Monday, July 5, 2010

The Not-Its! Time Out To Rock CD {Review & Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to those who entered!}

My daughters love music. They do some pretty adorable things, but up there on the Cute List is watching them dance and groove along to the beat (or at least somewhat close to the beat) while we're blasting some tunes.

We have a wide variety of kids' music around here and my husband and I disagree on how much of it we can stand to listen to. I guess after a while listening to songs about barnyards and school buses starts to get to some people.

Something that we can all enjoy, however, is the hot new album Time Out To Rock by the great indie children's band, The Not-Its!

As their 2009 debut CD, We Are The Not-Its!, received unprecedented awards and praise as one of the best family music albums of 2009, this group of Seattle musicians (all moms, dads and teachers) has set out to bring an edgier sound to traditional children's music. Instead of the slow rhymes and sweet lyrics that we're used to, The Not-Its! feature electric guitars and drums in their up-tempo, danceable songs.

Having grown up in the age of Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, I was interested to hear how The Not-Its!, particularly lead vocalist Sarah Shannon of the 90's indie-pop band Velocity girl, could bring a little rock to our otherwise conventional selection of kids' CDs. So, to put this album to the test, I waited until my girls were happily occupied and nonchalantly pressed play:

If the mission of The Not-Its! is to make kids dance, they have definitely succeeded in our household. The combination of the tempo, beat and great lyrics that children can relate to got both Big Sister E and Little Sister B up and moving, while my toes couldn't help but tap along. I loved the messages behind the songs, such as welcoming a new kid at school or dealing with bullies and how The Not-Its! manage to take a positive idea and bring it across as hip and fun.

Not having listened to a great deal of indie music in many years, I was glad to have such a nice change in the sound around here. Not to mention that any time my kids can enjoy hearing that accidents happen or about changing their luck all the while having a great dancing and moving... well, that's just an added bonus.

Information about ordering The Not-Its! CDs, t-shirts and fun petticoats (so that your child can dress just like the rockin' ladies in the band) are available right on their website, as well as musician bios, music samples and printable lyric and coloring pages. If you're looking for a fun way to get your children to jump up and dance in delight while still letting adults rock out at the same time, The Not-Its! is a great change from the norm of kids' music.

Plus, thanks to the generosity of The Not-Its!, one person will get to get on their feet and groove along, because...

One lucky person will win a copy of Time Out To Rock by The Not-Its!

To enter to win: Tell me what your child's current favorite song, band or CD is and why you would like to win this fun album.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow The Not-Its! on Twitter and/or become a fan on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave this message on their wall: I want to rock with The Not-Its! I just entered to win a copy of Time Out To Rock at Thanks, Mail Carrier!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN a copy of Time Out To Rock, a great CD for kids to rock to from @The_Not_Its! @thxmailcarrier #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and The Not-Its! Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on July 29th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Waldmania PR for providing a copy of The Not-Its! Time Out To Rock for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


Tiffany said... 1

My 4-year old loves Taylor Swift right now!

Tiffany said... 2

Follow The Not-Its via Twitter.

Tiffany said... 3

The Not-Its Facebook Fan, wrote on their wall. Love that they're from Seattle! That's my hometown! :)

Tiffany said... 4

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Tiffany said... 5

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Tiffany said... 6

Button's on my blog. #1
mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Tiffany said... 7

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mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Tiffany said... 8

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mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Tiffany said... 9

Entered KidsCraft giveaway.

Tiffany said... 10

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Tiffany said... 11

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Tiffany said... 12

Entered Juliethefish Designs giveaway.

Tiffany said... 13

Entered Wild Creations giveaway.

Rachel C said... 14

My kids are into the Little Mermaid soundtrack right now. fun!

Rachel C said... 15

email subscriber

Rachel C said... 16

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Rachel C said... 17

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Rachel C said... 18

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lilpinksocks said... 19

My 21 month olds love to dance to Elvis Costello...and anything on Yo Gabba Gabba. I think they would love this album.

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said... 20

Hey there good lookin - nice new layout!

We love the Not-Its too - best kids cd ever.

missykade said... 21

following through gfc would love for you to follow back if you haven't already.

Lucas's Journey with Sensory Processing Disorder

Jodi Faye said... 22

My kids love the band Go Fish!

mverno said... 23

itsy bitty spider

Anonymous said... 24

My granddaugher loves Taylor Swift, she's 3 years old....


Anonymous said... 25

I follow The_Not_Its on Twitter as


Anonymous said... 26

I "like" The_Not_Its on facebook and left the following message on their wall: I want to rock with The Not-Its! I just entered to win a copy of Time Out To Rock at Thanks, Mail Carrier!

Donna Hufman Warrington

Anonymous said... 27

I follow you on Twitter as 2Cats2See and I tweeted the following: WIN a copy of Time Out To Rock, a great CD for kids to rock to from @The_Not_Its! @thxmailcarrier #win #giveaway


Anonymous said... 28

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Anonymous said... 33

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Anonymous said... 34

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Anonymous said... 35

I've entered your Hatley giveaway


Anonymous said... 36

I've entered your juliethefish giveaway


Anonymous said... 37

I've entered your Pillow Pet giveaway


Anonymous said... 38

I've entered your My Baby Clothes Boutique giveaway


Anonymous said... 39

I've entered your Jewelry Ninja giveaway


Sippy Cup Mom said... 40

I'd love to win this! My son likes rockin' out to Queen!

Sippy Cup Mom said... 41

I follow them on Twitter!

Sippy Cup Mom said... 42

I entered the pillow pet and julietthefish giveaways!

Sippy Cup Mom said... 43

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Sippy Cup Mom said... 44

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Sippy Cup Mom said... 45

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Rachel C said... 46

entered William Riera

Rachel C said... 47

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Rachel C said... 48

entered My Baby Clothes

Rachel C said... 49

entered Yoreganics

Rachel C said... 50

entered SmartShield

Rachel C said... 51

entered pillow pet

Rachel C said... 52

entered 1 800 flowers

Rachel C said... 53

entered juliethefish

Rachel C said... 54

entered Powermat

Rachel C said... 55

entered Hatley

Rachel C said... 56

entered KidsCraft

skgaff said... 57

My daughter loves Outkast! :-) Too funny. I would love this because I really need some more age-appropriate fun music for her.

Anonymous said... 58

My grandkids would love this cd.

Jennifer said... 59

My girls like Lion King music and I want to win because I love rock jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said... 60

I follow via google friend connect #1 jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said... 61

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Jennifer said... 62

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Jennifer said... 63

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Jennifer said... 64

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Jennifer said... 65

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Anonymous said... 66
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Jennifer said... 67

I follow The Not-Its!on Twitter (@jkgorcery) jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said... 68

I follow you on Twitter (@jkgorcery) and I tweeted:


Megan Earley said... 69

My daughter loves to listen to Phil Collins because that's all my husband plays! I'd love to win this for a little variety!
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 70

like the Not Its on FB
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 71

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 72

entered Pear Tree Greetings
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 73

entered 1-800 Flowers
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 74

entered My Pillow Pets
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 75

entered Smart shield
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 76

entered Yoreganics
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 77

entered My Baby Clothes Boutique
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 78

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 79

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 80

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 81

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 82

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 83

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 84

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 85

FB fan 2
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Rachel C said... 86

entered Jewelry Payless

Rachel C said... 87

entered ProFlowers

jan said... 88

My nephews are on a Taylor Swift kick right now - it changes monthly. lol I think they'd have a blast with this CD! sammiejanL40 at aol dot com

Rachel C said... 89

entered Trendy Tadpole

Rachel C said... 90

entered Purse Bling

Rachel C said... 91

entered WeBoo shoes giveaway

Rachel C said... 92

entered 4moms

Rachel C said... 93

entered Amazon GC giveaway
rach62803@yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 94

entered Delta
rach62803@yahoo dot com

AEK said... 95

5 year old loves Dan Zanes and Justin Robert.

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 96

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angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 97

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AEK said... 103

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AEK said... 104

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angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 105

button under blog roll:
angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 106

button under blog roll:

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 107

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

Rachel C said... 108

entered pediped giveaway
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 109

entered CSN
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

99 Foxgloves said... 110

My children always want to hear new music! They will sing and dance to anything they find fun!

Rachel C said... 111

entered Domino's giveaway
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 112

My kids love Lady Gaga and The Black Eyed Peas.

melissamcnicol at yahoo dot com

lilpinksocks said... 113
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel C said... 114

entered Hayneedle
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 115

entered HearthSong
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

surferdude said... 116

I would love to win this prize.

Karen Propes said... 117

Right now they love Laurie Berkner Band, Backyardigans. Dancing is a fun activity right now. I know this CD will bring a smile and moving feet to the kids.

Karen Propes said... 118

I Like The Not-Its! on Facebook & commented!/pages/The-Not-Its/82666067947?v=wall&story_fbid=417323487947&ref=mf

Karen Propes said... 119

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Karen Propes said... 120

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Karen Propes said... 121

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Karen Propes said... 125

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Karen Propes said... 126

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Karen Propes said... 128

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Rachel C said... 129

entered Senseo giveaway
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 130

Justin Beiber's "Baby" is the favorite; they like to dance!

Anonymous said... 131

My granddaughter's favorite CD is Rock & Roll Playground.

susansmoaks said... 132

our son really loves the kidz bop cd right now
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Karen Propes said... 133

I entered your Growing Trees Toys giveaway,

Karen Propes said... 134

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Karen Propes said... 135

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Karen Propes said... 136

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Karen Propes said... 137

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Karen Propes said... 138

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Karen Propes said... 139

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