Friday, June 11, 2010

Friendly Friday: June 11th

Welcome to Friendly Friday!

Remember, YOU can host the link list on your blog, too! Just click "Get the code here..." at the bottom of the list. Hosting the list is a great way to get even more traffic to your blog and make Friendly Friday more beneficial for everyone.

Thanks for joining the Friendly Friday celebration hosted by Xenia at Thanks, Mail Carrier, Christi at Frugal Novice and Charla at Healthy Home Blog! We invite you to join us every Friday to make more friends in blogville, get more blog followers and follow other great blogs out there.

To join in the Friendly Friday celebration, include your link in our list, follow the hostesses in the first 3 spots and then start blog hopping! Visit other blogs on the list and comment to give them some blog love. Then take a minute to follow them through Google Friend Connect - this is a good way to keep up with other blogs, but also lets us show support to each other!

When people comment on your blog and let you know they're a part of Friendly Friday, return the favor and follow them back. This way everyone gets traffic and followers out of participating, and it's a win-win situation. We would love for you to also grab our Friendly Friday button and post it on your blog and/or in a post - the more bloggers that find out about Friendly Friday and participate, the better!

Spotlight on Friendly Friday Followers!

We love your participation and want to show it! In addition to gaining followers, each week we'll select three blogs at random and will feature links and a write-up for those blogs in the content of next week's Friendly Friday post. There are so many seriously wonderful blogs out there, and this will be a great way to highlight some of those each week. Say hello to the lucky chosen 3 for this week (and feel free to stop by and give them a little extra love)...

Jen at Piney Flats Style likes to write about everything she loves and doesn't love, her home (which is really charming, by the way), decorating on a budget and "plain old casual country living." She has a lot of great photos in every post. Jen's projects have included her awesome Office Nook and Wraparound Porch and so much more. It would be easy to spend a long time looking at all of her interesting projects and photos of her house.

At They Call Me Old Fashioned, Diana writes about their two children whom they consider their greatest blessing. Recipes are also on her site with mouth-watering photos, plus her sewing category features the cutest felt play food for kids which she sells at a farmer's market (what about the internet?). She tells about using fitted cloth diapers and reusable cotton cloth wipes which she says work better than commercial ones and can be washed with the diapers. Sounds like a great idea!

Heather & Amy at All Ruby Cakes, where it's "all about the rubys and the cakes," are not only sisters but best friends. And they love to shop! They have a lot of great giveaways and freebies on their site as well as a lot of info about the latest fashion, products, gadgets, movies, books and other things. The Mineral Makeup sounds great! If anyone is interested in having Heather and Amy do a product review or have them host a giveaway, just contact them. They would love to do it!

Now that you know about these 3 wonderful blogs, it's time for you to join in! Add your link below and we'll see you back here every Friday! And don't forget, you can grab the code to share the link list on your blog, too.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


LeeAnn said...

Happy (almost) Friday! I hope your party went well tonight. :-)

Shannon S. said... wont let me share your linky on my blog. Booo!

casey aubut said...

Thanks so much for hosting this! U rock!

Jessica said...

Thanks for hosting! I'm a new follower! Come visit us at

gone said...

This is my second Friday to participate, yet just as excited to meet more of you! Cant wait! This has been a super busy week for me, and it doesnt seem to be letting up anytime soon. Please be patient with me if I am a bit sluggish at getting back to you. No worries though, I will definitely follow up with each and every one of you!
Stay Fabulous

Betsy Henry said...

Thanks for sponsoring! Looking forward to another a fun Friday!

Pondering and Writing said...

Hi! I am a new follower from FF!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the linky!

Just Wrap It Fitness said...

I am your newest follower, thanks for hosting.

NatalieC said...

Thanks for Friendly Friday! I posted about it :)

Steph said...

Thanks for stopping by on my Friday Follow Hosting Day!

Sharon@Keeninspirations said...

Dopping By from FF! Thank you for hostessing! I'm am now folllowing. I love the sound of the mail truck crunching gravel all the way up my 1/2 mile drive! :)

Java said...

I'm a new follower!! Come visit me when you get a chance!!

Follow Friday 40 and Over

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by for the FF! Hope you have a great weekend.

Me said...

Thanks for hosting this blog hop, I'm following you now.

Deana said...

Hey! Thanks for the blog hop:)

I'm following you! Have a great weekend!

Steph said...

I'm still so bummed I couldn't *see* you on the video last night :(

Got my story up about the hair issues last night :P

Elana Kahn said...

I'm following you for Friendly Friday!!

Michelle said...

New follower! :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Have a happy weekend everyone!

Jen said...

Hi, stopping in from friendly friday, new follower

Anonymous said...

follow you through gfc:)

Jenn said...

Following you from Friday Follow Me! Have a great weekend!! :)

LoveLivesHere said...

This is my first blog hop :) I'm your newest follower! Hope to see you at my new (only a few days old) blog :)

Ellen said...

Happy Friday! Following you from Pitchit. Please follow me back.


fancygrlnancy said...

I am an old follower but new to friendly friday. thanks!