Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pump It Up Goodie Bags {Review & Giveaway - 3 winners!}

{This giveaway is now closed - Congratulations to sohamolina, katklaw777 and Penny W!}

Big Sister E's fourth birthday is two months away and I'm already trying to come up with ideas. We had a great monkey birthday party when she was two and a creative rock star party last year... so this year has to live up to the standard that I've set, right?

One thing that I have always made sure to spend a little extra time on are the goodie bags. They are the lasting impression of the party for all of the attendees - a little something for the kids to take home and feel as though even though they didn't get to open a pile of presents, they were still a part of the fun.

So what makes a goodie bag... good? I think all parents can attest to a time or two that they have had to dump a pile of candy or junk because it was unhealthy or just not interesting or appropriate for their child. Thankfully, one of the most entertaining birthday party locations, Pump It Up, has now made it possible to complete your child's celebration with a fun, active Goodie Bag that all kids will love.

If you have never heard of Pump It Up, you've got to check it out! They are the largest inflatable playground franchise in the nation, with over 175 locations across the country. Their indoor arenas are filled with huge bounce houses, massive inflatable slides, obstacle courses and more that keep kids jumping and active until they are ready to drop. Nap time, anyone?

As well as their Pop-In Playtimes (drop-in open gym times certain times during the week), Pump It Up is widely known for being a great place to hold a birthday party. Run completely by their friendly, trained staff, all you have to do is select and book the party option that fits you best, show up with your kids and sit back and let Pump It Up do all the work.

My nephew had his last birthday at the Pump It Up near us and it was such an easy process for my brother and sister-in-law. There was no cooking, cleaning, trying to come up with entertainment, etc, they simply relaxed and let the party coordinators do all the work. After plenty of time jumping, bouncing and sliding, we were able to spend time in a private party room for cake and presents and, as a whole, everyone had a great time.

All that was missing back then were the goodie bags. But, after a year of research and development, Pump It Up has now launched their new line of Goodie Bags that, just like their inflatable playgrounds, encourage kids to get up and get active. Getting children up and moving is something that Pump It Up cares quite a bit about, particularly now that they are members of the Coalition for Healthy Kids, a national campaign addressing childhood obesity in America.

Big Sister E and Little Sister B were both more than ready to spend some time outdoors checking out just how much fun these new Goodie Bags could really provide.
The answer? A lot!

Packed will all sorts of fun items, both of my girls loved playing with the sidewalk chalk, thunder sticks, roto launcher and disc shooter that came inside our bag. They went back and forth between coloring on the cement to clapping the thunder sticks to watching the roto launcher send its spinners into the air and shooting multi-colored discs around the yard. The most difficult part of this entertaining Goodie Bag was convincing the kids when it was time to go inside for dinner!

For a great way to get kids up and moving, visiting Pump It Up or having a party there is a win-win situation. With the addition of their Goodie Bags to the options you can include for your celebration, you now not only have one less thing to worry about, but you know that your child's friends will go home with quality toys that will extend their fun and active play for a long time to come.

Thanks to the generosity of Pump It Up, three lucky people will get to surprise their kids with a bag of active play, because...

Three lucky people will win Pump It Up Goodie Bags of their own!

To enter to win: Visit Pump It Up and tell me which of their many locations is nearest you as well as if you (or your children) have ever been to a Pump It Up before.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Pump It Up on Twitter, become an email subscriber of the Jump N Blog and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: Pump It Up offers so much active fun! I just entered to win one of their new Goodie Bags (3 winners!) at Thanks, Mail Carrier: http://bit.ly/cq86cZ
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

3 winners! New Pump It Up Goodie Bags are full of fun prizes from
@PumpItUpParty! @thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/cq86cZ #win #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Pump It Up. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on September 2nd at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Pump It Up for providing a Goodie Bag for review as well as for three lucky giveaway winners. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Lauren said...

The closest location to me is in Evansville, IN and I had never heard of these before!!! It sounds so fun:)


Lauren said...

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momof2girls said...

Our closest location is in Vegas. My kids love this place.

momof2girls said...

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Rheanna Bristol said...

Hi, I am following from the Tuesday blog hop! Good to meet ya. Liking you blog, I'll be back.


Unknown said...

The closest to me is Evansville, IN and we have never been.

Unknown said...

I follow Pump It Up on Twitter @allthngzrelated!

Unknown said...

I "like" Pump It Up on FB!
{Rebekah Woosley}

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted!

Mary said...

I have a location right down the road in Trussville

Mary said...

I entered the Dominos giveaway

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Alissabeth said...

The closest to me is in Montgomery, AL. We've been a few times and are thinking of a weeknight birthday party (to save money!) for our son.

I'd love to check these out as I might be interested in using them!

Unknown said...

The nearest location is Chalfont, PA and I have never been there before. I had never even heard of it before this review!

Unknown said...

Entered the Flip MinoHD giveaway

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~Jan said...

We have never been to one, as the closest is in chicago, 55 miles away.
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

like pump it up on fb.
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

wrote on their fb wall.
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

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jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

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jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

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jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

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jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

entered pediped giveaway
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

entered hayneedle giveaway
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

entered maukilo giveaway
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

entered melissa/doug giveaway
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

entered Mino HD giveaway
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said...

entered Mino HD giveaway
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

Cassie M said...

The Pump It Up in Franklin, MA is closest to us! We've never been to a Pump It Up, but they look fun!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

960 S. 72nd St. Omaha
No...I've never been there, but have passes that I won.

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I subscribe

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I subscribe!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I have your button!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I have your button!

Angela G said...

Closest location is in Austin TX. Been there! As a matter of fact on 8.7.10. DD and even many parents had a blast!!

Michelle Bartley said...

Closest Pump It Up to me is in Stow,Ohio! I've never been,butI'm gonna check it out for my Grandaughter Olivia's Birthday Party(:

Michelle Bartley said...

Following Pump It Up on Twitter as Rascall Flatts rascallmelt2003@yahoo.com

Nicole C. said...

Brentwood, Tn is the closest to me, and no, I have never been to one!


Nicole C. said...

I follow on gfc #1.


Nicole C. said...

I follow on gfc #2.


Megan Earley said...

Indianapolis is the closest location to me. We've never been, but it looks fun!
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

I like Pump it Up on FB
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered Senseo
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered Maukilo
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered Kokopax
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

entered Cafe Press
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said...

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mearley1979 at gmail dot com

mogrill said...

There is one 20 minutes away in Tacoma,WA. Thanks for the chance.

mogrill said...

There is one 20 minutes away in Tacoma,WA. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

We've been to the Shawnee Mission location a bunch of times.

amanda.townsend2 at gmail dot com

BargainFun said...

THe closest one to me is indianapolis IN

jennifer57 said...

The closest is well over an hour away from me...West Chester, PA.

I never heard of this company before.

jennifer57 said...

follow Pump It Up on Twitter,

jennifer57 said...

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jennifer57 said...

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Jennifer said...

Looks like they had fun! Just stopping by from the Thursday Blog Hop.


Please come find great deals at The Family Saver and link-up all your giveaways at Giveaways & Goodies!

littlelatina said...

this looks pretty fun

Unknown said...

The closest one to me is in Brandon, FL. We have never been there before, but may have to give it a try!


jmajor4870 said...

the nearest one to me is Burnsville Minnesota.

"Iowa Mom" said...

Our closest location is:
Madison, WI
2911 Marketplace Drive
Fitchburg, WI 53719
Phone: (608) 442-6386
106 miles from you

Jana said...

Our closest location is Kirkland WA and that is 5 hours away. Nope never been or hard of them.

dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

Jana said...

I follow Pump It Up on Twitter

dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

Jana said...

I Like them on Facebook (Jana Leonard)

dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

Jana said...

left the comment on Pump it ups FB wall (Jana Leonard)

dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

"MRS" menucha said...

the closet one to me is Fitchburg, WI, I've never been there.

Tabathia B said...

We have never been or heard of it until now and the closest one is
610-C Airport Rd.
New Bern, NC 28562
Phone: (252) 634-2400
43 miles from you
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

twitter follower & tweeted
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

entered senseo
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

entered maukilo
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

The closest one to us now that we moved is about 5 1/2 hours away. We were frequent visitors when we lived in Seattle and continue to visit a few times a year while we're up there visiting family! We love pump it up! :)

Tiffany said...

Follow Pump It Up via Twitter.

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Tiffany said...

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Tiffany said...

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mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Tiffany said...

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mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Tiffany said...

Your button's on my sidebar.
mtdudleyfamily. blogspot. com

Tiffany said...

Entered Hayneedle Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Hearthsong Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Maukilo Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Kokopax Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered Melissa & Doug Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

Entered CafePress Giveaway.

Missybeez said...

The closes to me is in Hartville, Ohio.


Missybeez said...

follow GFC #1


Missybeez said...

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Ruth said...

I have never been-I have never heard of it. But there is one about an hour from us in Tacoma, WA. We live in Yelm.


Ruth said...

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Unknown said...

Entered the Pump It Up Giveaway

Anonymous said...

closest one to us is new bern, nc & we havent been but might hafta make a trip over there!

Holly Miller

Anonymous said...

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Holly Miller

Anonymous said...

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Holly Miller

Anonymous said...

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Holly Miller

Anonymous said...

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Holly Miller

Tiffany said...


Tiffany said...

Entered BabyPop Designs Giveaway.

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Tiffany said...

Entered The Baby Store Plus Giveaway.

Tiffany said...


yyeres said...

my kid has never been but it sounds amazing, the closest to me is in Great Neck, NY. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com

Melissa said...

i have never heard of these before! the closest to me is in fairfax, virginia!


Melissa said...

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Melissa said...

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Melissa said...

entered me lissa & doug

Melissa said...

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Melissa said...

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Melissa said...

entered my fairy tale books

Melissa said...

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Melissa said...

entered snack and play

Tiffany said...

Entered Double Duty Divas Giveaway.

Tiffany said...

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sohamolina said...

Closest to us is in Ventura which is pretty fdar. We've never been to it.

sohamolina said...

follow Pump It Up on Twitter,

sohamolina said...

an email subscriber of the Jump N Blog

sohamolina said...

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