Thursday, June 10, 2010

Corel Paint it! {Review & Giveaway} Transform your favorite photos into unique masterpieces

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

I think that most moms would agree that as beautiful as traditional works of art can be, the most treasured ones are always the photographs of our children. Around here, the majority of the pieces that my husband and I purchased before we had kids have ended up in storage due to enlarged pictures or canvas prints of Big Sister E and Little Sister B.

However, that doesn't mean that I don't wish we could do a little... something more. You know, like have a skilled artist come over and create a gorgeous watercolor or oil painting of my girls instead. Because of course they would both sit perfectly still long enough for that to happen, right? And naturally I could afford to have said artist come drop by whenever I wanted to make another masterpiece every once in a while.

Fortunately, now I don't have to dream. Whenever I want to create a customized, beautiful work of art featuring my daughters, I simply sit down at my computer, open Corel Paint it! and within minutes I have my own stunning artwork.

For use with both Windows and Mac, Corel Paint it! is one of the easiest software applications I have ever used. After inserting the disc and downloading the files, I was immediately ready to begin transforming my photos into paintings. With ten different painting styles and a variety of tools, brushes and pens, you have the option of being creative or just sitting back and letting Corel Paint it! do the work for you.

Upon opening the program, you are met with the option of creating a new project or continuing with a work in progress. Such decisions!

Uploading a new photograph is as easy as picking the one that you want on your computer and Corel Paint it! will bring it right up on the screen.

Along the left-hand side and top of the screen are the tools available to put your own personal touch on your photograph. Write with a neon pen, run a string of leaves along the edge, smudge the lines or even add fairy dust - it's all up to you and easily done with the click of the mouse.

On the right are the preset painting styles and these are where, as far as I'm concerned, the fun really lies. Simply click on the technique and the start button and Corel Paint it! literally paints the picture right before your eyes.

Depending on the number of intricate details, each of the different painting styles takes a different length of time to complete. For me, I didn't mind waiting 80 seconds to see the finished oil painting of my daughters because I thought it was pretty amazing.

Love it.

Love it, love it, love it. Even better, I can take my completed digital art and do whatever I want with it. Enlarging and framing it would be beautiful as well as just emailing it to family as a great surprise. I am already thinking about the possibilities that this software is going to open up for creating my daughters' next birthday invitations or our holiday cards.

Whether you're computer-savvy or still learning how to work a mouse, Corel Paint it! is easy to use and fun for all ages. If you are looking for a simple way to turn your pictures into a work of art or are a photography buff or scrapbooker, this would be a really cool program to have. As far as I can tell, the only downfall to this application is finding enough wall space to display your creations. Plus, it's pretty addicting. How can I not want to see my girls in all of the different styles?

Corel Paint it! is available now on their website and will soon be in retail stores across North America. Want to try it before you make a purchase? Download a free trial today and see just how much you'll enjoy making your own masterpieces. Better yet, thanks to Corel's generosity, one person will become their own talented artist, because...

One lucky person will win a copy of Corel Paint it! ARV $39.99!

To enter to win: Browse the Corel Paint it! features and tell me which of the painting styles you would like to apply to your favorite photograph. Feel free to describe the photograph as well, I'd love to hear about it!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Corel Paint it! on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave this message on their wall: I want to turn my photographs into paintings and just entered to win Corel Paint it! at Thanks, Mail Carrier!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN a copy of Corel Paint it! software ($40) to turn your photographs into paintings! @thxmailcarrier #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Corel Paint it! Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on July 1st at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.

A big thank you to Corel Paint it! for providing this software for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. I was given this opportunity due to my membership at The Product Review Place. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Jennifer said...

I would use the Detailed Watercolor tool on the family photo for grandparents jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered clementine art jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered scrubbing bubbles basket jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered scrubbing bubbles gel jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered burn cream md jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered activeion jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered equal exchange organic jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered plasmart jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered sew cute creations jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered lime ricki jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered speck jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

entered little pea jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

MIG said...

My favorite is the Watercolor Sketch!

MIG said...

I entered your Lime Ricki Swimwear giveaway.

MIG said...

I follow through Google Friend Connect #1

MIG said...

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Anonymous said...

I would use the watercolor sketch on my grandchildrens photo.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Facebook Fan of Corel Paint It: Rebecca Honey Graham

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Twitter follower of Corel Paint It: rhoneygee

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Wrote on Corel Paint It Facebook Wall.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Follow you on Twitter: rhoneygee

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

agordon10 said...

I like the Watercolor Sketch.

Annie1 said...

I'd like the pen and ink feature! I have photos of my daughter's art that would look great with that touch!


Annie1 said...

follow Corel Paint it on twitter



Annie1 said...

Like Corel Paint it on fb and pasted your message on their page (it went in to a filter so I couldn't post link)

Anne Taylor or annectaylor1


Annie1 said...

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Anne Taylor or annectaylor1


Annie1 said...

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Anne Taylor or annectaylor1



watercolor for sure

Jennifer said...

I follow Corel Paint on Twitter (@jkgorcery) jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

I follow you on Twitter (@jkgorcery) and I tweeted:


Unknown said...

i would like to have the Illustration feature for a few pictures of my daughter.

CathyH said...

I would like to see the photos of flowers from my gardens done in colored pencil or watercolor
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

CathyH said...

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cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

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cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

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cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

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cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

CathyH said...

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cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

CathyH said...

facebook fan of thanks mail carrier 2
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

Garman said...

What a great art tool.

Anonymous said...

wow this is the coolest product i have seen in a long time. i would love to try all of them. but first i would use watercolors and do the first photo of my daughter the day she was born

Anonymous said...

i am a corel paint it facebook fan

Annie1 said...

Bob said...

I have a photograph of my Australian Shepherd, Esther, I'd like to process with Corel Paint It Impressionist filter

Anonymous said...

I would love a Corel Paint software for my computer. I could make pictures ,frame them and mail them.

Quirky Mama said...

I'm entering to win this for my husband, he would love it! He is a talented photographer and this would be perfect for him. I would like to use the colored pencil style on a favorite picture of my kiddos running through bubbles.

Quirky Mama said...

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katscorner said...

I love the Pastel

Denise S. said...

I like the Watercolor Sketch style.

Denise S. said...

GFC follower #1
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said...

GFC follower
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said...

I entered the Clementine Art giveaway

mmentor said...

sign me up

jappleseed said...

oil paint my dog photos

Annie1 said...

Peggy said...

My favorite is the Detailed Watercolor,I like the softer features!

Peggy said...

Like Corel Paint it! on FB

Peggy said...

Posted to their FB wall

Peggy said...

Entered the Activion giveaway

Peggy said...

Entered the Scrubbing Bubbles giveaway

Peggy said...

Entered the Cream MD giveaway

Peggy said...

Entered the Equal Exchange giveaway

Peggy said...

Entered the Yummy Dough giveaway

Peggy said...

Entered the Sew Cute giveaway

Peggy said...

Entered the Lime Ricki giveaway

Peggy said...

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Cari said...

I would really like to try the Pen & Ink style.


Cari said...

I wrote on their wall.!/posted.php?id=108527032519154&share_id=129844513710310&comments=1#s129844513710310


Cari said...

I entered the Sew Cute Creations giveaway.

carissa.sutton(at) #1

Cari said...

I entered the Little Pea giveaway.

carissa.sutton(at) #1

Cari said...

I tweeted.


Cari said...

I follow through GFC.


Birdie S. said...

I like the PASTEL I have a picture of my grandaughter holding her little brother for the first time that would be sooooo se\weet & softened with this application

Birdie S. said...

Im an email subscriber of yours #1

Birdie s. said...

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Birdie s. said...

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CathyH said...

entered zooshoo
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

CathyH said...

entered equal exchange
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

CathyH said...

entered burn cream md
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

CathyH said...

entered scrubbing bubbles
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

Brittany said...

I like the different style of painting you can choose from!

Annie1 said...

Annie1 said...

Bacallsmom said...

I would like to try the oil and impressionist features on my photos.
bbentry [at] aol [dot] com

Bacallsmom said...

Following Corel Paint It on Twitter (kailua67)

Bacallsmom said...

"Like" Corel Paint It! on FB (Susie Randle)

Bacallsmom said...

Subscribed to your blog at susieatbnb [at] yahoo [dot] com

Bacallsmom said...

Following you with GFC (Bacallsmom)
Entry #2

Bacallsmom said...

Subscribed to your blog at susieatbnb [at] yahoo [dot] com
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Bacallsmom said...

"Like" your blog on FB (Susie Randle)
Entry #1

Bacallsmom said...

"Like" your blog on FB (Susie Randle)
Entry #2

Bethany said...

On my blog, last post I made, I'd like to turn the one of my little girl standing in the sprinkler with her pink swim goggles on into an oil painting!

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

google friend

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

entered kidscraft

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

entered scrubbing bubbles

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

entered lime ricki

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

entered little pea

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Annie1 said...

CathyH said...

entered kidscraft
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

Anonymous said...

would luv to try the colored pencil style on my 6 1/2 month old daughter's black and white pics I take:)

Anonymous said...

following on twitter:)

Anonymous said...

followed u on GFC:) ENtry 1

Anonymous said...

Followed you on GFC:) Entry 2

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

subscribed via email - entry 2

Annie1 said...

Nanbon44 said...

Watercolor would be my choice

Annie1 said...

Renee said...

I would love to use this program to turn some of my favorite pictures into paintings

Renee said...

Subscribed to RSS feed

Renee said...

Email subscriber

Annie1 said...

jbafaith said...

I think I would use either the oil or watercolor. One of the pictures I would like to do is a scenic I took out in the Hoh Rain Forest last fall. It is so beautiful looking through the trees to the river which appears kind of aqua colored in the picture!

jbafaith said...

I follow Corel Paint it! on twitter @jbafaith

jbafaith2001 at yahoo dot com

jbafaith said...

I like Corel Paint it! on facebook (Judy Clark Bradley)

jbafaith said...

Posted on Corel Paint it!s wall!/posted.php?id=108527032519154&share_id=131301360228082&comments=1#s131301360228082

jbafaith said...

I follow you on twitter @jbafaith & tweeted

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jbafaith2001 at yahoo dot com

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jbafaith2001 at yahoo dot com

jbafaith said...

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jbafaith2001 at yahoo dot com

jbafaith said...

I am fan on facebook and posted on your wall!

Judy Clark Bradley

jbafaith2001 at yahoo dot com

Annie1 said...

Annie1 said...

jbafaith said...

tweet tweet

jbafaith2001 at yahoo dot com

wigget said...

i like the impressionist style

wigget said...

entered yummy dough giveaway

wigget said...

entered lime ricki giveaway

wigget said...

entered kidcraft giveaway

Dee said...

I'd like the water colors one to do the newest pic of our whole family.

Dee said...

and facebook!

Dee said...

follow your blog

Dee said...

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Dee said...

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Annie1 said...

CathyH said...

entered Powermat
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

CathyH said...

entered juliethefish
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com

Sonya Cocherell said...

I'd like to try the Pen and Ink style. Thanks!

Sonya Cocherell said...

I follow you and I tweeted:

Annie1 said...

Sonya Cocherell said...

I tweeted:

Melanie Montgomery said...

I would use the Modern style on images of my sister and I in Nashville.

Annie1 said...

Sonya Cocherell said...

I tweeted:

Annie1 said...

Jes said...

I'd like to use the Detailed Watercolor on a picture with friends on vacation together

jswaks at gmail dot com

Jes said...

Entered the Yummy Dough giveaway

jswaks at gmail dot com

Jes said...

Entered the Equal Exchange giveaway

jswaks at gmail dot com

Jes said...

Entered the Lime Ricki swimwear giveaway

jswaks at gmail dot com

Jes said...

Entered the Powermat giveaway

jswaks at gmail dot com

Jes said...

Entered the Zoobi giveaway

jswaks at gmail dot com

Jes said...

Entered the Speck giveaway

jswaks at gmail dot com

Denise S. said...

I entered the 1-800-flowers giveaway.

409cope said...

I have a picture of my sons,taken when they were little.They are standing atop a castle in Germany and France is in the background.I would love to see the I mpressionist feature applied to this picture.

409cope said...

I follow Corel Paint It on twitter as 409cope.

409cope said...

I like Corel Paint It on facebook.Shari D

409cope said...

I left the message on Corel Paint It's wall.Shari D

409cope said...

I entered the Lime Ricki's Swimwear giveaway.

409cope said...

I follow on twitter as 409cope and tweeted-

409cope said...

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409cope said...

I am a fan on facebook.Shari D entry #1

409cope said...

I am a fan on facebook.Shari D entry #2

skgaff said...

I would love to use the pen and ink painting style on a picture of my newborn son with my 2 year old daughter

skgaff said...

follow corel paint it! on twitter @skgaff

skgaff said...

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skgaff said...

entered giveaway

skgaff said...

entered juliethefish designs giveaway

skgaff said...

entered powermat giveaway

skgaff said...

entered rump-roast giveaway

skgaff said...

entered kidscraft giveaway

skgaff said...

entered zoobi giveaway

skgaff said...

entered zooshoo giveaway

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