But instead of filling my home with chemicals, I'd love a healthy, effective, efficient alternative that can work on almost any surface. Up until recently I wasn't sure what that was, however, now I've been introduced to the world of vapor steam cleaners (and have wondered where they have been all this time).

Having heard reports about the polluted air that we breathe outside, it can be somewhat startling to find out that an EPA study found that the air inside a typcial home can be two to five times more polluted than the air outside. Supermarket chemical cleaners can leave toxic fumes that can linger for days, weeks or even months - not exactly what most moms want to hear for the well-being of their family.
As I wasn't familiar with all of the great vapor steam cleaners out there, I find the idea of one machine being able to sanitize and deodorize things like bathroom floors, food preparation surfaces, carpets, bed linens and much more quite intriguing. They simply change ordinary tap water to a low-moisture, extremely high-temperature water vapor that can then remove soil, grease and built-up filth with ease.
With so many benefits, the major pitfall of owning a vapor

What do you think? Have you tried (or heard of) a vapor steam cleaner before? Would the ability to rid your home of germs, bacteria, dirt, odors, allergens and more convince you to pay a hefty price tag?
(This post was sponsored by 1-800-GO-VAPOR.com but now that I've learned about vapor steam cleaners, I'm interested in hearing about any personal uses of them!)
Wow, cool product Xenia!
I've always wanted a steam cleaner!
Nice product and very useful.
I'm with Mommy is Green - I have always wanted a really really great one of these!
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