Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Love for School

It has been nearly a year since Big Sister E headed off for her first day of preschool. Where does the time go? I still remember putting on my brave face for her and holding strong while dropping her off, with lots of hugs and kisses and promises to be there for her when it was done, and then coming back home to the silence. Little Sister B was still taking a morning nap at the time, so after I put her to bed, it was so... quiet.

There were a few bumps in the beginning, but fast-forward to the spring and Big Sister E didn't want school to end. She loved the art projects and gym time and singing songs and getting to play with her friends... every day that I picked her up she would tell me about the crafts that she had made or the games that she had participated in or the fun she had playing pretend with other kids. They played house or teacher or even that they were dinosaurs. Heck, the tales sounded fun to even me and I couldn't blame her for not wanting to go back to just hanging out with her little sister and me.

Fortunately, her school offered summer sessions as well, so, for the past three months Big Sister E has happily been toting her backpack back and forth two mornings a week to continue what she loved.

In the one year time, she has gone from this...

To this...

How did that happen?

But, alas, summer school ended this past week. And even though Big Sister E was obviously very happy there, my husband and I have made the decision to move her to a different preschool for the upcoming year. There were a multitude of pros and cons, but after talking through all of the options, we're confident that she will grow to love her new school as well.

But now that it is only two weeks away, I'm the one starting to get butterflies in my stomach. What if she doesn't like it? What if she isn't as happy? Will she easily make new friends?

Most importantly, when in the world does this parenting thing get any easier?

(I was compensated by Queen Ethelburga's in exchange for this post, but the rambling about my daughter's preschool experiences and my nervousness was my idea - aren't you lucky?)


J.E. said... 1

She is adorable. I love her little outfit in the 2nd picture- the necklace is so cute, I love girlie stuff!
I'm gonna die when my oldest {now 3} goes off to school. . .

Mandee said... 2

Oh I don't really think it ever gets any easier. Maybe when they are grown? I don't know! Your daughter is adorable! She has grown up a lot over the past year, hasn't she? So cute! My boys go back to school Tuesday (except the one in Pre-K, he starts beginning of September.)

Tisha Matthews said... 3

Thanks for following me. I love your blog. I will make sure to stop by to read your latest post. I am now your newest follower.


Larri said... 4

Aw, she's adorable! I find parenting to always be a challenge, but oh so rewarding. :o) Hang in there and enjoy the milestones! Stopping by from MGM. Happy Monday from Larri at Seams Inspired:o)

Liz Mays said... 5

Wow, I can not believe how much she has grown in a year! I can't!

MIG said... 6

I don't think the worry ever ends. When our kids are adults we will just have new things to worry about unfortunately. I try not to be nervous about things until they happen but that's not the case most of the time. If your daughter made friends easily before I'm sure she will again. Hang in there!

Anonymous said... 7

She has grown so much. Gavyn went to a new school last year when we moved, and I had all the same feelings, especially since he was the new kid. He has made a large amount of friends, and two have been here twice a week this summer for me to take care of. School starts on Sept 2 here and it doesn't get any easier, he is going into the 3rd grade:( It kills me.

Amo said... 8

I was wondering the same thing! Does it get any easier? My son started preschool for the first time this year, and the first day, he was fine. But today, he knew we were leaving and he cried like crazy when we left him! It was so hard to leave him there! I hope he gets to where he loves it as much as your daughter does!

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said... 9

She has gotten so big! Hope everything goes well in the new school. I'm sure she will be just as happy, she looks like she makes friends easily!

sharonjo said... 10

Well, my two boys are both in college now and I still worry about them (!) so I guess the answer to your question is "Never!"

Since your little girl loved her first school and did well there, I would anticipate the same with her new school. Great to hear about kids who love learning and go back to school with a smile on their face.

Chin up, mom!

Michelle said... 11

She is sooo super cute! Kids grow up so fast and I feel like I did not take enough pictures of my kids at their age (they are 13 and 15 now).

Stopping by to say "hi" from Meet and Greet Monday.

- Shelli :)

Scented Leaf said... 12

Your little girl loved her first school and in your pictures she looks friendly and easy to talk to. Be sure she will make easy new friends because usually at school the activities are made together.

Jenna said... 13

She's adorable! :) The times does go fast. I'm sure I'll have those same 'butterflies' in my stomach when Kaelyn starts school. It'll be exciting too!

Dawn Lopez said... 14

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