Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A new blog design! I have never looked THIS good before.

{If you're reading this in your email or Reader, definitely click through. You don't want to miss this fantastic new blog design...}

Woohoo! Check me out! Thanks, Mail Carrier is looking goooood. Beyond good really. I am head over heels, over the moon, dancing a major happy dance excited about how much better this layout is than what I used to have. The lack of space and the I-found-a-design-I-didn't-hate-and-just-threw-a-mail-truck-on-there look hadn't been working for me for quite some time but I didn't have the knowledge or skills to know what to do about it.

Let's reminisce for a minute here, shall we?

What, is the mail carrier running from the storm that's a-brewing on the right? And that one crazy long column with a million things in it? Yeesh.

It's all just memories now, though!

You may remember back in May when I raved about how indebted I am to the wonderful and talented Nicole from The Wannabe WAHM and Chic & Cheap Nursery because, among many other things, she swooped in and saved me when I was completely lost trying to set up my Facebook fan page.

Well, what I didn't mention at the time was that not only does she run those two fabulous sites, but (and no, I have no idea where she finds the time) she does blog design as well. I have been a fan of Wannabe Blog Design from the time I discovered it (remember the cute Twitter button I had up? It was one of her freebies! How awesome that she offers those!) and, when the opportunity arose and Nicole decided she wanted to put herself through the torture of working with me to do a blog makeover, I was thrilled!

I'd like to say that I'm exaggerating when I say that it is torture to work with me on something like this, but I'm really not. Saying I'm picky is a huge understatement and I don't even want to look back to see how many emails Nicole received that say, "Oh, one more thing..." and then listed half a dozen things that I wanted to change. Even worse, sometimes I knew exactly what I wanted something to be changed to and sometimes I didn't. Makes it kind of hard to please someone when they're extremely vague, doesn't it?

But throughout it all, Nicole was beyond enthusiastic and friendly and managed to come up with this incredible design that included everything that I asked for and much more. Every line, every color, every word... it's perfect. I loved the way that the whole layout was done on a test site first so that at any time I could head over and take a look (and get all giddy at how well it was coming along) and see if there were any other things I wanted to bug ask Nicole about.

I really couldn't recommend the Wannabe Blog Design highly enough. If you're looking for a full makeover, there are multiple options depending on what you're looking to include for a new or established blog. Or, for just a little something extra (a new header, maybe? How about numbered comments or a great button?) the grab bag of individual items makes customizing your blog a breeze. And the results (and VERY happy bloggers such as yours truly) completely speak for themselves.

So, what do you think? Do you like the new look? Does your blog need a makeover? You know where to go!

(In case you're wondering, Nicole from Wannabe Blog Design did not in any way ask me to write about my new design and her incredible talent as a blog designer, but how could I not? She is fantastic!)


Jenna said... 1

I love the new design!

Anonymous said... 2

Well, aren't you beautiful!? Love it!

Jennifer K said... 3

Looks great! Very clean and organized!

TerriAnn @ Cookies and Clogs said... 4

Congrats! I love the nice and clean look. Wannabe did a great job in making it look nice but keep some elements the same so your site is still recognizable.

Anonymous said... 5

Absolutely love it! She did a great job. So simple...looks great:)

Jackie said... 6

I love, love, love the new look!!!!!! :) It looks awesome (and so clean!)

Unknown said... 7

Love it!!!

Anonymous said... 8

Wow! Looks terrific, definitly lots of space in here! Come check out my new blog when you have a moment!!

Mandee said... 9

I LOVE IT!!!! I want one!!!
Better wait till baby gets here and I have my new name and header pic though. :)

Everything looks great! :)

Momrempel said... 10

Love your new blog design! So nice and simple:)

Life Is A SandCastle said... 11

Nice, I like it!

Crystal said... 12

Stopping by from FBT. The place looks great!

Welcome To My Kitchen said... 13

Thanks for visiting Welcome To My Kitchen. I am now your follower and fan on facebook. Please join me also on facebook. nice to meet you and hope to get to know you better.

Chani M said... 14

Looks awesome! Hope it brings many good things!!!

Robyn said... 15

So much better! Your page looks so more modern and organized now. I think it will be much easier to navigate!

MIG said... 16

Looking good!

Nicole Marie said... 17

i love the new look! so jealous...i want a new look too :)

Liz Mays said... 18

It's super cute!!!! I'm happy for you!

Tree said... 19

Oooo goodie! A new blog design. I think it looks fantastic! Very clean and laid out well! Great job!

LeeAnn said... 20

It looks great Xenia! It has a nice clean look to it! Nicole did a great job!

Clueless_Mama said... 21

Hey Xenia, You did a great job with the new design. I love it. I may be checking out your friend soon:)

Charla @ Healthy Home Blog said... 22

Looks awesome!

Kathleen W. said... 23

I love it! I like the color combo and the cardboard looking background, which is really appropriate for your title.

WCA Yash Travel said... 24

i love your new look.
but if i suggest could it be possible in your current giveaways be specified if it is for US/CAN, US only or WW.

Anonymous said... 25

Thanks for following me! Love the layout! I am now following back.

If you ever want to have me add one of your giveaways to my daily giveaway list, please feel free to email me! You can find more info here: http://missylovesgiveaways.blogspot.com/2010/07/want-your-giveaway-listed.html