Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010 - Let's Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Well, hi there. Thanks for stopping by! Did you come to join the party? Are you dressed for it?

No, it isn't black tie. It's pajamas and accessories, a common uniform around here.

If you aren't here for the Ultimate Blog Party and are wondering what in the world I'm talking about, head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom to get the lowdown on this unique, fun way to build new online friendships. This is my first year participating in this annual event and I'm pretty excited about it. Every day I'm reminded in some way or another how large the blogosphere truly is, so what better way to meet some of the wonderful people out there than by partying with them?

If you are here for the Ultimate Blog Party, welcome! I hope you're having a great time! While you're here, you just might want to take a little looksie over at the fun giveaways that I've got up and running at the moment. It never hurts to try to win something, right? Even if you decide not to enter (What? You don't want to win a Britax stroller, Delta faucet or PlasmaCar?), leave me a comment! I have plans to follow this blog hop all over the place this weekend and I'll be sure to come stop by your party as well. If you follow me, let me know because I'd love to return the favor!

Who's behind Thanks, Mail Carrier?

Well, life around here as a SAHM with a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old... when is it not a party? As the title of my blog implies, the mail carrier is a pretty important person in our lives - and we use that term to represent anyone who brings fun things to our door, whether USPS, UPS, FedEx, heck, even that yellow one that I can never remember the name of. Just the sound of a truck coming down our block makes things come to a standstill so we can peer out the window with our fingers crossed.

My older daughter, Big Sister E, is creative, beautiful, bossy, all-knowing, and acts shy around new people even though she talks a mile-a-minute when we're at home. She loves books, coloring, taking care of her sister and getting together anytime and anywhere with her friends.

My younger daughter, Little Sister B, is adorable, happy, independent, a climbing monkey and in need of a haircut. She likes hugging her sister, pushing a play shopping cart around and pointing to a picture of ducks and quacking loudly. Together, the three of us (Daddy helps too, once in a while) have reviewed everything from food to items for the home to music to clothing and shoes to toys to gear and everything in between - and we've enjoyed doing it more than I can say.

This whole blogging thing has brought me opportunities that I never would have thought possible when I first started writing. I've been flown across the country, attended amazing events and opened my door to find pretty incredible products on the other side. However, none of it compares to the people I've met and the friendships that I've made. This community may be bigger than I can imagine, but I am so grateful and glad to be a part of it with all of you.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Don't be a stranger, come back and visit anytime, our "door" is always open. Now, go enjoy the party! I think all the excitement has worn us out...

Hold on! What would a party be without goodie bags? The Ultimate Blog Party has a whole list of incredible prizes to be won just for joining in to the fun! I would be pretty excited to win most any of them (and there are LOTS), but since they're making me list my favorites, my top three choices are...

1. US grand prize: Satellite L505D-ES5025 laptop from Toshiba (is there anyone who wouldn't want to win this?)
2. USC17: $200 Apple Gift Certificate from CmomGo.
3. US101: Human Touch Foot and Calf Massager from Still Blonde After All These Years.

If I'm not the luckiest person ever to receive those three, I'd also love any of the following in this order: US3, USC39, USC35, USC8, USC3, USC15, US112, USC37, US71, US39, US73, US74, US87, US32, US88, USC36, US52, US55, US31, USC32

Hmm, think that's enough? What great prizes! Thanks so much, 5 Minutes for Mom, for throwing this great party... now, will someone please pass me a cupcake?


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Terra Heck said...

I'm already a follower. Just stopping by to say hi. Love the photos of the kids.

Unknown said...

Hi there! Coming to visit via UBP! Your kids are super cute! Will be visiting again soon!

Sarah N said...

Your little ones are TOO cute! I'm stopping by from the UBP!

Sarah said...

Your blog is so cute! I LOVE giveaways too so I'll probably be hanging around! :)

Carolee Hollenback said...

I made it! I made it- the party is still going on!

Great give-aways

Have a great time blog-hopping!

passionstamper a/k/a Debbie VG said...

stopping by Post Party from UBP! You have a great site! Love the SOS! (my downline group with Stampin' Up! is S.O.S. -Saving Overwhelmed Stampers! too funny!) Will be following...come visit me too!

passionstamper a/k/a Debbie VG said...

I'm new to UBP, and signed up towards the I'm sure I'll be hopping aboard blogs, FB & Twitter pages for the next YEAR trying to catch up! You have a great site! I'll follow on Twitter if you return the favor! you can find me at Come visit my blog, A Passion for Stamps too!

Rena said...

LOL I love the picture of your little one passed out on the teddy bear!

<33 Rena

Amber said...

Hi I'm still hopping through and checking out blogs. I too love love love getting mail, packages, anything that gets delivered really. Even the bills. My husband thinks I'm strange, it's ok though. Cute blog.
~Amber @ The Mom Road

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