But it's the Bahamas, so I doubt it's going to be a problem.

All that matters is that our bags are packed and our flight leaves tomorrow morning. For weeks, Big Sister E has been walking around saying, "We going to the BEACH!" and as we are doing last-minute preparations today, her excitement level is at an all-time high. She has been in and out of every room, dancing around and chattering non-stop to herself about all of the fun we're going to have.
As for me, I will be perfectly content as long as I have the opportunity to spend a whole lot of time here:

I'm a beach vacationer. Give me some sun and some sand and I'm happy.
To top things off, we have to layover in Florida for customs, so on the way back we'll stay for a few days in Orlando. As well as visiting family that live there, we can't pass up the opportunity to take Big Sister E to meet these fine folks, now can we?

There are plenty of reviews and giveaways that will be posted while we're gone, so don't miss us too much, okay? And after a little leisure and de-stressing, we'll be back in two weeks...
Now, someone pass me my sunglasses and a good book. I've got rest and relaxing to do!
Have a fabulous time...stop and pick me up:) Hope your trip is safe and fun!!!
Have fun!
Enjoy. Rest. Relax. You deserve it!
itrigonis at gmail dot com
Wow! Sounds wonderful! Have a great time! :)
Oh Boy! Your trip sounds way more fun than mine. Have a Great Time, can't wait to see the pics from your trip!
It sounds like you are going to have a fabulous time! Hopefully you don't spend too much time on the computer :)
What fun!! You'll have a fantastic vacation I'm sure. My husband and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas last year--and yes, the beaches are fabulous! Bon voyage!
Have fun!!! Relax and enjoy yourselves! Sounds like you have a GREAT vacation planned! I can't wait to see pics and hear all about it when you get back! Your sweet little ones are going to LOVE it!!! :)
Oh boy! I am so sad you didn't invite me. I love the Bahamas. I am so excited to hear all about your trip. Make sure to take lots of pictures for us:) I have to live through other peoples fun vacations. This year Omaha is our big trip. LOL
What? 2 weeks on vacation in that lovely, exotic vacation!!! I'm so jealous!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful time!!!
Sounds like a well-deserved trip! I hope you had a great time!
I also thought that you deserved an award for all of your hard work in bringing us such great products, so I gave you one here:
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