Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Anniversary Bash #2: $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway from GiftZip.com

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

I love the actual act of giving a gift. Seeing the recipient's face in person, hearing their excitement over the phone or even just getting a thank you email... knowing you've made someone happy just makes you feel good, doesn't it?

However, deciding what to actually give as a gift is a whole other story. Apparel, books, toys, electronics - the list is endless and unless you know for certain what they are going to like, it's all just a guess and a hope that your selection doesn't get returned.

The solution is, and always has been, a gift certificate. Choose a site that focuses on one type of product or pick one that has a wide variety, purchase a gift card in the amount that works for you and you're set. I didn't think it could get much easier than that, but now it has. Because now all of your gift-giving needs are taken care of at one place with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Welcome to GiftZip.

Whether you are planning ahead or shopping for a gift at the last minute, GiftZip.com is where to go for a fast, easy, more efficient way of giving gift certificates from all of the popular online retailers. Not just a short list of stores you've never heard of, GiftZip provides consumers immediate access to hundreds of big name gift cards that can be instantly emailed to the lucky recipient.

How is it done? Simply browse the various categories at GiftZip, conveniently broken down into Gifts for Her, Gifts for Him, House, Family and more, and click right on the logo you are interested in. Read over the site's brief description, denominations available and locations where the eGift card is redeemable and then GiftZip it!

As soon as you have clicked, you are brought automatically to the actual retailer's site to purchase the gift certificate - safely, securely and without spending time trying to track down where to go or what steps to take. After you have finished, your eGift card is sent directly to your recipient's inbox or to yourself if you would rather print a copy and give it as a tangible present.

If you're like me, you're now wondering what the catch is. Hidden fees? Having to register for an account? Just tell me, what's in it for you, GiftZip?

The answers? No, no and keeping their retailers happy. When consumers visit GiftZip.com to make their purchases, they save time by having access to so many sites all in one place but the buying is done from the actual retailer of their choice. And those sites know that someone who goes to GiftZip is much more likely to make a purchase than someone who just happens to be browsing, so it's all about the referrals.

In the end, it's a win-win situation for everyone. We get the ease of fast and easy shopping without having to leave the comfort of our own home and a gift that is sure to please that won't get lost (just reprint it from your inbox when necessary). Save time, energy and skip the wasted plastic from gift cards of the past - in today's day and age, it's all about technology and saving the planet, both of which are top GiftZip priorities.

What is your next gift-giving occasion? An anniversary, birthday, retirement, new baby, wedding or something else? For unparalleled selection and speed that results in an eco-friendly gift that everyone is sure to love, GiftZip is the way to go. Also, thanks to their generosity, one person is going to be able to enjoy a great gift card of their own, because...

One lucky person will win a $50 Amazon gift certificate from GiftZip!

To enter to win: Visit GiftZip and tell me which retailer(s) offered there that you would like to have a gift card from.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow GiftZip on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: GiftZip is fast, easy and provides the best gifts! I just entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card at Thanks, Mail Carrier: http://bit.ly/dxDa00
1 Extra Entry if you enter to win a Nintendo Wii from GiftZip! Simply visit their Facebook page to find out the details and rules and be sure to comment that Thanks, Mail Carrier sent you!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Anniversary Bash #2: WIN a $50 Amazon.com gift certificate from @giftzip! US and CAN! @thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/dxDa00 #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
1 Extra Entry if you put my Anniversary Bash button up on your blog. And, for the people who put it up BEFORE the event started (I have a list), 3 more extra entries on top of that.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and GiftZip. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on August 12th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.

A big thank you to GiftZip for providing a $50 Amazon.com gift card for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 3242   Newer›   Newest»
Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said... 1

I would use the giftcard at either homedepot or itunes


Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said... 2

I follow you publicly with Google Friend Connect

entry #1


Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said... 3

I follow you publicly with Google Friend Connect

entry #2


Mami2jcn said... 4

I'd like a Sears gift card.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said... 5

I follow you with RSS Feeds

entry #1


Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said... 6

I follow you with RSS Feeds

entry #2


Mami2jcn said... 7

I follow Gift Zip on Twitter @mami2jcn.

Mami2jcn said... 8

I like Gift Zip on Facebook (Mary Happymommy)

Mami2jcn said... 9

I wrote on the Gift Zip Facebook wall (Mary Happymommy)

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said... 10

I "like" you on facebook

shining save

entry #1


Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said... 11

I "like" you on facebook

shining save

entry #2


Mami2jcn said... 12

I follow you publicly with GFC.


Mami2jcn said... 13

I follow you publicly with GFC.


Mami2jcn said... 14

I subscribe to your blog via email.


Mami2jcn said... 15

I subscribe to your blog via email.


Mami2jcn said... 16

I like you on Facebook (Mary Happymommy)


Mami2jcn said... 17

I like you on Facebook (Mary Happymommy)


BNM said... 18

I would lve a giftcard from american eagle

BNM said... 19

follow on twitter (BrittneyMcLain)

BNM said... 20

like on FB (Brittney Mommywood)

BNM said... 21

updated fb wall with the message u provided

BNM said... 22

entered nintendo wii giveaway and said u sent me

BNM said... 23

follow you on twitter

BNM said... 24

tweet http://twitter.com/BrittneyMcLain/statuses/18995929403

BNM said... 25

follow thru GFC

BNM said... 26

follow thru GFC

BNM said... 27

like u on FB (Brittney MOmmywood)

BNM said... 28

like u on FB (Brittney MOmmywood)

BNM said... 29

your button is on my sidebar in the giveaway section

BNM said... 30

your button is on my sidebar in the giveaway section

Unknown said... 31

I would like a home depot gc. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Anne M. said... 32

I would like a gift card to cooking.com I follow you on twitter, and have tweeted about the contest @anniemos

Unknown said... 33

Like giftzip on fb (laura griggs) and follow on twitter (@happishopr). trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 34

I entered to win a Nintendo Wii from GiftZip. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 35

follow you on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/happishopr/status/18996588724

trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 36

#1 follow via GFC as Happi Shopr. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 37

#2 follow via GFC as Happi Shopr. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 38

Thanks, Mail Carrier fan on Facebook (laura griggs). trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Gina said... 39

My husband would love a Sears card!

Gina said... 40

#1 I'm a Google follower

Gina said... 41

#2 I'm a Google follower

Gina said... 42

#2 Your button is on my blog

Aleksandra Nearing said... 43

would love one from Sephora

Aleksandra Nearing said... 44

@busyworkingmama follows giftzip on twitter

Aleksandra Nearing said... 45

gfc follower

Aleksandra Nearing said... 46

liked you on FB - aleksandra n

Aleksandra Nearing said... 47

liked you on FB - aleksandra n

Aleksandra Nearing said... 48

button under blogs i read

Nicole said... 49

I would definitely use gift cards to Target, Kohl's, or Amazon.

nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 50

I like Gift Zip on FB (Nicole Krebs Balogh).
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 51

I posted on their wall:

nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 52

I follow Gift Zip on Twitter @maybaby522.
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 53

I entered the Posh Mommy giveaway.
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 54

I follow you on Twitter @maybaby522 and tweeted:

nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 55

Follow via GFC #1
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 56

Follow via GFC #2
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 57

FB fan of yours (Nicole Krebs Balogh) #1
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 58

FB fan of yours (Nicole Krebs Balogh) #2
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 59

subscribe to RSS feed via Google Reader #1
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said... 60

subscribe to RSS feed via Google Reader #2
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 61

I would love to win the Amazon.com card.
addictionsfb at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 62

I follow GiftZip on Twitter: addictionsfb at gmail dot com

Beth said... 63

I like them on Facebook too
addictionsfb at gmail dot com

mommy2luke2008 said... 64

I would love a gift card to Kmart!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said... 65

I'm following GiftZip on twitter @getinonthewins
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said... 66

I follow you on twitter and tweeted
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said... 67

I'm a follower
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said... 68

I subscribe to your emails
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said... 69

I entered the sheet set giveaway
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said... 70

I entered the JewerlyPayless giveaway
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said... 71

I entered the trendy tad pole giveaway
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

Robyn said... 72

Well, I won't give you an exhaustive list of all of the gift cards I would use, but a few I would love are cooking.com, organize.com, barnesandnoble.com, fabric.com, and art.com!


Robyn said... 73

GFC #1


Robyn said... 74

GFC #2


Robyn said... 75

Facebook fan #1


Robyn said... 76

Facebook fan #2


Robyn said... 77

I entered the Yoreganics giveaway.


Robyn said... 78

I entered the ShopBedding.com giveaway.


Robyn said... 79

I entered the 4moms giveaway.


JoeyfromSC said... 80

I would probably choose amazon.com
They have a vast array of stuff..I've always had good experience with their website when ordering! thanks for the chance to win!


JoeyfromSC said... 81

Following giftzip on twitter @JoeyfromSC


JoeyfromSC said... 82

Liking giftzip on facebook:


Joey J.


JoeyfromSC said... 83

I posted the message on the giftzip wall on facebook:


Joey J.


Nicole Larsen said... 84

I would love to have a gift card from Kohl's!


JoeyfromSC said... 85

following you on twitter @JoeyfromSC and tweeted:



Nicole Larsen said... 86

I follow Gift Zip on Twitter @pittsy82


Nicole Larsen said... 87

I "LIKE" Gift Zip on Facebook (Nicole Pitts)


JoeyfromSC said... 88

Follow you via GFC as JoeyfromSC



JoeyfromSC said... 89

Follow you via GFC as JoeyfromSC



Nicole Larsen said... 90

I left a comment with the message on Gift Zip's FB wall (Nicole Pitts)


JoeyfromSC said... 91

email subscriber



JoeyfromSC said... 92

email subscriber



Nicole Larsen said... 93

I'm entered into the Weboo giveaway!


JoeyfromSC said... 94

RSS feed subscriber via google reader



JoeyfromSC said... 95

RSS feed subscriber via google reader



Nicole Larsen said... 96

I follow on Twitter @pittsy82 and tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/19005907945


JoeyfromSC said... 97
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole Larsen said... 98

#1 I follow via Google connect


Nicole Larsen said... 99

#2 I follow via Google connect


Nicole Larsen said... 100

#1 I subscribe via email


JoeyfromSC said... 101

Facebook fan(like) of yours



B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 102

I'd probably choose Amazon, Home Depot, Sears, Sephora, in that order!


JoeyfromSC said... 103

Facebook fan(like) of yours



JoeyfromSC said... 104

have your cute button on my blog:




B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 105

I follow you through GFC

JoeyfromSC said... 106

have your cute button on my blog:




JoeyfromSC said... 107

have your cute button on my blog:




Mandee said... 108

I actually think the Amazon gift card is great b/c we can purchase just about anything there and their prices are great! :)
raisingmy4sons at yahoo dot com

Mandee said... 109

Following GiftZip on Twitter

LAURA1877 said... 110

I would love ITUNES or KOHLS

bwirth1974 at gmail dot com

LAURA1877 said... 111

Like GiftZip on FB

LAURA1877 said... 112

GiftZip wall post


Mandee said... 113

Like GiftZip on Facebook!

Mandee said... 114

I entered the 4Moms Giveaway!

LAURA1877 said... 115

Follow GiftZip on twitter

Mandee said... 116

I entered the Birthday Gift Basket Giveaway!

Mandee said... 117

Following you on twitter and I tweeted! :)

LAURA1877 said... 118



Mandee said... 119

Google Friend!

LAURA1877 said... 120


Mandee said... 121

Google Friend!

LAURA1877 said... 122


Mandee said... 123

Subscribe to your RSS feeds!

Mandee said... 124

Subscribe to your RSS feeds!

LAURA1877 said... 125

email subscriber

bwirth1974 at yahoo dot com

Mandee said... 126

Subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email!

Mandee said... 127

Subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email!

LAURA1877 said... 128

entered Pillow Pets giveaway

LAURA1877 said... 129

entered posh Mommy giveaway

LAURA1877 said... 130

entered My baby clothes giveaway

LAURA1877 said... 131

entered William Riera giveaway

LAURA1877 said... 132

entered Growing Toys giveaway

LAURA1877 said... 133

entered Satin Sheet giveaway

LAURA1877 said... 134

entered Trendy tadpole giveaway

Mandee said... 135

I have your Anniversary Bash Button!

LAURA1877 said... 136

entered mama roo giveaway

LAURA1877 said... 137

entered Amazon giveaway

Mandee said... 138

Your Anniversary Bash Button was up before the Bash started at http://raisingmy4sons.com :)

Mandee said... 139

Your Anniversary Bash Button was up before the Bash started at http://raisingmy4sons.com :)

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 140

I would get the giftcard for Amazon because we buy way too much stuff there.

If I'm supposed to be less generic, then I pick Cafepress because I have my eye on a cute onesie and an adorable shirt there!

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 141

Following GiftZip on twitter

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 142

Also entered the yesterdays anniversary giveaway

Anonymous said... 143

Home Depot and Amazon for sure! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 144

http://twitter.com/DesMoinesDealin/status/19007173695 scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 145

I follow them on twitter @desmoinesdealin scg00387 at yahoo dot com

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 146

I follow you on twitter and I tweeted http://twitter.com/endieway/status/19007218186

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 147

Yep, I follow you on GFC

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 148

I also entered your posh jewelry giveaway

Anonymous said... 149

Ooooh definitely Amazon! I would get some books for my Kindle Itouch version or some more cloth diapers (my new obsession).


WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 150

Your anniversary button is up on my blog www.omgababy.com

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 151

I had the anniversary button up before the deadline 1 omgababy.com

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 152

I had the anniversary button up before the deadline 2 omgababy.com

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 153

I had the anniversary button up before the deadline 3 omgababy.com

Anonymous said... 154

Following Giftzip on twitter


Anonymous said... 155

following giftzip on facebook

melanie bleile

Anonymous said... 156

posted on giftzips facebook wall:


Anonymous said... 157

I follow you on twitter


Anonymous said... 158

7/20 tweet


Anonymous said... 159

I follow on GFC #1

melanie bleile

Anonymous said... 160

I follow on GFC #2

melanie bleile

Anonymous said... 161

I subscribe to your RSS feed #1


Anonymous said... 162

I subscribe to your RSS feed #2


Anonymous said... 163

I subscribe by email #1


Anonymous said... 164

I subscribe by email #2


Anonymous said... 165

I like you on Facebook #1

Melanie Bleile

Anonymous said... 166

I like you on Facebook #2

Melanie Bleile

Anonymous said... 167

Your button is on my blog #1 (right side "peeps")


Anonymous said... 168

Your button is on my blog #2 (right side "peeps")


Anonymous said... 169

Your button is on my blog #3 (right side "peeps")


Anonymous said... 170

Your anniversary button is on my blog (right side "peeps")


Mary said... 171

It would definitely be Barnes and Noble.


Annie1 said... 172

Footlocker, Sears, Amazon & Sephora of course!


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said... 173

Follow GiftZip on Twitter



nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said... 174

Follow GiftZip on FB

Anne Taylor or annectaylor1

Posted on their wall



nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said... 175

Follow you on Twitter




nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said... 176

Email subscriber


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said... 177

Email subscriber 2


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said... 178

google reader subscriber


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said... 179

google reader subscriber 2


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 180

An amazon gift card would be so helpful, but a fandango gift card would also be so great to win so I can take the kiddies to see Despicable Me!! Thanks for the giveaway.

Annie1 said... 181

Like you on fb

Anne Taylor or annectaylor1


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said... 182

Like you on fb 2

Anne Taylor or annectaylor1


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 183

I follow follow GiftZip on Twitter


Anonymous said... 184

I'm a fan of Giftzip on facebook

Debra Ford

Anonymous said... 185

posted on their facebook wall


Unknown said... 186

I would LIKE to have a gift card from Kohl's. I place store for back to school clothes.

Anonymous said... 187

following you on twitter and tweeted


Anonymous said... 188

I follow you on google friend connect

entry 1

Anonymous said... 189

I follow you on google friend connect

entry 2

Unknown said... 190

Follow GiftZip on twitter and tweeted;

Anonymous said... 191

I'm your fan on facebook
Debra Ford

entry 1

Rachel C said... 192

Home Depot!
rach62803@yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 193

I'm your fan on facebook
Debra Ford

entry 2

Rachel C said... 194

email subscriber
rach62803@yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 195

email subscriber 2
rach62803@yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 196

gfc follower
rach62803@yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 197

gfc follower 2
rach62803@yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 198

I subscribe to your RSS feed

entry 1

Anonymous said... 199

I subscribe to your RSS feed

entry 2

Unknown said... 200

LIKE GiftZip and shared;

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