Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm Mom Blogger of the Week!

While hanging out enjoying the peace and quiet of naptime this afternoon, I happened to catch the following tweet:

Say what? After my heart slowed back down to a normal pace again, I clicked over there and found myself on, the information source on... everything. Really, if you're looking for guidance on wild birds, game shows, Italian food, ping-pong, scrapbooking or zoology, they have it. And about every other category that you could possibly think of.

My topic? Well, the one that sums up my life in four words:

Every week in the Guide to Stay-At-Home Moms, Apryl Duncan selects a blogger of the week and highlights what she likes about their blog and why readers should visit. Considering you've already seen the title of this post and Apryl's tweet, you know that this week yours truly has the honor of being featured as the lucky blogger.

No, there's no one showing up at my door with balloons and a giant check, but I'm still honored. Everyone likes to be recognized now and then for something that they work so hard on, right? If you'd like to read Apryl's great post, head over and check it out. While you're there, you can also see my profile page and, if you happen to be a member of, leave a review about my blog.

As for me, I'm going to back to whistling a happy tune and marveling at the little things that can bring such excitement to my life.


Molly said... 1

Let me be the first to say Congrats!!

Unknown said... 2

Hello stopping by for FF Congrats on blogger of the week

Have a great Day :D

juliannah said... 3

Just here from FF. Congrats on Mom Blogger of the Week!

Rachel C said... 4

Congrats! You do keep up a great blog :)

CailinMarie said... 5

look at you! how fun!

Anonymous said... 6

Yay congrats! How cool and yep your blog is wonderful:)

sharonjo said... 7

Adding to the list of Congratulations!! You definitely deserve this!

I absolutely agree with this quote from the post at

"Xenia doesn't churn out review after review without thoroughly testing the product..."

Thanks for all your hard work!

Jenna said... 8

That's great! Congratulations! :)

Susan Fobes said... 9

This is very cool! Congratulations!

*Mom's Best Bets said... 10

Awesome-it's nice to be recognized-you do a great job:)

That Bald Chick said... 11

Congrats! and Happy Friday Follow, I'm following you now. Would love to have you follow, too.

Robyn Jones said... 12

Congrats! That's pretty cool! Just dropping by from FF! Have a great weekend...

Kathleen W. said... 13

Congrats! That's wonderful!

sustahl said... 14

That is so awesome that you were recognized! It doesn't take much to make Mom's happy, and that is the great thing about us Moms!

Congratulatioins, I think you deserve it!

Grizzly Bear said... 15

Woo hoo! That is so awesome! :)

Happy Follow Friday. I hope you have a great weekend.


Grizzly Bear said... 16

I just want to say I am so happy to be part of the "in crowd" :)


Anonymous said... 17

Congratulations!! That is quite a pleasant surprise for you, huh? Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


HeartsMakeFamilies said... 18

Congrats this great.

Thanks for joining the hop this week.


Huckleberrygal said... 19

Congrats!!! You deserve it :)! Hope you have a great weekend,

Clueless_Mama said... 20

WOOHOO Xenia!! I am SO happy for you:) I can't think of a better deserving person to be recognized for their hard work. I am so proud of my friend!! CONGRATS to you in all your awesomeness.

Mandee said... 21

That is awesome Xenia! You deserve it though b/c you work hard with your blog and you really have made it something GREAT! :)

LeeAnn said... 22

Oh that's awesome! Congratulations!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said... 23

Congrats Xenia! That's awesome!