Every week as Friday rolls around, I can feel the excitement building for the weekend. Even if we have nothing planned to do, just knowing that I'll soon be able to sit around and relax with my family brings an extra little joy to my day.
My husband and I take turns getting up with the kids in the morning and letting the other person sleep in (such a luxury!) and one of my favorite things to do to make my early day special is to make a fun breakfast. During the week we don't do much more than the typical stuff like cereal, fruit and toast and with my husband rushing off for work it isn't like we sit down and enjoy any time together anyway.
So, when I heard that Pillsbury was promoting their efforts to recapture Sunday mornings as a time to reconnect with family, I knew we couldn't pass up having our own My Sweet Sunday Moment.

When it comes to convenience, nothing beats the place-and-bake ease of Pillsbury. Simply open the container, break the rolls apart and set them into the greased pan.

All you have to do to enter is to head over to the My Sweet Sunday Moment Contest (hurry, this contest ends September 2nd!) and tell Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls why your family loves Sunday and why you want more of them, easy as that. As an added bonus, everyone who enters will receive a printable coupon for Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls so that you can have your own Sweet Sunday Moment at home now.
Plus, one person will be able to get a head start on spending a little time with a tasty breakfast and their family, because...
One lucky person will win a My Sweet Sunday Moment prize pack from Pillsbury!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Pillsbury on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: Pillsbury cinnamon rolls are the best! I just entered to win a My Sweet Sunday Moment prize package at Thanks, Mail Carrier: http://bit.ly/c5iYEw
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
WIN a delicious Pillsbury My Sweet Sunday Moment prize pack from #myblogspark and @thxmailcarrier! http://bit.ly/c5iYEw #win #giveaway
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on September 24th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Pillsbury for providing information and a prize pack for review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. This review was made possible due to my membership at MyBlogSpark. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
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We love to make a great homemade breakfast recipe on Sunday mornings!
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We always have a big family dinner. I think Cinnamon Rolls could help bring the family together because we'd all sit down and eat together! :)
I baked cinnamon rolls on sunday mornings before church,I never had to wake up the kids,the aroma always did!
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We all gather together and read the Sunday paper.
weblynx at hotmail.com
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I bake cinnamon rolls on a Sunday evening for an after dinner desert. Delish!
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Cinnamon rolls certainly do help bring my family together, because everyone gathers into the kitchen to get one before they're gone!!!
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I'd love if our family would have a tradition of Friday evening dessert and board games. I am trying to implement.
we always eat a huge breakfast on sunday also we make cinnamon bun candles that usually brings me and the children together
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I want to have a big family breakfast on Sundays but no one in my house likes breakfast.
We always eat cinnamon rolls on holiday mornings - like thanksgiving, christmas, easter. It's a happy tradition my mother-in-law started when my husband was young.
I would love to start doing Cinnamon rolls on Sunday Mornings Before Church.
We go for a early hike and then eat lunch and watch football together on Sunday afternoons!
savvyhousewife @yahoo.com
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I entered the Keurig giveaway.
Cinnamon rolls would certainly bring my grandkids and us together..the smell of cinnamom and the warm sweet rolls leave good memories for everyone
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We have cinnamon rolls every Sunday before church. I would like to spend more time together on Sundays doing things as a family.
jas8929 at gmail dot com
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I like the idea of having friends and family over for dinner and games every Sunday.
Tweet for today: http://twitter.com/BountyHunter338/status/25180941919
Tweet for today: http://twitter.com/BountyHunter338/status/25221041800
We go out to breakfast every Sunday morning. Those cinnamon roles might make us stay in though.
the imagine tree at aol dot com
may one use it on a Tuesday?
I wish we would have breakfast together every sunday...that would be nice.
Daily Tweet
We always sleep in on Saturday,trying to recoup from the week with our 6 kids.But on Sunday I get up and make them breakfast before they want to run out the door and play.We just had Pillsbury sweetrolls last Sunday and also shared with my kids friends,yes they were at my house bright and early.My kids love them and so did there friends.
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we play board games all day after church :)
i entered to win giftzip amazon card too
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We love cinnamon rolls. They are my husband's favorite! We don't have much of a routine for Sunday, but we often visit family. Thanks!
I would love for my family to make "breakfast together every Sunday" a tradition. Everyone helps clean up though! :)
Following Pillsbury on Twitter ;)
Liked Pillsbury on FB :)
dough boy rocks
Cute and creative website!! :) Thanks for the giveaway.I Look forward to following you in the future!!!
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I would like to introduce the Sunday Drive and picnic in the park to my family.
We make Chocolate Chip Pancakes together as a family for Sunday breakfast!
We love doing family breakfast on Sunday's with everyone chipping in to make everything.
Following you on tweeter
and love cinnamon rolls
Following you on tweeeter
love cinnamon rolls
I am going to start having cinnamon rolls early on Christmas morning (a new tradition).
Cinnamon rolls bring my family together to the table with big smiles.
When I was a chld, our family of nine children, plus mama and daddy had breakfast together at the kitchen table on Sunday morning. I think this is a a good family time for anyone.
When I was a chld, our family of nine children, plus mama and daddy had breakfast together at the kitchen table on Sunday morning. I think this is a a good family time for anyone.
Cinnamon Rolls help bring my family together because when they smell that delicious cinnamon aroma, they all come running to the kitchen.
Daily Tweet:
the entire family is sure happy when i make cinnamon rolls!
I would like to win the pillsbury
I'd like to bring back Sunday morning breakfast with the whole family. Unfortunately with the strange hours everyone works I don't think that's going to happen.
We don't really have any traditions yet - we love a big family breakfast at home and my hubby cooks.
GFC follower
like you on FB - aleksandra n
Maybe the cinnamon rolls could help us concentrate on the food rather than the Sunday newspaper
ewhatley at embarqmail dot com
We have Cinnamon rolls on special holiday mornings. Great way to celebrate
s2s2 at comcast dot net
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follow Pilsbury via twitter susan1215
Cinnamon Rolls brings our family together because everyone loves them. I love to bake them Sunday mornings for the whole family. garrettsambo@aol.com
With the cooler weather coming our Sunday dinners become wonderful comfort foods like pot roast (with Pilsbury crescent rolls, of course)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
When I was a child my father always cooked breakfast on Sunday morning. Burnt eggs and toast were the norm but we didn't care and Mom got the morning off. I'd like for my Hubby to continue that tradition...he's thinking about it. lol
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breakfast and cartoons! eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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we have a big breakfast including cinnamon rolls
11newmom at gmail
follow pillsbury on twitter 9ziggy
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11newmom at gmail
We really like the Pillsbury cinnamon rolls and have them about once a week, when we all get together for breakfast. They smell delicious when they are baking. Thanks for having the contest!
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Growing up, we always had a big family lunch after Church. I have continued that tradition with my family and when we visit my mom's we still have the big sit-down lunch, too.
daily tweet http://twitter.com/godlyhomemaker/status/25467682960
I'd love for us to watch football games together as we're not big football fans but it seems to be the national pastime.
Cinnamon rolls help bring our family together because they make us slow down and not eat on the go.
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