In our family, when it comes time to plan a vacation my husband doesn't even really need to ask my opinion. Where do I want to go? Two words: the beach.
I love the sun and the waves and relaxing with a good book while my daughters play happily in the sand. However, what I found from our recent trip to the Bahamas was that as much fun as we had at the beach, when it came time to pack up and head back to our villa both of my kids were not fans of trying to remove the sand from all over themselves.
Big Sister E would make an attempt to brush it off of her legs but then gave up when she found it stuck to her hands just as much. And Little Sister B seemed to end up with sand in her mouth no matter how many times I rinsed her hands off - where did it keep coming from? I won't even go into their displeasure at being hosed off at the outdoor shower, but what other way was there to ensure that we didn't bring half of the beach back inside with us?
And then I pulled out a container of Sand Gone and life at the beach suddenly got so much easier.
Created by a mom of two who wanted a way to remove sand without water, Sand Gone is a natural, non-toxic powder that is applied with a soft puff and causes sand to simply fall away. So... is it as easy as it sounds?
We had plenty of opportunities to find out as pretty much every time Big Sister E walked up from the ocean, the result was something like this (if not worse):
Instead of making her stand in the outdoor shower that, as I mentioned, she was not a fan of, I took out the Sand Gone and it began to cut through the sandy mess with the first touch.
After only a few passes with the soft, powder puff, I was consistently amazed by the results:
The answer is yes, Sand Gone really is that easy. The sand just falls away from both the skin and the puff itself and then you just screw the cap back on and you're set to go. Whether you are getting into a car or going inside, Sand Gone allows you to leave the sand where it belongs: at the beach. As an added bonus, you are not only left with smooth, clean skin but a sweet coconut scent as well. What a great product!
As a testament to how unique and innovative Sand Gone truly is, it is one of the top 3 finalists in The Next Big Thing Contest held by Dallas Market Center. Voting is taking place on the Poll tab of their Facebook page through June 25th and, although this is of course my own personal opinion, Sand Gone is definitely the best of the 3.
Unfortunately, we don't live near a beach. However, that just
Plus, thanks to the generosity of Tiffany at Sand Gone, one person will be ready for their next trip to the beach with the only non-toxic, non-talc, easy-to-apply, inexpensive sand solution around, because...
One lucky person will win an 8-ounce container of Sand Gone of their own!
To enter to win: Visit Sand Gone and tell me why or where you would need/use this innovative product with your family.
Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry if you vote for Sand Gone as The Next Big Thing at Dallas Market Center. What an honor!
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Sand Gone on Twitter follow the Sand Gone blog with Google Friend Connect and/or become a fan (Like) on Facebook. Plus, 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: I just entered to win a container of Sand Gone at Thanks, Mail Carrier! You can too: http://bit.ly/alpOD8
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
I want to WIN Sand Gone, a must-have sand remover for beachgoers @thxmailcarrier from @SandGone! http://bit.ly/alpOD8 #win #giveaway
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect (see sidebar), subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or Like me on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Sand Gone. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on June 3rd at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Tiffany at Sand Gone for providing a container of Sand Gone for me to review as well as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»Well I have to get me some of this for sure. I'm here from Friday Follow.
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner
Hi! Happy Friday Follow.
Sand gone ...what a great invention. Thanks for the tip!
Following you from Friday Follow too! What an awesome idea! We live at the beach being in OC, could definitely use this product!
Following you from FFF! What a cool item!
Newest follower from FF! Would love to see you over at my blog too! (I'm new to this whole blog thing!)
Have a great weekend!
I'm hoping we can make to the Gulf this summer, but with that dang oil spill, our vacation may be moved further inland.
My bestie (who lives at the beach during the summer) told me that baby powder works as well, but then you wind up smelling like a freshly diapered babe---I think I'd rather smell like a fresh coconut! : )
New follower from Friday Follow!
Our family needs this! I have triplets and going to the beach and to the parks that use sand for their base-- we are always COVERED in sand and we can never get everyone clean. This is the perfect product for us.
jamiedelight @gmail.com
Love to swim in the ocean, but by the time I get back to the towel, I'm covered in sand! Sand Gone sounds great! Thanks,
itrigonis at gmail dot com
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I entered the KINeSYS giveaway. Thanks, itrigonis at gmail dot com
I entered the Sophisticated Baby giveaway. Thanks, itrigonis at gmail dot com
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I entered the Stella & Dot giveaway. Thanks, itrigonis at gmail dot com
I really wish I had a reason to have some Sand Gone but seeing as how i live in the middle of Montana i don't think i will be needing it. Happy ff- hope you visit me at
I like the idea that it leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth instead of gritty!
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I need this because I am going to Mexico and will be right on the beach!! Thanks for the chance!
We live really close to the beach so we're there a lot during the summer. No matter how hard we try we always end up with half the beach in the car on the way home. I would love to try this1
voted for Sand Gone as The Next Big Thing at Dallas Market Center
Voted for Sand Gone as The Next Big Thing at Dallas Market Center.
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I do live near the beach, several actually, and I would love to win this to use on the many occasions we go there. Since we are close enough to go for just a few hours, the hassle of cleaning up sometimes doesn't seem worth it. This would allow us to go more often and not have the cleanup issues!
Voted for them!
Following Sand Gone on Twitter (@dannyscotland) and Liked their FB page, where I posted the message.
Oh, I guess this is where I should say I posted that message on SandGone's FB Wall.
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what a super idea!! i'd love to try it!
i'm here from the friday follow, also!!
have a great weekend!
In July for 10 days there are going to be 15 of us taking a boat and going boat-in camping. Needless to say we are going to be covered in sand. This would be great for all of us.
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We try to get to the beach at least once a week during our short Indiana summer! The little ones of course have sand everywhere, so this would be great to try. Thanks :)
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We're going on an actual vacation this year (nothing spectacular, but we will be finding a beach area for kiddos), and it would be great to have an easy way to tackle the sand issue!
katidyd at hotmail dot com
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katidyd at hotmail dot com
I wanted to say thanks for taking the time to stop by. I think I got the Google Follow thing added.....I think. Lol.
And thanks again for stopping in.
I could really use this when we go to Daytona beach. I hate getting back in the car with sandy feet.
we go to the beach alot this would be very useful
seeing is believing
Living near Jax FL we go to the beach at least 3 or 4 times a month. I'd love to win!
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We'll need it this summer when we go to the beach!
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Yes I'd like to try Sand Gone.
We live a couple of blocks from beach, we are there all the time. It would be nice to try this on the kids.
I need this because we live a few minutes from Lake Ontario and love going to the beach! MY bf hates anything messy in his truck, including sand!
I follow sand gone on twitter im @ dwalline
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What a neat item! I would use this at the beach.
We go to the beach every year and every year I bring the beach home and would love not to!
I follow Sand Gone on Twitter (@jkgorcery)
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Live in Hawaii, surrounded by beaches, this will be very useful!
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I follow you on Twitter (@jkgorcery) and I tweeted: https://twitter.com/jkgorcery/status/14187717483
I need this because I live 20 mins from the beach and plan on going there a lot this summer
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
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throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Sand Gone FB fan-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I entered the Clementine Art giveaway
We live near the water and could always use a product such as this. Sand in the house plagues me...
The kids' grandparents always take them to the water and beach to explore. I'm sure they'd appreciate having the product along.
We live right by the bay and a couple miles from the sea! We would be frequent users !
Entered the Clementine Art giveaway
I entered the Clementine Art giveaway. Thanks, itrigonis at gmail dot com
entered Clementine Art
i would love this because hubby might actually come to the beach with me if he could get the sand off of his feet that easily! he hates the sand (i dont mind it at all!)
tamipearson at gmail dot com
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I don't live by the beach, but we are going on vacation at a resort in July, so we'd use it there!
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I need this because I live by the beach!
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