Monday, April 12, 2010

Remove washing machine odors with Smelly Washer {Review & Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

Like pretty much all couples, my husband and I have little things that we tease each other about. I harass him about doing brainless things (e.g. putting the ice cream in the refrigerator), being able to fall asleep almost instantly at any time and that before we started dating he wore all earth-toned clothing (not literally, but it was still odd). He, on the other hand, picks on me for being oblivious when the item I'm searching for is right in front of me, being willing to load but not unload the dishwasher and also claims that in college I went with weeks in between washing my towels.

Some of the above hold more truth than others but something that has definitely been an issue is my husband's distaste for a towel that has even the faintest odor. I'll take a freshly laundered towel out of the dryer and bury my nose in it, thinking it smells great... while he takes one whiff and remarks that we need to buy new towels.

Is it the towels? Do we have a stinky washing machine? I don't think either are true, I think that all we need is something better than detergent to clean our towels once in a while. Something to rid them of that musty, mildew smell. Something like Smelly Washer.

When we moved into our house it had an ancient washing machine, so we upgraded to a front loader and I have loved it ever since. I could create an ongoing list naming the positive features of front loading washing machines, starting with the larger capacity, less water used and the fact that being able to watch the clothes spin around is quite entertaining to children.

However, one of the most common complaints is that left untreated, front loaders can build up quite a bad smell from the dirty clothes, detergent, fabric softener, etc. In order to prevent the need for repairs, the easy and efficient solution is to use a washing machine cleaner and remove the mildew odor yourself. We've managed to keep our machine smelling pretty fresh by keeping the door open when it's not in use, but then there are those towels that my husband is always complaining about.

Fortunately, not only does Smelly Washer rid your washing machine of any stinky scents, it does double duty as a towel cleaner as well. First, I followed the instructions to make sure that my machine was clean and ready - one cap of Smelly Washer went into the dispenser, through a hot wash cycle and it was done. For washing machines that really need more cleaning, Smelly Washer can be left longer or run through several times to get it fresh.

Since my front loader was clean-smelling to start with, I didn't notice a huge difference, but I was ready to really test it out with a pile of old, musty towels that had been first used for people, then for our dog, then have sat in our basement to be used as rags. Let's just say that they didn't just smell, they REALLY SMELLED.

After first washing the load of towels with Smelly Washer only and then rewashing normally with detergent, I couldn't wait to pull them out of the dryer. The result?

I was amazed that these towels smelled fresh, clean and without a hint of odor or mildew. Had I not known that these towels have been around for years and years and have gone through so many uses, I would never have guessed. I definitely have plans on using Smelly Washer on the rest of our towels, particularly the ones that my husband and I have differing opinions on. If they smell this good, we won't have to keep unnecessarily going out and buying new ones all the time!

Having had such a great response to their washing machine cleaner, Smelly Washer has now come out with a new product, Smelly Towel. The garden fresh fragrance is made specifically for people like me who want to remove the musty scent from their towels or clothing and make them smell new again - what a great idea!

An all-natural product, Smelly Washer is guaranteed to eliminate washing machine odor, fungus and mildew from any washing machine (front or top load). For $16.99, one bottle is an entire year's supply and worth every penny if you have a machine or towels that need it. Plus, thanks to the generosity of Smelly Washer, one person will no longer have to avoid the odors of their stinky machine, because...

One lucky person will win a year's supply (1 bottle) of Smelly Washer!

To enter to win: Visit Smelly Washer's Odor Removal Tips page and tell me something you found interesting there.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Smelly Washer on Twitter and/or subscribe to the RSS feed of the Smelly Washer blog.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN a 1-year supply of Smelly Washer for a clean machine and no musty, stinky towels @thxmailcarrier! #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on May 6th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to residents of U.S. and Canada only.

A big thank you to for providing a bottle for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Rachel C said...

Am I 1st? Weird.
I learned that if you use liquid fabric softener, you should dilute is with 6 parts water to 1 part softener so it doesn't yuck up your machine.

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Kristen said...

I learned that washing machines build up lint, just like a dryer. I never knew that!

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Anonymous said...

Why Cleaning Lint Away Is Important
The collected lint contains dirt and moisture that cause washing machine mold and mildew, leading to a stinky washer. If you clean away the lint, you can avoid the formation of washing machine mold and mildew that will not only contaminate everything you wash, but also spread to other parts of your home.

autumn398 @

Tina said...

I learned that cleaning the lint out helps prevent mold from building up.

maren said...

It's guaranteed to remove odors in the washer.

wildcat32 said...

I learned that the main cause of the stink is overuse of detergent.

wildcat32 said...

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Adrienne Zedella said...

i use only cold water for washing clothes (saves on heat bill) but running one hot water soak per week will melt soap & softener residue that builds up.
I will definately be doing that!
my boys are all sports and their clothes STINK even after washing!
chichijunk at cs dot com

adrienne zedella said...

Im a twitter follower!
chichijunk at cs dot com

Mandii said...

People generally use way more detergent than needed, I had no idea!!!

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robcallfamily said...

I never knew washers built up lint like dryers!

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Mandii said...

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Elizabeth said...

I didn't know that using too much detergent or fabric softener could cause bad smells- I'm definitely cutting back! Our washer has always had this nasty smell.

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Sarah Coulsey said...

I never knew that using too much detergent is what causes the smells. I always thought I was cleaning better by using too much!!!

sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

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sweepmom said...

"The main cause of front load or top load stink is the overuse of detergents."

jacque4u2c said...

I am an eamil subscriber and a follower of your awesome blog!!!!

I am really surprised at the fact that most people use way to much detergent. I find this very strange considering how much detergent costs now days......

Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware that lint also collects in washing machines.

Jennifer said...

I found this interesting: The best way to clean both a plastic and stainless steel tub dishwasher is to set it for a long, hot cycle such as “pots & pans” or “baked on goods”. ALLOW THE UNIT TO RUN FOR 15 MINUTES. Open the door and dash in 2 cups of WHITE vinegar. Shut the door and allow the unit to complete it’s cycle.

Jennifer said...

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Anonymous said...

I learned that people use too much detergent. I hate the way the laundry soap is concentrated now,anyway. I am definately cutting back on it.

Sue E said...

Smelly Washer is 100% all natural citrus based ingredients and though powerful on odors, it will not harm your septic system.

Sue E said...

I follow Smelly Washer on Twitter as suebaby05.

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409cope said...

I found it interesting that lint buildup in the dryer can cause mold and mildew to form.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

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Kristen said...

Daily tweet!

KMG852 said...

I learned that the main cause of front load or top load stink is the overuse of detergents

tlawrence said...

I''m bad about leaving the lid closed to the washing machine...duh! Never thought this would lead to mildewing. I learned a lesson today!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win a great giveaway. Thanks, Tammy

tlawrence said...

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tlawrence said...

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Love your blog name!!! Thanks for the great giveaway, Tammy

mrsshukra said...

I'm guilty of this and glad I learned that: The third not-so-common reason for clothes washer smells is using only cold water for washing. Using cold water is fine but makes preventive maintenance very important. A weekly hot soak will dissolve residue not dissolved by cold water. This is a perfect chance to soak soiled dishrags, etc.


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Angelia said...

I learned where to find the lint in your washer if it doesn't have a lint trap (like mine!)

mrsshukra said...

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Angelia said...

Entered the Measure Up giveaway!

Angelia said...

And Justice Jewls

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And Delta!

Huguette En said...

I found interesting that The main cause of front load or top load stink is the overuse of detergents.

Kristen said...

Daily tweet!

Nadia said...

I learned that if you use liquid fabric softener, you should dilute is with 6 parts water to 1 part softener so it doesn't yuck up your machine.

Nadia said...

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Mary A said...

I learned how to clean a dishwasher. It is great that you can do it with just white vinegar. "The best way to clean both a plastic and stainless steel tub dishwasher is to set it for a long, hot cycle such as “pots & pans” or “baked on goods”. ALLOW THE UNIT TO RUN FOR 15 MINUTES. Open the door and dash in 2 cups of WHITE vinegar. Shut the door and allow the unit to complete it’s cycle." Thanks for the giveaway.

Sue E said...

Daily Tweet

Rachel C said...

entered verilux

sntbosch said...

didn't realize that lint built up in the washer too

sharonjo said...

I learned that you should leave the washing machine door ajar for a few hours after use to allow excess water to evaporate and reduce washer mildew. Good tip!

cloud10277 said...

I never knew that washing machines build up lint, just like a dryer!! It makes sense but I never would have guessed it.

cloud10277 said...

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Kristen said...

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Rachel C said...

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Donna said...

I learned that using too much detergent causes the smell. I am very guilty of that.

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Anonymous said...

i learned it is safe for septic systems

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monson525 said...

Had no idea that mold grew on fabricsoftener residue in your washer.

monson 525 at gmail dot com

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The Baby Store Plus said...

I learned that I could be causing my washer to become 'smelly' by only using cold water washes, and by using softener...I don't know if I can get myself to change those things so I probably should use Smelly Washer :)

The Baby Store Plus said...

I have entered your Pillow Pet Giveaway too! I sure hope I win that one!

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The Baby Store Plus said...

I also follow @SmellyWasher...I am @BabyStorePlus, but I think you already know that!

ReeCh said...

I learned I should be doing a weekly hot water soak to help keep the washer tub clean of residue.

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