommy!
You can follow me back at The Business Minded Mom
Thank you very much and have a nice day!!
Great blog! I'm here from FF. Come by and see me too! I'll be back to check this out some more.
Walking the Land
Congrats to the winners! Have a wonderful weekend!
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