Well, not you per se, but all of you wonderful blog-readers as a whole. You just want to know if you are the winner of whichever giveaway(s) that you entered, right? It makes sense. They are giveaways, after all, and winning is pretty darn fun.
So, I'm thinking that announcing those lucky people each week doesn't necessarily need to be its own post if, in fact, no one really wants to read a whole write-up about it and just wants to see the name. How would you feel if I just updated the giveaway post with a congratulations and the winner's name? Would you mind? Or care? Am I talking to myself here anyway?
I'd love to hear your thoughts and unless there are some strong opinions for one way or the other (which is completely fine, that's why I'm asking!) in the future you'll probably just need to take a gander at the original posting itself to find out who the winner is. Cool?
Okay, so on to the winners of the second week of amazing Anniversary Bash giveaways:
The lucky winner of a $100 Hayneedle gift certificate is...

The lucky winner of a HearthSong Super Water Slide and Pump is...

The lucky winner of a Senseo Gourmet Single-Serve Coffee Machine is...

The lucky winner of a Maukilo $75 gift certificate is...

The lucky winner of a kokopax city carrier is...

Thank you to everyone who helped make the second week of this Event a success!
I'm going to be perfectly honest and tell you that if all you do is update the post and it doesn't pop up new in my reader, chances are I won't even remember that I entered. I prefer a separate post, even though it's certainly more work for you. (sorry) But I do usually read what you write in those posts, too. I read this one. :-)
I think either way is fine really. On one hand it's nice to have one place to find all the winners, on the other hand - that's a lot of extra posting too.
I don't mind reading the separate post...
I prefer a quick separate post, then I cross it off the list. (I love checking things off) And it's neat to see who won.
I prefer a separate post too...I'll never remember to go back and check my reader lol, but whatever is easier for you!
Congrats to the winners!
I don't mind either way, but if it's easier for you to just update the original post, I say go for it!
Congrats to the winners!
Found you from FunFritzFamily's BlogHop. Glad I did! Your giveaways look awesome!
Love your blog! Hope to see you around the Bloggy-verse!
I changed from writing a new post for each contest to a single post for all winners. As a giveaway ends, I update the main winner list and just change the publishing date so that it shows up in reader and feedburner as a new post
First...Congrats to the Winners!
Second...I understand where you are coming from, but at the same time I love popping over to see who has won your giveaways. :)
Congrats to the winners! Yay for you and better luck next time to the rest of us!
I like the winner post one for all is fine, I forget to check if it doesn't pop up in my reader, but hey it's YOUR blog!
Congratulations to the winners!!
I think my personal preference is if you'll just stick a note into the original giveaway post. I always bookmark/favorite each giveaway I enter. When they end, I click on them to see if the winner was posted & it's easier (on me) if it's just right there in the original post.
I prefer a separate list as well. I LOVE reading to see who won certain things. :) AND for the record, I do actually read it, sometimes it takes me a while if kids are awake, but I do like to read :)
Thank you! I replied to your email.
My concern as well is would it still show as a new post on Google reader? I would worry that the post would get buried and hidden. I've seen some people just do a quick blurb like a Congratulations picture and then the winners.
I just posted on my blog, that sometimes I feel like no one really reads my blog but then I will get comments! So,I understand what you mean! I also follow twice as many blogs then the ones who follow me! anyhow I hope you know that it is also about what you want too!
i like the seperate post too! some of us do read it all :-) but it's up to you. its your blog! either way will be good!
I wasn't doing separate posts, and then got some emails, although I have a huge running list on my winners page, and then I update the original with the screen shot and the winners name. So I decided to make Sundays my giveaway winners post day. I schedule this since I'm not online much over the weekend, well I try not to be lol. I guess it's always nice to see a post on it's own. Just do one post on Sundays, that's a good day:) Like I said, you can schedule it!
Oh and BTW.....I read every single post of yours, word for word:)
I like the separate post. Congrats to the lucky winners! How fun!
PS Im reading
I actually read the post and am trying to figure this out also as I am just having my first giveaway. I am a new visitor and follower from Trendy Treehouse. I hope when you get the chance you will stop over to say hello.
I agree with dannyscotland. I rarely look back at old posts as I read through a reader.
However, that being said, I like getting a winner's email and I don't bother to find out that I'm not a winner (meaning if I don't get an email, I know I didn't win).
Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog to follow! I'm following you now, too! Great blog!
I'm reading! I think your idea is a fine one :)
I like reading who the winners are too, but I don't think that you need to go through the hassle of screen shots. I list would be great!
I could go either way. I typically don't read the winner posts because I figure if I win something, I'll be getting an email to let me know I've won. For my site, I put the screenshot of the winner in the post for 2 reasons.
1st if someone goes there to enter the giveaway and it's already over, they see someone has won and doesn't try to enter.
2nd I don't send out a post with a list of winners. I tried that, but stunk at it. I figured putting it in my post was easiest for me since I contact the winner anyhow.
That's my 2 cents. =)
I prefer a seperate post... if tend to no go back to the giveaway because 99% of them are never updated with winners and I enter too many to keep track. I like seeing who won also. Maybe if it's too much work putting the random.org pics in you could just put the winners name and comment number? Thanks for all the great giveaways!
as long as you send an email to the winner, it' cool to just update a post in my opinion.
I like reading Winner's posts. If all you do is update the original giveaway post, I wouldn't think to even look there. I do read the posts. I subscribe via email, I don't always click through to the blog, but I do read it in my email.
I also like being able to go to a blog and see a Winner's tab, so I can easily check and see who the lucky winners were.
Congrats to the new winners! I like it when there is a seperate post with the winners listed.
If you email the winners then I don't think a separate post is necessary... if we're expected to email you if we win (which i HATE because if feedburner doesn't send me the email, I'm out of luck) then I think you HAVE to make a separate post.
I think a separate post is nice in that it draws attention to the fact you have giveaways and that real people are winning. Good marketing.
I like popping in and reading the winners posts. If it were an addition to the giveaway post, I wouldn't know to check it as it wouldn't show up on my reader
Congrats to the winners!
Do you e-mail your winners letting them know they won?
If you do e-mail then I'd say updating the original post would be fine.
If you don't e-mail your winners I would think a new post is necessary otherwise people won't know they've won if it doesn't get sent to them. I for one have entered over 100+ giveaways at any one time and don't remember to go back to each post daily.
Thanks so much! Have an awesome day!
as long as you email the winners a quick post is fine :)
I love to read the various blogs but I am also a PhD student, a mom to (4) and a wife, so I am not always able to get back to check for a contest I entered. As long as I receive an e-mail regarding my win, I am pretty neutral about how the winners are posted.
How great of you to look for the public opinion though! I know I have said it before, but I think you're doing a great job on your blog.
I prefer a separate post with all of the winners listed in one place. I like seeing who wins and don't want to have to go back to each separate giveaway to find out.
Honestly, I prefer a separate post for the winners. I'm sure my name won't ever be there, but who knows?
Personally, I like to see the winner posted in the actual thread which verifies that it is closed and you get to see who the winner is or even if there was a redraw required. I've not received a prize or two and it is very difficult to research when everything is in separate threads. Often multiple winners are posted together so the heading of the thread tends to be vague 'Winners' with no prize reference. Another blog posted me as winner, I acknowledged and they thanked me. Some weeks later I followed up to find they had posted a redraw for my prize due to her getting mixed up in her paperwork. I really appreciate the simplicity of seeing the entire cycle of entries and posting of winner in a single thread. thanks for asking
congrats winners!
I like the post.. I forget to go look at the giveaway, esp. if its not added the next day. When I know most people are busy and might not pull winners the very next day. Plus when giveaways end typically bloggers take them out of their sidebar and then its harder to find them to look it up.
I got sick of making separate posts and just started adding the winner to the top of the giveaway post and I also made a page where I list all the winners.
As long as you email all the winners it should be Ok that way, but I know some blogs just post and expect the winner to see it and contact them. In that case a new post is better because updating the old post doesn't move it up in google reader.
Congrats everyone who won! I do read the winners list post because once I did not get the email that was sent to me for winning something but I read the Post for winners of the giveaway and there it was my name and email address that I had won, so i had to contact the blog and fix it! So I always check just in case so please dont stop posting it!
Congrats to the winners! I probably won't enter if I have to search for my name. It is difficult to remember which giveaways I entered and when I entered them. Plus it just seems like it would be more work from your end and it's possible you may loose some entrants in your giveaways if things change - that's just my 2 cents. I like when I get an email pop up that shows the winners. :)
Ohhhh...and just to add a little tidbit.....I read various blogs and some discussions interest me but I don't always comment on them - only sometimes. Thanks for blogging and keeping things interesting. :)
Truthfully it doesn't matter to me, whatever is easiest for you. I keep my bookmark until the winner is announced, as long as I can find it I'm good!
Maybe you can just have a winner page that you update when you pick winners, no post necessary just and updated page?
The winner is contacted via email anyway the post/update is for our benefit to let us know a winner was selected.
I always read posts about winners from any blog because some blog owners don't email you if you win - you have to email them if you saw you won. Plus i like to double check to make sure I didn't miss a " winner " email. So far it's only happened once that I am aware of but luckily I saw the winners post. Something had gotten goofy between me checking my email on my non-smart phone, my iPad and my regular computer.
I really like the separate post...helps me remember what i entered. Usually it's "darn I wanted to win that, or lucky girl! (not me)" but every now and again it's my name up there. YAY!
Congrats to all the winners!
WOW, I guess you hit a nerve here.
I want less time on my computer and more time with my family...I would not go to each post to see who won.
I just want a list somewhere so I can see all the lucky winners.
I like when a blog has a weeks worth of giveaways all end on, say Friday, then they pick winners over the weekend and post a winners list on Sunday. Then I can check the list see if I won and make sure I got their email so I can send in my response on time. I do not enter at sites that do not email winners. 8-)
WOW- lots of comments on this one. The extra post is nice but, I don't think it's completely necessary. I read all your posts b/c I subscribe to you, even if it says winners sometimes I don't read it b/c I think if I won- i'll get an e-mail from you... So either way. I think you should do what makes your life easier!
I read it! :)
I do generally read the winners postings, but often do not click through to comment and say congrats, which I should!
In my opinion, I prefer to be notified by email if I won, I do not like having to go back to a post to check, simply because there are times when I check for days and even weeks for the winning announcement on the post, only to end up giving up in frustration. I like the winners posts, because it gives me a quick run down and confirmation of who won, because sometimes I have missed a winning email. It is easier to read a list like this entry then go back to each giveaway post.
Just my two cents!
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