Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010 - Let's Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Well, hi there. Thanks for stopping by! Did you come to join the party? Are you dressed for it?

No, it isn't black tie. It's pajamas and accessories, a common uniform around here.

If you aren't here for the Ultimate Blog Party and are wondering what in the world I'm talking about, head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom to get the lowdown on this unique, fun way to build new online friendships. This is my first year participating in this annual event and I'm pretty excited about it. Every day I'm reminded in some way or another how large the blogosphere truly is, so what better way to meet some of the wonderful people out there than by partying with them?

If you are here for the Ultimate Blog Party, welcome! I hope you're having a great time! While you're here, you just might want to take a little looksie over at the fun giveaways that I've got up and running at the moment. It never hurts to try to win something, right? Even if you decide not to enter (What? You don't want to win a Britax stroller, Delta faucet or PlasmaCar?), leave me a comment! I have plans to follow this blog hop all over the place this weekend and I'll be sure to come stop by your party as well. If you follow me, let me know because I'd love to return the favor!

Who's behind Thanks, Mail Carrier?

Well, life around here as a SAHM with a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old... when is it not a party? As the title of my blog implies, the mail carrier is a pretty important person in our lives - and we use that term to represent anyone who brings fun things to our door, whether USPS, UPS, FedEx, heck, even that yellow one that I can never remember the name of. Just the sound of a truck coming down our block makes things come to a standstill so we can peer out the window with our fingers crossed.

My older daughter, Big Sister E, is creative, beautiful, bossy, all-knowing, and acts shy around new people even though she talks a mile-a-minute when we're at home. She loves books, coloring, taking care of her sister and getting together anytime and anywhere with her friends.

My younger daughter, Little Sister B, is adorable, happy, independent, a climbing monkey and in need of a haircut. She likes hugging her sister, pushing a play shopping cart around and pointing to a picture of ducks and quacking loudly. Together, the three of us (Daddy helps too, once in a while) have reviewed everything from food to items for the home to music to clothing and shoes to toys to gear and everything in between - and we've enjoyed doing it more than I can say.

This whole blogging thing has brought me opportunities that I never would have thought possible when I first started writing. I've been flown across the country, attended amazing events and opened my door to find pretty incredible products on the other side. However, none of it compares to the people I've met and the friendships that I've made. This community may be bigger than I can imagine, but I am so grateful and glad to be a part of it with all of you.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Don't be a stranger, come back and visit anytime, our "door" is always open. Now, go enjoy the party! I think all the excitement has worn us out...

Hold on! What would a party be without goodie bags? The Ultimate Blog Party has a whole list of incredible prizes to be won just for joining in to the fun! I would be pretty excited to win most any of them (and there are LOTS), but since they're making me list my favorites, my top three choices are...

1. US grand prize: Satellite L505D-ES5025 laptop from Toshiba (is there anyone who wouldn't want to win this?)
2. USC17: $200 Apple Gift Certificate from CmomGo.
3. US101: Human Touch Foot and Calf Massager from Still Blonde After All These Years.

If I'm not the luckiest person ever to receive those three, I'd also love any of the following in this order: US3, USC39, USC35, USC8, USC3, USC15, US112, USC37, US71, US39, US73, US74, US87, US32, US88, USC36, US52, US55, US31, USC32

Hmm, think that's enough? What great prizes! Thanks so much, 5 Minutes for Mom, for throwing this great party... now, will someone please pass me a cupcake?


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Molly said...

Hmmm, this is the second blog party post I've seen this evening.....

have you seen the new season of Tori and Dean yet?!? According to their editing crew, they're on the rocks...but I predicted that already....

: )

Jami Balmet said...

Hey I'm new here from Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower.

Nice to meet you!


Natalia said...

how can I participate???

tiarastantrums said...

nice to meet you - I've been here before on several occasions! Love the sleeping baby one the floor!

Triplet mom said...

I am the same way about the mail... and shopping at, and feeds my cravings!

Kristie from Kristie's List said...

Hi Xenia, we've already met, but I was just swinging by to say woot woot! Lucky you at #4 on the linky!! :P

A said...

I've entered a few of your giveaways in the past. I love your blog, a clean layout, which really holds my attention. ;)

I'm already a follower.

Have fun during UBP week! :D

Dee Birks said...

Your older daughter is a lot like me. My mom could never understand how I could be so shy around new people and talk nonstop at home (I am still that way!)

Great meeting you!

kw said...

I've followed for sometime. I love your blog! Your navigation is genius. Have fun this week at UBP10!

Pepper said...

Wow #4 on the mclinky lucky ducky! Hehe. Hope you win something fun!

Kimberly Job said...

What a fun blog! I'm now a follower. I blog at

Andrea Kruse said...

I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the Toshiba!

Good to know more about you. It is my first year at the party, too. I follow, and come around quite often. Love your reviews and hope to see more of you in the future.

Luv to Save said...

I've been here before too many times entering your giveaways ;) I'm glad to know you even more.

sustahl said...

I love your giveaways! I am just wondering what PR company you are friends with or how you get some of the best giveaways! Your girls are beautiful.

Unknown said...

Hopped over from UBP2010.. your girls are adorable..

Anonymous said...

I love the delivery guy coming to the door with a box of goodies. Usually the stuff is for my wife but somtimes it's for me (Yeah!). See you at the party.

Mama to 5 said...

What sweet little girls! Coming over from 2010 UBP, signed up to follow you - I invite you to follow back! :) Have a great weekend!

Jenny said...

haha cute post. Love that photo of the passed out baby! :D I kinda laughed so hard I pee'd a little. xD

MrsM said...

What sweet little girlies! We have two about the same age, plus our son who is six. It's really nice to meet you!

I followed you~if you have time to stop by and check out my blog/party I'd love to see you =)

Ms D said...

Nice to meet you :) But I have been to your blog before! Happy party week!!!

tiff snedaker said...

What a cute and witty name for your blog, I absolutely love it! I think we do a lot of peering out the window as well. Nice to meet you :)

Party With Tiff (UBP post)

Anonymous said...

Hi, there! I joined the party, too! I'm at Love your blog!

Tina said...

Hey, so nice to meet you! Can't wait to read your reviews, I LOVE reading reviews [and writing my own occasionally!]

You can check out my own UBP post here ->

Erin said...

Hey there! Your kiddos are completely adorable. I am off to check out that Britax stroller giveway now. Now following!

Dawna said...

*waves* Hello! A happy UPB10 to you!

Now following... Looking forward to sharing the mommyhood journey with you!

Kel said...

Just joining the party!!! I look forward to reading your blog and checking out some giveaways! Come check my out sometime.

Erin @ Closing Time said...

I just found you via the UBP! I'm also a SAHM to two little girls, but mine are 6 and 4. Aren't little girls so much fun?

Happy partying!

Mandee said...

Great post Xenia! Love the photos! I especially love the one of your little one sleeping on her lovie! :0

Michelle said...

Isn't this party just the BEST!?

JustLinda said...

I'm taking them in order, working my way through the list. Hi! Just dropping a comment to let you know I stopped by. (Cute kiddos, from another mom-of-girls!!)

extreme personal measures said...

Fabulous blog! Very interesting. I would love to hear more of what has happened since you started blogging and how you got there. I will be following you to see what's next and following you on Twitter :)

TheAtticGirl said...

Love it! I'll take a pajama day any day!

Love your blog!

You can find me here:

Enjoy the party!

Melissa said...

Hey, I'm just stopping by from Friday Follow. Hope you have a great weekend!


janetfaye said...

I am stopping by from the UBP to say hello!

Thanks for all of the great giveaways!

Unknown said...

Who doesn't love he Mail Carrier??? Except when it's bills and useless waste mail ;)
Thanks for being part of the UBP10!

Check us out when you have time:

Musing Mommies

Debbie said...

I am going to have to check that party out!

Anonymous said...

YAY so happy to be partying! Of course I'll be back:)

Heather Brandt said...

I also have a 3 year old. He loves the mail carrier, too! Check it out @ Millie Waits for the Mail.

Life with Colin

Debbie said...

Just found your site from the UBP. What 3 year old doesn't like the mail carrier? I know mine sure does!

Frantic Holly said...

I am so glad I have on the appropriate attire. That's our norm too. Have a great UBP!

Christian Frugal Mama said...

Hi! I found you through Friday Follow! Come check out my blog Christian Frugal Mama and if you're a mom (or grandmom!) be sure to check out my Mom Mondays ( and leave a comment for a chance to win that week's prize! Have a great weekend!

Shelly said...

I love the mail carrier too, but often times that means I've been doing too much online shopping ;) said...

That picture with the baby and the stuffed animal is SO cute!

It's nice to "meet" you.

Hallee the Homemaker

Tina Hollenbeck said...

Hello! Happy first day of the party. I'm taking a look at as many parties as I can quickly and then I'll come back to some of them - including yours - more later. :^)

Cryssloves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cryssloves said...

I didn't bring cupcakes! I have pie though, will you take pie?

I have followed you for a while but recently rediscovered you!

Happy UBP

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Nice to meet you. Enjoy the party.

MommieDaze said...

I'm just getting started with the party.

We love it when a special package come to the door. It always adds a little excitement to out long days at home without Daddy.

Maggie Smith said...

Stopping in from #ubp10 to say hi! I am Dexter's Super Savvy Mommy and you can come say hi at

I am now following you, spreading some Bloggy love

Anonymous said...

How fun! I'm pretty new to the world of blogging, and it is so addictive and rewarding. I'll be following you on Twitter.

Party on!

annies home said...

loved learning more about you. Have fun at the UBP this is one event that I loved last year and I am back again

Niki Jolene said...

Hi, there. Nice to "meet" you. I am enjoying checking out your blog.

Wow, look at you #4 on the list. I feel lucky to squeak in at #574, LOL.

Stop by and visit me over at Free 2 Be Frugal sometime!

Little Bishops said...

This is my first time participating in the UBP as well. Someone else mentioned that they were going through the list one by one. I am doing the same thing. Great post! Feel free to stop by and get to know me and my kids too at :-)

Mominin said...

I'm also a first-timer at the UBP! I followed you and am off to check out all your awesome giveaways.

Nolie said...

Stopping by for the party. Hope you are enjoying it.

Christi said...

Hi! Visiting for the UBP. I've been to your blog before, though - I love all your giveaways!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Great to meet you! I came here via the UBP! :D Your daughters are absolutely adorable!!

Laura said...

This is my first year participating in the UBP. Your little girls are adorable. I also have 2 daughters, but they are now 14 and 20. They grow sooo fast, so write down all those "moments", because know matter how hard you try, you will forget & take lots of pictures.

Unknown said...

Another party crasher here! I loved looking at all of your photos. Your girls are adorable

@Dayngr said...

Hi! First time visitor to your blog. I surfed over from 5 Minutes for Mom. See you @ the blog party.

Beverly said...

We have something in common! I have two girls, ages 3 and 1. Fun, isn't it? Loving the party, and loving your blog :-) Have fun this week during the UBP!

Anonymous said...

I love your giveaways and now its so nice to meet your family! Super cute!
Hey Courtney!


♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...

Your daughter is absolutely precious. Happy happy BLog party. Have a great weekend Xenia.

Sugar & Spice and Frugal Advice said...

You have such a creative blog name! Sometimes getting the mail is the highlight of my day! I love to see all those freebies arrive.Great partying with you!

Unknown said...

I love your blog title! How fun! Happy UBP!

Kelley said...

Hello form UBP! Some great prizes this year, yikes! I am faily drooling over the Toshiba too.

Good luck to all!
Have a great weekend.

Yoly @ YNR Live said...

Nice to meet you! Love the title of your blog. Your daughters are adorable. I'm subscribing to your RSS!

Have fun at the party and good luck!

Amy said...

Hey there, cute blog. I am visiting from the Blog party but as you are also doing Friday Follow - I will follow - Please follow me back.
Headed to try and win the little plasma car! Cool!

Unknown said...

Okay your title is just too cute! I am party crashing your site from UBP! I hope to read more and I hope that you crash my party too!!

Oh and the yellow van is DHL .. :) I like goodies too and so does my two year old!

A Mom's Take said...

Stopping by from UBP 2010 - come see me too!

Sara said...

Howdy! Party hopping (from UBP, of course).

Your blog title is TOO CUTE. The mail carriers are pretty big deals around here too (my oldest is 6, youngest is 18mo) ... always makes us peek out our windows too LOL

I'll DEFINITELY be back!

yonca said...

What a fun post Xenia! Yay to party!!! I gotta dress up ;)
Love the pics!

Erica said...

I came from UBP. I love the pics of your kids. I would enter your contest for the Delta faucet, but it's the one we currently have and love. Hope your winner likes it as much as we do.

Maria and Michelle said...

I'm very excited for your party and the fact that we don't have to dress-up. Score!! I can't wait to look around your blog some more.

Stop by FTSN for a slice of peanut butter pie when you have the chance!


Anonymous said...

The UBP10 is so much fun. I love doing this and visiting all the fab blogs.

Jena Webber said...

Yes, the blog party is a lot of fun. Nice site! Good prizes that you are giving away. I love the photo of the little yellow footy pjs.

Unknown said...

Yup , I'm dressed in my pajamas for the party !

Need to work on entering your giveaways soon !

You can check out my party if you'd like ! Think I'll do some editing before it's over though !

Robyn | Add a Pinch said...

PJs are our standard party attire, too! And honey, the UPS guy knew my address by heart for a while. True story, when my husband met him at a game and told him our road name he said, "Oh, you must be married to Robyn. She gets a lot of stuff."

Come on by and say hello.

TIFFANY said...

I'm here from The Ultimate Blog Party! I'm having so much fun meeting new people. Stop by my blog and say hi sometime.

Daisygirl said...

Hi coming over from UBP 2010! I love the title of your blog being a stay at home mom to 3 I know how awesome it is to get a package or letter in the mail!
I am now following your blog and I hope your weekend is fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you do get the great giveaways don't you? Stopping by from UBP10 to show some blogging love. I've never won on any of these giveaways, but I think I'll give your faucet giveaway a whirl!

Alicia said...

Stopping by from ubp. Your girls are adorable... I love the picture of them all dressed up for the party.

Unknown said...

I love your photos, they are always great. You also have great top prize selections. I really enjoy your blog, thank you!

Brodie said...

here from UBP10- love your blog

Lovin' Life on Less said...

Hey, I'm from UBP. I love the name of your blog. I loved my mail carrier at my old house, he was like part of the family. But, I hated all those bills he dropped off. Now with all the freebies I get in the mail, I am starting to digg ups again :-)

I'm your new follower!

Tiffany said...

I'm here for the party! I'm already a follower but thought I'd take some time to say hello!

MomMaven said...

I am here to party and I followed you too! Great blog!
Stop by when you get a chance!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm here for the party. I've been by your blog before. I'm not a blogger buy I enjoy reading blogs. I'll take a look at your giveaways. :)

Mikki said...

What a fun blog. Love the title!
Just stopping by via the UBP!

Unknown said...

Your oldest daughter sounds a lot like my daughter =)

Kristen said...

Great blog! I'll be back! I have a 1-year-old as well! Your kiddos seem so precious and adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am here from the Blog Party! I love your site and have visited in in the past. So cute! And you have awesome giveaways, too! I just started my blog in January, so I am always trying to learn from great examples and you are definitely on my list!!! Feel free to stop by my blog A Year in the Life of June Cleaver at
if you have time partying!!!

Spoiled...but Not Rotten said...

HI! Popping in for the UBP! This is my first year and I love discovering all the new blogs I didn't know about!

The mail carrier is often the highlight of my day too! I love your pic in the post! How cute are they!?!

Jackie said...

I'm already a follower! Just wanted to stop by and say hi.

Oh, and I also love getting stuff from the mail carrier!

Jackie said...

Nice to meet you...I'm here from the UBP. Love the name of your blog...the highlight of my day is when I hear the dog barking because I know the mail has arrived! Enjoy the week!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Enjoyed reading through your blog....I am not sure how you do the prizes. Where do you post what you like...Blog hopping and having a many great blogs....This is a GREAT party.
I have a Fun $100 Gift Basket to give away and all it takes a comment Teresa

Unknown said...

Those kids are so freaking adorable!! Glad I found you through UBP10!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, you have some adorable little ones! I hope to continue to read your blog much more in the future! I'm here for the party!

Jennifer Nordin, LMT, CPT said...

My sisters and I were in love with the UPS guy when we were growing up on our farm. I mean, who wouldn't love a cute guy in uniform who brings you stuff?? ;)
Have a Happy UBP!
Jen at Oils For Wellness

MomOnTheEdge said...

First, your girls are just adorable! Love those pics!

Also, we love the mail carrier, etc too. I don't have a good blog, but I occasionally win small items and send away for freebies which keep me addicted to his smiling face. I can't even imagine if I got all the cool stuff you do!

sandra said...

Stopping by from the UBP! Great giveaways!!

Jeanine said...

that is too funny that you all stop what you're doing when you hear a mail truck! we do the same thing!! so nice to meet a kindred spirit :)

giggling kids said...

I am so Excited about this UBP! I am stopping by from

furygirl3132 said...

Happy UBP10! I am a new follower stopping by to say hello! I love your blog and am excited to be a part of the party.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Christina said...

Christina - - I'm here for the party - a non-blogger who writes enough every day just to make a living! - and I love your site!

Unknown said...

Stopping in to say hi from UBP! I will see you soon!

Anonymous said...

I just stopped by to check out the party. This is my first blog party and I'm excited to check out all the ongoings. I love your blog and I'm already entered into a few of your giveaways. I'm not a blogger yet, but I love reading blogs and entering giveaways. Have a Happy Bloggy Party!


The Mother said...

Happy Blog Party!

Your daughters are adorable!

Goodies for Mom said...

Just "party hopping!" So nice to "meet you" :)

Little ones definitely look dressed for a party!!


Visit my part post at:

Carma Sez said...

My son is a teen and he still gets revved up at the sound of the UPS truck. More often than not it just drives right on past our place though!

Party on!

Lucy said...

Nice to meet you too. I love the sleeping picture, adorable.


Kyley Leger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kyley Leger said...

I love your blog layout and design. It looks great! I'm a new follower coming from UBP and I'm excited to follow. You have a great writing style!

stacy said...

Just popping by from the UBP. Nice blog!

Saving For Someday said...

Hi, I'm stopping by from the UBP'10. You site is lovely. I might just have to keep coming back for these great giveaways you have. I'm just starting out and I want to do a few giveaways for my Random Act of Kindness Challenge, I can sure learn from you!

See you again, soon!

Clueless_Mama said...

Okay, I didn't even know about this until I started seeing all the posts today. Look at you being #4! You go Xenia:) I guess I am going to join in.

cdmtx said...

Lets Go Do the Hop - the Party Hop thats is :) just swinging by to say awesome party and Blog!


Joni said...

Just stopping by from the blog party. Love that pic of the baby asleep on the big dog stuffie. So adorable. Come by to say hi!

J Rodney said...

Hi there, I am stopping in from UBP2010!

We sure love the mail carrier at our house too. I always love the surprise and excitement on my sons' faces, when they see the truck outside, or here the knock on the door. I think the biggest surprise was when it was a box of ice cream that was colder than the one I had in the freezer.

Susan Margaret said...

What a great idea! I've been to your site a couple of times but now I'm going to follow you via email as I enjoy reading your posts!

Brandi said...

Well, I thought I would stop by and see what you had to offer at the party. But darn it I had to wade through 121 other comments to find you. LOL Love all the pics you posted, and so glad to learn a few new things about you!

Nanette ~ A Mom Blog said...

Wow, you and your girls really do party till you drop don't you? lol They are too cute.

Stopped by via the UBP. Such fun. Can you pass me a cupcake too, please?

Unknown said...

I'm hopping on over to you #4 on the list!! because I have 4 children. I'm being random today...

I like the last picture, crashed on a plush toy photo, it reminds me of my kids!

Hop by if you've got the time!

I'm the one giving away prize #37 on 5M4M prize page but I have a few others on my blogs too.

$150 spa gift card from
Another $50 gift card
$150 gift card to CDN shop Canadian Tire

Enjoy the party!

Christy said...

You're girls are too cute! Visiting from UBP!

My Party Post:

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I only want to see the mailman when I know I have a package coming - otherwise, he could take my bills with him and be gone like the wind. LOL. Alas, such is life.

Party on UBP'10!

Christian Frugal Mama said...

Hi! Happy UBP! Your kids are very cute!! You can check out my blog if you get a chance and see what I'm hard at work getting started, The Mom Mondays Carnival. I'd love to hear your input about it! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

My Party Post

Terri Dell said...

Hi Xenia, Just dropping in to party! I've got to do a lot today because UGH I have to work tomorrow and that messes up my weekend. :) Anyway, I've seen you on other blogs and I've also been here before so I just want to say hi, have a great time at the UBP and enjoy the weekend. Terri

Julia said...

Hi! I am here from UBP10. Your little girls are adorable! I hope you can stop by and visit.

Anonymous said...

Hey Xenia!

Glad to see you here at UBP 2010!

CrystalsCozyKitchen said...

I love the name of your blog - when I saw it over on UBP I had to check it out!

Mama Sammi said...

HEY!! I love the concept of your blog, too cute cuz thats is what my girls papa does for a living and he delivers to our house!! :O) I jumped on over from UBP and I'm leaving comment love and gonna follow. Hope to see you around!!

Evelyn said...

I love this blog! Too cute! Glad I found the party!

ConnieFoggles said...

This is the mother lode of UBP posts! My hubby is a mail carrier so I love your blog name. Your photos are great and your girls are totally adorable!

Blogging has changed my life too. Nice to read about you and your family. Hope you'll stop by and visit too. Party On!

Amber said...

Hey, Visiting from UBP!

I love the pictures at the end of your post with the teddy dog. They're both super adorable :)

Following your blog, Hope you have a great weekend!

Tamara B. said...

Blowing in from the UBP to say hi :)

InnaC said...

Love your Blog's name!

Marsha Cooper said...

what a great post!! I can tell you know your way around the blogging world.
I've had my blog for awhile but still am pretty clueless to make it work the way I need to for me.


TwinHappyJen said...

Just stopping in from the UBP! :-) But, had to also enter the Pillow Pets contest real quick... my girls have been bugging me for those every time that commercial comes on TV :-p

Jumping Jack said...

I'm your newest follower from the UBP. Hope your enjoying the party! Come visit us anytime at

Jen said...

came from the party. where has your blog been all my life?? your kids are adorable. I follow you now so I can keep up and learn a thing or two

Monique said...

Hello! Found you at the UBP. Nice to meet you! You have an amazing blog and lovely family!! Well, just wanted to say "hi" and happy blog-hopping!
Cheers ❀

Twitter: hockey_wife
Mr Linky: #879

Rachel Boldman said...

Nice to "meet" you!! I also love all things mail :)

Stopping by from UBP10 :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, we love the mail here, too, and PJs with accessories is the favorite outfit of them all (for mama AND the kids!)

3 and 1 - you have your hands full! Mine are 4 and 2!

Stop by to see the other side - I often write about working and trying to raise two crazy kids! ; - )

Anonymous said...

Yep, we love the mail here, too, and PJs with accessories is the favorite outfit of them all (for mama AND the kids!)

3 and 1 - you have your hands full! Mine are 4 and 2!

Stop by to see the other side - I often write about working and trying to raise two crazy kids! ; - )

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

Dang girl - How are you always one of the first listed on these linky lists? You are one savvy mama!

And I thought I was special being driven places and here you're being flown. So cool, what was it for?

jamaise said...

Just stopping by to say Hi from the UBP :) Have a good time at the party ! Hope you'll drop by Wishing Penny!

Unknown said...

Life is always a party with kids in tow! I have two boys who are similar in age with your girls...makes for a good time! A new follower of yours. Enjoy the party!

Plowlady said...

Coming from the UBP -- I have met so many new bloggers out there! Hi there and thank you for a wonderful blog here, I am having tons of fun surfing through it! I am #986 Blog, #734 Twitter & #462 Facebook

Michelle J said...

I just LOVE your blog header and your kiddos are so adorable! I'm dropping in from the UBP and hope you have a wonderful time at the party.

ericka @ alabaster cow said...

hi from the UBP! those girls are precious :) hope to see you at alabaster cow!

Anne said...

Joining in on the party. I love the mail carrier [Fedex, UPS, and the other guy - DHL - although I don't really see him much]. You daughters are adorable. I miss having little ones around.

Amy said...

I am so glad I hopped over here from UBP, what a fun site. I can't wait to look around more. I am also a mother of all girls. Three in this house. Hope you are having a fun time with the party.

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you!
Happy UBP2010

Milo's Creations said...

Love your blog name! As a mom of 3, online shopping is a must for me! As a website owner, we love our mail carrier for bringing us new inventory and fun things we have purchased and for taking our sold items to their new homes! Happy Blog Party!

Jess said...

Great blog name! We're a big fan of the mail carrier here too. Never know just what they are going to bring us each day :)

Beth said...

Love your blog! thanks for having me!

Holly said...

So nice to meet you! I stopped by for the party and it's so great to be in like-minded company since pajamas are the frequent attire around here as well!

Rachel said...

Your kids are adorable! We love mail too! I buy almost everything online! Glad to meet you through UBP!

Tiffany said...

Oh your blog is so sweet and so are your children! I just love meeting new bloggers! I joined the party, too. Thanks for letting me crash yours! You are welcome over to visit me anytime, I will be waiting with a cup of Starbucks! {grin}

Anonymous said...

Popping over from your UBP link. Great blog & great giveaways. I can't wait to look around a little more!

Dawn Chandler said...

Hi! Stopping by from UBP! I love the name of your blog and the story behind it!


Liz Mays said...

I couldn't agree with you more about the blogging friendships we make here! Happy partying, my friend!

Hey! You're going to BlogHer! Awesome! I hope we can meet up there!

Ashley said...

We seem to have a bunch in common... kids 3 & 1.5... have to run and watch whenever the mail truck (or other delivery vehicle) is in the neighborhood... LOL!

Traci Michele said...

I'm a new follower to your blog :-) Nice to meet ya!

Come check out Ordinary Inspirations here:

Jackie said...

Nice to meet you! I'm going to head over to your Delta giveaway right after this comment!

My name is Jackie and I'm from

Liz said...

Love your site! Just checking out your site for the UBP, I'm enjoying the blog-hopping, your kiddos are cute!

I'll be at BlogHer this year (my 2nd year) and hope to meet!

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Hey! Just stopping in from the party to say hi :) But, I can see from your pictures, I'd better dress up a little more, before I continue on into your blog! Nice to meet you.

lovelyritaann said...

What a great party post! I became a follower. Love your giveaways. I've got my first three in the works right now; however, they are nothing like what you are able to giveaway. One of these days I will figure out how to get that big :)

Feel free to come by my blog and read my Ultimate Blog Party '10 post!

Life Is A SandCastle said...

Visiting from UBP, already love your site.

My post is @

Rachel said...

Visiting from UBP! Your kiddos are adorable...I am becoming a follower because I love the mail carrier too!

Pamela's Understandings said...

Hi sending Sunday hugs via UBP...

Mandi Leigh said...

You party in your pj's too!! (We absolutely love Sandra Boyton's book "Pajama Time.") My 4 kids also LOVE the postman and especially the UPS truck. They love the UPS dude so much that they draw pics of him and his truck!! (They know that UPS means someone-usually grandma- sent them something fun!) You have a great blog. I'll follow.

Carol E. said...

Can I come to your party and just watch and adore your incredibly cute kids???

Unknown said...

Stopping by to say hello I am already a follower of your blog and twitter! Happy UBP!

Lindsay said...

stopping by for the UBP! Decided to start following you, do the same if you'd like!

XmasDolly said...

Stopping by for the Par-tay! Thought I'd say hey! Love the baby's picture - totally love love that HUGE smile! Oh my gosh! It's sooooo cute! Love happy babies! Nice to meet you. I'm your latest follower.

Pam said...

Stopping by for the kids often "party" wearing pj's and accessories, too. I love it!


cloud10277 said...

Dropping by for the party! I love your blog. Great giveaways and really fun articles!!

Angelica said...

I love the name of your blog, very creative! My daughter also loves books, we can read for hours!You have had a hec of a party with 182 comments! Wow! Happy partying this week and hope you stop by my party post.

Tomi C said...

The secret's out thanks to UBP 2010 that your site it fab. I've been a follower for a while and glad to see all these bloggers stopping by to say "hi"

Kelly Irene said...

Hi from the UBP10! (I'm fashionably late, I know.) Looks like you have a great blog, and I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Kelly @

Anonymous said...

stopping in from ubp! lovely site, I'm off to check it out some more!!

Pamela Scott said...

hi nice to meet you I am out and about party hopping tonight!! I hope you'll come visit my party

mudmama said...

Hey there! Long time no see! Glad the UBP brought me back here. Hope you can come by, I am having a book give-a-way as a door prize. Cheers to you and congratz on all the fun stuff going on at your blog!

dcg4US said...

Nice to meet you. I am UBP 2.160 - This whole idea is great! It makes it easier to find people with common interests. I love the mail carrier idea. They do all deserve our thanks. Thanks to you for being here :)

Ponn Sabra said...

Thanks for finding me. HA! Love your title and what it represents--hysterical!

I'm following you @ponnsabra and look forward to your many giveaways.

Enjoy the girls...Love 'em-I have 3 ;-)

MommyLisa said...

Here from UBP and will be a to figure out what a PlasmaCar is...

Happy UBP!

Gina said...

Yum for cupcakes!!
Love that static in the hair pic, too funny.

Debbie said...

Love your blog, now following from the UBP...entered a giveaway too!

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm popping in from the UBP 10. It's my first time doing the blog hop party and it's been awesome :) I love your blog and your kids are so adorable! Congrats on all you've been able to do.

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from the UBP! I enjoyed visiting your site and learning more about it. You have done so much!

MIG said...

Your girls look like they have so much fun! :)

Anonymous said...

What a happening party you have going on!! So glad to join. I have a 3 yr old and a 10 month old... and yes!! It is always a party!! haha.

Would love to have you come by our place:

Look forward to connecting on twitter!
With Aloha

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

Thanks so much for joining the party!

Your kids are soooo precious. I esp love the photo of your little one passed out on the stuffy... that's what I feel like far too often. LOL

Yes, isn't it amazing how blogging can open so many doors... we too are constantly thinking how we never would have guessed.

Thanks again for joining the fun and talk soon,

Andrea said...

I'm stopping by from 5 Minutes for Mom for the Ultimate Blog Party.

I love the picture of the little one passed out. My husband took a picture of our youngest on Monday in a similar pose.

Your blog is awesome!

Andrea S.

MaggieK said...

Following you from UBP...great blog. I love the picture with your little one passed out on the teddy bear.

Stop by and take a look at my blog.

allthingsnew said...

I love the mailman too! You never know what he's going to bring you. It's like a mini treasure hunt every day!

Miss Fit said...

UBP2010!! Stopping in! Nice to "Meet" you and your girls are adorable!

Parenting in blue jeans said...

I had a good chuckle over your name and description. That's one of the jokes I tell about going rom being a teacher to a SAHM. I went crazy for the first few months and any adult, even seeing the mail carrier, would be the thrill of my day. I'm all adjusted now...

Anyway, stopping by from the UBP. Feel free to pop over to my blog, Parenting in Blue Jeans. I have a date night giveaway going on right now. Feel free to put your name in the hat and pass the invitation on to friends.

Unknown said...

Just stopping in from UBP 2010!!! Joined your following, can't wait to see what you post in the months to come!! Party on;) *G*


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