The very lucky person who will be able to keep their home and family safe with this incredible technology is...

Reading about what makes your mornings hectic made me think that my life is just going to get crazier as my daughters get older... I'm not sure what things are going to be like when I have to get them up and ready for school if things are already busy while they're still this young! Thanks to Scrubbing Bubbles, the lucky person who will get to Minimize Morning Madness is...

Only days after posting my Burn Cream MD review, my husband managed to touch his hand to the hot iron (not a huge surprise). I pulled this cream out of the kitchen drawer and he rubbed it right in and then... was standing there looking at his hand. "Does it hurt?" I asked. "No. That stuff really works!" Well, of course it does. Did he think that Mario Batali and Emeril Lagasse were wrong?
The lucky person who will be prepared to shorten the healing time and minimize scarring from any burns this summer is...

As always, thanks to everyone who entered these giveaways. Have a great weekend and Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
Congrats skgaff! You are one lucky person! :)
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