Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Anniversary Bash #7: HearthSong Super Water Slide {Review & Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

Sometimes summer can just be so... hot and boring. Kids are off of school, the temperatures rise and all anyone ends up wanting to do is lay around inside in the air conditioning. Although for us, that just leads to even more boredom, which causes one of my girls to pick on the other... and the day just doesn't end well.

However, if there is one place where I know to look for the most unique and fun items to truly celebrate summer (instead of just sitting around wasting it away), it's HearthSong. And if I didn't think things could get better after having reviewed their Great Big Outdoor Playball and their Cosmic Slide, that is only because I hadn't been given the opportunity to see just how much laughter and enjoyment their Super Water Slide can bring.

With a 12' long slide and a 3' x 5' pool at the end, within a matter of minutes of opening the box our yard was turned into an impromptu water park. In fact, inflating the Super Water Slide was a breeze, simply use a pump to fill up the outer chamber that encases the edging and then do the same for the inner chamber to provide a soft, cushy slide.

By simply filling the pool with water and then attaching a garden hose to this heavy-duty vinyl slide, not only do kids have a great padded surface to run and dive on, but the continual mist that sprays from along the side keeps it cool and slick. Or, as Little Sister B didn't quite grasp the concept of sliding, the spray made a perfect water tunnel for her to crawl through.

This is definitely not just your average slip 'n slide, the Super Water Slide made for a safe, enjoyable and extremely fun afternoon for all of us. The days of getting bumps and bruises from a single piece of cheap plastic laid on a hill are a thing of the past with a luxurious toy like this!

As with past items we have been fortunate to review from HearthSong, I was impressed with the quality, durability, ease of use and long-term entertainment that this was able to provide. After easily deflating the Super Water Slide, it can be conveniently stored and pulled out year after year with no problems or worries.

Considering just how much fun my kids (and, ahem, my husband) had on this slide, I have no doubt that it will be a permanent part of our summer fun.

Whether just for a few kids or as a feature at an outdoor party, the Super Water Slide is sure to be a big hit. Fitting perfectly into HearthSong's slogan of Toys You'll Feel Good About Giving, this is just one of many items that they offer as part of their commitment to providing educational, entertaining, high-quality playthings.

Also, as with all of their toys, HearthSong completely guarantees your satisfaction - with no conditions or time limits. If, at any time and for any reason, you aren't happy with your Super Water Slide, you can exchange it or receive a full refund. With customer service like that, you've got nothing to lose and only a large amount of laughter and good times to gain.

Also, thanks to the generosity of HearthSong, one person will get to bring home the joy and exuberance this amazing item will provide, because...

One lucky person will win a Super Water Slide AND Dual Action Foot Pump from HearthSong! ARV $82!

To enter to win: Visit HearthSong and tell me one of the amazing items that they offer that you or your children would love to own.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you request a HearthSong catalog, subscribe to their emailed newsletter (if you enter your email address when requesting a catalog, that will subscribe you to their newsletter, so you get both entries) and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: HearthSong has such unique and fun toys! I just entered to win a Super Water Slide (with pump) at Thanks, Mail Carrier! http://bit.ly/9D5Ajt
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Anniversary Bash #7: WIN a Super Water Slide & pump (ARV $82) from HearthSong! @thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/9D5Ajt #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
1 Extra Entry if you put my Anniversary Bash button up on your blog. And, for the people who put it up BEFORE the event started (I have a list), 3 more extra entries on top of that.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and HearthSong. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on August 19th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to HearthSong for providing a Super Water Slide for review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

The rocking seesaw looks like fun! My kindergarten classroom had a wooden version many moons ago!

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Entered the birthday basket giveaway

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Entered the mamaroo giveaway

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Entered the amazon.com gc giveaway

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Entered the CSN GC giveaway

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Entered the hayneedle giveaway

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Follow you with GFC

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Follow you with GFC

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Have had the anniversary button up omgababy.com

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

Have had the anniversary button up omgababy.com

omgababy at gmail

Heather said...

Would love the sphere or water wheel!

Heather said...

Following through GFC!(1)

Heather said...

Following through GFC (2)

Christine said...

Following you officially!

Heather said...

Cute button is on my blog (left side in the scrolling marquee "Also Check Out..." section) (1)

Heather said...

Cute button is on my blog (left side in the scrolling marquee "Also Check Out..." section) (2)

Heather said...

Cute button is on my blog (left side in the scrolling marquee "Also Check Out..." section) (3)

Rachele said...

We like to spend time at the beach and my kids would love the Artistic sand molds. They spend hours burying each other and then building castles on the buried person, lol.

I'm also following you from To the Top blog hop.

Osbobbins said...

ooh, the Fun Ride™ looks fantastic!

cpullum said...

My daughters would love the Girlfriends Box Of Questions!

Colette S said...

My kids would ejoy the spring swing!


Colette S said...


Sheila said...

Im your newest follower from FMBT. hope to see you in my sanitarium. You have nice blog and great giveaways


Lauren said...

I would love to have this sand box for my son:)


Lauren said...

subscribed to Hearthsong newsletter


Tiffany said...

I'd love to have the Dress-Up Carousel for my girls!

Tiffany said...

Requested Hearthsong Catalog.

Tiffany said...

Subscribe to their email newsletter.

Lauren said...

like Hearthsong on FB(laurenwarrenbrown) and wrote on their wall


Tiffany said...

Hearthsong Facebook Fan.

Tiffany said...

Wrote message on their FB Wall.

Tiffany said...

Follow you & Tweet:

Tiffany said...

Public Follower via GFC. #1

Lauren said...

follow on twitter @Lulumsu33 and tweeted


Tiffany said...

Public Follower via GFC. #2

Tiffany said...

Subscribe via Google Reader. #1

Tiffany said...

Subscribe via Google Reader. #2

Lauren said...

entered the hayneedle giveaway


Tiffany said...

Subscribe via email. #1

Lauren said...

entered the Amazon gift card giveaway


Tiffany said...

Facebook Fan #2

Lauren said...

follow on GFC #1


Lauren said...

follow on GFC #2


Tiffany said...

Your button's on my blog.
mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Tiffany said...

Your button's on my blog.
mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

That was a tough one I found lots of fun things. My boys love

Disc Golf Challenge

Tiffany said...

Your button's on my blog.
mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Lauren said...

like you on FB(laurenwarrenbrown)#1


Tiffany said...

Anniversary Bash button's on my blog.
mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Lauren said...

like you on FB(laurenwarrenbrown) #2


Tiffany said...

Anniversary Bash button's on my blog, before event started!
mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I like HeartSong on Facebook

Colleen Lyons Shibley

Tiffany said...

Anniversary Bash button's on my blog, before event started!
mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Tiffany said...

Anniversary Bash button's on my blog, before event started!
mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Tiffany said...

Entered William Riera USA giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Growing Tree Toys Giveaway.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I left a message on HeartSong Facebook wall.

Tiffany said...

Entered ShopBedding.com Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Pear Tree Greetings Giveaway.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I've entered weboo shoes giveaway as well.

Tiffany said...

Entered The Not-Its CD giveaway.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted


Tiffany said...

Entered 191 Unlimited Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Weboo Shoes Giveaway.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I follow you on GFC #1

Tiffany said...

Entered Domino's Pizza Giveaway.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I follow you on GFC #2

Tiffany said...

Entered 4moms Giveaway.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I am a facebook fan #1

Tiffany said...

Entered GiftZip Giveaway.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I am a facebook fan #2

Tiffany said...

Entered Delta Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Pediped Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Hayneedle Giveaway.

Andrea Kruse said...

I also love their Sand Digger!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Your button is on my blog #1


Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Your button is on my blog #2


Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Your button is on my blog #3


Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I have your anniversary button on my blog


Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I put your anniversary button on my blog BEFORE it began thanks to The Life of Rylie...and Bryce too! For letting me know



Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I put your anniversary button on my blog BEFORE it began thanks to The Life of Rylie...and Bryce too! For letting me know



Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I put your anniversary button on my blog BEFORE it began thanks to The Life of Rylie...and Bryce too! For letting me know



Andrea Kruse said...

I am a fan of theirs on FB (andrea potter kruse)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said...

I requested a catalog
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said...

I subscribe to their newsletter
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said...

I entered your Pediped giveaway
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said...

I follow you on twitter (notimeMom) & I tweeted
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said...

I follow with google Friend Connect
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
entry #1

Andrea Kruse said...

I follow with google Friend Connect
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
entry #2

Andrea Kruse said...

I am a FB fan (andrea potter kruse)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
entry #1

Andrea Kruse said...

I am a FB fan (andrea potter kruse)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
entry #2

Anonymous said...

THe kids would love Aqua Land Set

Anonymous said...

Already like them on facebook

Anonymous said...

Commented on their wall http://www.facebook.com/pages/HearthSong/129753913112?ref=ts#!/pages/HearthSong/129753913112?v=wall&story_fbid=429150788112&ref=mf

Anonymous said...

Follow and tweeted http://twitter.com/KiddiesCorner/status/19674290574

Anonymous said...

Follow publicly 1

Anonymous said...

Follow publicly 2

Anonymous said...

Like you on facebook 1

Anonymous said...

Like you on facebook 2

Anonymous said...

Button in blogroll 1

Anonymous said...

Button in blogroll 2

Anonymous said...

Button in blogroll 3

Anonymous said...

Had the event button 1

Anonymous said...

Had the event button 2

Anonymous said...

Had the event button 3

Jennifer said...

My girls would love the Aqua Land Set jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

I follow via google friend connect #1 jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said...

I subscribe via email #1 jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

mommy2luke2008 said...

My son would love the giant bowling game!!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I subscribed for Hearthsongs catalog
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I subscribed to Hearthsongs emails
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I entered the Hayneedle giveaway
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I entered the Amazon gift card giveaway
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I entered the Trendy Tadpole giveaway
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I entered the JewelryPayless giveaway
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I entered the sheet set giveaway
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I follow you on GFC
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I follow you on GFC
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I have your anniversary button on my blog and had it on there before the start of the event
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I have your anniversary button on my blog and had it on there before the start of the event
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I have your anniversary button on my blog and had it on there before the start of the event
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I have your anniversary button on my blog and had it on there before the start of the event
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

Mrs. Kaminski said...

Aqua Land Set is almost as cool as the slide!

mommy2luke2008 said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

Mrs. Kaminski said...


Mary said...

The Incred-a-ball looks Incredible~

Mary said...


Mrs. Kaminski said...


Mary said...

I entered the William Riera giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the growing tree toys giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the shopbedding.com giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the pear tree giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the 191 unlimited giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the proflowers basket giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the jewelrypayless giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the trendytadpole giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the weboo shoes giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the purse bling giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the dominos giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the MamaRoo giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the Amazon gc giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the delta giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the pediped giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the CSN giveaway

Mary said...

I entered the Hayneedle giveaway

Mary said...



Mary said...

I subscribe through google reader #2

Mary said...

I follow through GFC

Mary said...

I follow through GFC #2

Mary said...

I like you on facebook

Mary said...

LIke Hearthsong on facebook

Mary said...

Wrote on Hearthsongs wall!

Lori@Two Daughters, A Husband, and A Minivan! said...

My kiddos would LOVE the giant bowling set and the disc golf challenge!

"Iowa Mom" said...

My kiddos would love to have a Sand Digger!

"Iowa Mom" said...

Teri H A R D Y likes HeartSong on facebook.

Lori@Two Daughters, A Husband, and A Minivan! said...

I "like" HearthSong on FB

"Iowa Mom" said...

I commented on their wall!

Lori@Two Daughters, A Husband, and A Minivan! said...

I posted message on HS's FB wall about giveaway

"Iowa Mom" said...

strawberrykidssales at gmail dot com subscribed to the HearthSong newsletter

Lori@Two Daughters, A Husband, and A Minivan! said...

I follow publicly thru GFC; I also found you through FMBT!

"Iowa Mom" said...

I requested a catalog!

Lori@Two Daughters, A Husband, and A Minivan! said...

I "like" TMC on FB

"Iowa Mom" said...

Follow and tweeted:

"Iowa Mom" said...

Email subscriber


"Iowa Mom" said...

Teri H A R D Y likes Thanks, Mail Carrier on facebook.


"Iowa Mom" said...

Teri H A R D Y likes Thanks, Mail Carrier on facebook.


"Iowa Mom" said...

I entered Anniversary Bash #1: 4moms mamaRoo {Review & Giveaway}.

"Iowa Mom" said...

I entered Anniversary Bash #2: $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway from GiftZip.com

"Iowa Mom" said...

I entered Anniversary Bash #3: Delta Faucet Company WaterSense Showerhead {Giveaway}

"Iowa Mom" said...

I entered Anniversary Bash #4: pediped footwear Originals Collection {Giveaway}

"Iowa Mom" said...

I entered Anniversary Bash #5: CSN Stores $70 Gift Certificate {Giveaway}

"Iowa Mom" said...

I entered Anniversary Bash #6: Hayneedle {Review & $100 Gift Certificate Giveaway}

jmajor4870 said...

i like the Water Wheele

Misusedinnocence said...

My son would love the Super Fun Stilts!


paula mena said...

Ilike Fun Ride
I follow you on twitter


paula mena said...

Ilike Fun Ride
I follow you on facebook


paula mena said...

Ilike Fun Ride
Email suscriber.


Rachel C said...

The dress-up carousel would be great for my girls!
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

I requested a catalog.
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

signed up for HearthSong newsletter
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

email subscriber
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

email subscriber 2
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

blog follower
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

blog follower 2
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Hayneedle
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered CSN
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered pediped
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Delta
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Amazon
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered 4moms
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Dominos
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Purse Clip
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Weboo
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Trendy Tadpole
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Jewelry Payless
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered ProFlowers
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered 191 Unlimited
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Not-Its CD
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered Growing Tree toys
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

entered William Riera
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

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