Before we left for our recent vacation, I knew that Big Sister E was going to be excited about every new experience. She had already been talking about how much fun she was going to have on the airplanes, the beach and, most importantly, at "Mickey Mouse's house."
Having never been to Disney World as a child, I wanted her to have the best experience possible and both my husband and I continued the conversation with her about how great the visit was going to be. And, barely more than a week before we were set to leave, I came upon what I knew would be the perfect way to complete the magical feeling of a child's first trip to Disney: the Personalized Appliqued Mouse Ears Tee from Sew Cute Creations.

After apologizing profusely to Barbara for asking with such short notice, I crossed my fingers and went back to preparing and packing for our trip. And when a package from Sew Cute Creations arrived with plenty of time to spare, this
When the big day arrived, I was right - Big Sister E couldn't have been more excited to put on her new shirt. She kept rubbing her hand along the soft fabric and pointing out the spelling of her name. When she wore it out, she received compliments left and right and people even questioned us if we had bought it there in the park. Overall, it was even better than I had expected! Big Sister E was so proud to show it to her new friends when the time finally came...

Thanks to Barbara at Sew Cute Creation's generosity, one person will have the opportunity to design a one-of-a-kind personalized shirt for the child in their life, because...
One lucky person will win the custom shirt of their choice from
Sew Cute Creations!
Sew Cute Creations!

To enter to win: Visit Sew Cute Creations and tell me which of the adorable items is your favorite. It will be hard to choose just one!
Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow the Sew Cute Creations blog with Google Friend Connect and/or Like Sew Cute Creations on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave this message on their wall: Sew Cute Creations has the most adorable shirts! I just entered to win one at Thanks, Mail Carrier! http://bit.ly/c410z3
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
I want to WIN an adorable customized shirt from Sew Cute Creations for my child at @thxmailcarrier! http://bit.ly/c410z3 #win #giveaway
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Sew Cute Creations. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on June 24th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Barbara at Sew Cute Creations for providing a custom shirt for one lucky giveaway winner and a shirt for me through my giveaway win. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 448 Newer› Newest»#2 I subscribe via rss
aechika at hotmail dot com
I LOVE the personalized tank dresses and would love to win one for my daughter!
I love the personalized bibs among other things. :) Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
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ent scrub bubbles basket
ent scrub bubbles gel-Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
ent yummy dough
ent ionator
tweeted http://twitter.com/BabeeLove/status/15668195472
aechika at hotmail dot com
Would love the Personalized Princess Crown Tee Shirt T-Shirt 3-6 months.
I entered your Lime Ricki giveaway.
I like the tank dress..Cute!
I entered the Yummy Dough Giveaway!
Ent Speck
The Personalized Ruffled Chiffon Birthday Cupcake Tee Shirt is too cute. Thanks.
I love the Ruffled Cupcake Birthday T-shirt.
I like on facebook.
I entered the little pea giveaway!
entered Speck
I like the personalized lollipop tee shirt!
tweeted http://twitter.com/BabeeLove/status/15825476825
aechika at hotmail dot com
love love love the flip flop tank dress
I liked them on FB
made comment on FB wall
My favorite is the Personalized Polka Dot Initial Ribbon Ruffle Tee
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
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(Facebook name: Reggie Mann)
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(Facebook name: Reggie Mann)
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I entered your Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush & Toilet Cleaning Gel Giveaway
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ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I have to pick the mickey shirt. My boys would love those for our next trip to disney world in november
sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
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sarah mansfield coulsey
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sarah mansfield coulsey
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I have your button 1
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sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
I love the 3D Flip Flop Tee! SO cute! (christykayle@gmail.com)
ent little pea-Jenprincess88 at yahoo dot com
ent zooshoo
tweeted http://twitter.com/BabeeLove/status/16006624217
aechika at hotmail dot com
I entered the zooshoos sandals giveaway!
I entered the Zooshoo giveaway.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Little Pea giveaway.
couponboss at gmail dot com
entered ZooShoo giveaway
I entered the zoobi giveaway!
entered KidsCraft
My favorite is the Personalized Pink Polka dot Poodle Tank Dress. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I really like the personlized Patriotic Peace Sign shirt for July 4th or Memorial Day
Following the Sew Cute blog with Google Friend Connect
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
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lovelyritaann at sbcglobal dot net
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lovelyritaann at sbcglobal dot net
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mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
2. Subscribed via RSS feed.
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I love the Personalized Pink Polka dot Poodle Tank Dress!
tweeted http://twitter.com/BabeeLove/status/16278548637
aechika at hotmail dot com
I like the Personalized Appliqued Ladybug Tee Shirt
bro2ice at yahoo dot com
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bro2ice at yahoo dot com
entered the Hatley giveaway
bro2ice at yahoo dot com
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bro2ice at yahoo dot com
entered Hatley
I love the Personalized Tee Design your own Fabric Initial Shirt Over 400 designs and fabrics to choose from Sizes 3 mos-Youth 12. Super cute!
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
Like Sew cute creations on facebook
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
wrote on sew cutes' wall on facebook
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
entered the hatley giveaway
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
Entered the kidscraft giveaway
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mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
entered little pea giveaway
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
My nephew would look so handome in that personalized football tee!
Love her work!
tweeted http://twitter.com/BabeeLove/status/16427174643
aechika at hotmail dot com
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mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I like the personalized summer flip flops tank dress.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I like the Personalized Ruffled Chiffon Birthday Cupcake Tee Shirt T-Shirt
jswaks at gmail dot com
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
Nichole Seiler: i love the cute crystal princess dress
Nichole Seiler: follow blog
Nichole Seiler: like so cute creations
Nichole Seiler: follow blog
entered powermat
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/MrsMChappell/statuses/16509037586
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
entered Powermat
So many cute things. I'm thinking my fave would be Personalized Polka Dot Initial Ribbon Ruffle Tee Sizes 3 mos-Youth 12.
I follow you via Google Friend Connect.
I follow you via Google Friend Connect.
I entered the Lime Ricki swimwear giveaway.
I like the Personalized 3D Flip Flop Sandal Tee Shirt!
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
tweet - http://twitter.com/MrsMChappell/statuses/16559581518
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
i love the Personalized Western Pistol shirt and Star pant set
I would LOVE to get the Little Firecracker TShirt for the 4th for my daughter!!
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
I'd choose either the mouse ears tee or the personalized stars initial/name tee.
sew cute creations fb fan- melissa baker
left message on sew cute creations wall
tweet http://twitter.com/MrsMChappell/statuses/16653088490
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
My favorite is the Personalized Girls Rock Guitar Tee Shirt T-Shirt. Thanks.
email subscriber #1
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follow you on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway
entered the Yummy Dough giveaway
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
I love the Boutique Personalized Princess Diaper Cover Bloomers.
I follow Sew Cute Creations' blog with Google Friend Connect.
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tweet - http://twitter.com/MrsMChappell/statuses/16718303556
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I'm a facebook fan of Thanks, Mail Carrier under username Jennie Tilson. #1
I'm a facebook fan of Thanks, Mail Carrier under username Jennie Tilson. #2
I entered the Equal Exchange Fundraiser giveaway.
I entered the ZooShoo giveaway.
I entered the Hatley giveaway.
I entered your juliethefish designs giveaway.
entered the KidsCraft giveaway
entered the Lime Ricki Swimwear giveaway
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havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
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aechika at hotmail dot com
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entered juliethefish
I love the Personalized Minnie Mouse Tank Dress
I follow you on tweeted
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havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
I think I would choose the Personalized brown pink orchid flower initial shirt onesie in youth size 6
Personalized Football Helmet Tee
#1 follow via gfc
#2 follow via gfc
tweet http://twitter.com/MrsMChappell/statuses/16894346047
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I like the Personalized Ballet Fabric Initial T-shirt with Crystal accents
I would love the Personalized Princess Kitty Tank Dress
havefaith4ever at yahoo dot com
I love the Personalized Crystal Princess Tank Dress - Custom Made Sizes 6 mos-Girls 6X for my daughter carly thanks for the chance eaglesforjack@gmail.com
i follow 2/2
Personalized Appliqued Monogram Ladybug Initial Tee Shirt T-shirt
I love the personalized boy dots baby burp cloth!
Taratagli at gmail dot com
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TaraTagli at gmail dot com
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TaraTagli at gmail dot com
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(Right sidebar)
TaraTagli at gmail dot com
i love the
Personalized Princess Kitty Tank Dress - Custom Made Sizes 6 mos-Girls 6X
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
Polka Dot intial ribbon trim tee is my fave! Cannot go wrong with ladybugs eithers!!!
I also entered the yummy dough contest!
I am a google connect follower
I am a google connect follower, ClippingandSipping
I blogged about the giveaway! #1
TaraTagli at gmail dot com
6/24 tweet
tweet http://twitter.com/MrsMChappell/statuses/16978604411
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
The Personalized Appliqued Monogram Birthday Tee T-Shirt is my favorite product. garrettsambo@aol.com
I like the Super Hero Kid shirt!
I follow the Sew Cute blog!
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Feed subscriber!
Email subscriber!
Entered Yummy Dough giveaway!
Entered Dark Chocolate mini's giveaway!
Entered Lime Ricki giveaway!
Personalized Birthday Princess Crown Number Shirt for my granddaughters 2nd birthday. Thanks so much for this offer. camsgram@kc.rr.com
I love the personalized rhinestone princess crown initial tank dress
follow you on twitter and tweeted:
follow with gfc #1
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