My daughters have gotten nothing but compliments every time they wear their Princess Couture Designs hair clips out in public. They're just so cute, not to mention well-made (and affordable) that you can't go wrong. Plus, I love that Michellene is so willing to create custom pieces just for you so the image that you have in your mind for the perfect accessory can easily become reality. The lucky person that will get to shop the great options at Princess Couture Designs is...

On our recent vacation, we brought along both bottles of KINeSYS Performance Sunscreen that we received and they were great! Using the spray was so much easier than the thick cream that we were used to and it kept my daughters' skin safe and protected from the hot sun in the Bahamas and Orlando. I was definitely satisfied! The lucky person who will be prepared for the summer rays is...

Big Sister E and my husband were at the grocery store the other day and the phone rang. I knew it was going to be another of the "Do we have any..." questions, but this time it was different. "Did you want me to buy more of that organic cereal with the chocolate?" Mmm, yes, please! We've tried and loved all of the Cascadian Farm "Live Green Together" goodies and I think they've easily made their way into finding permanent places in our kitchen. The lucky person who will get to taste a variety of yummy cereals and granola bars is...

When it comes to amazing beauty products, Votre Vu has them all. Whether you're looking for a gift or just something nice for you, their top-quality products are in a class all of their own. The lucky person who will get to experience a little extra pampering is...

As always, thanks so much to everyone who entered these great giveaways!
Congrats winners and I love See Kai Run!
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