One day I took closer notice of one of the pop-ups and, as it was telling me about the security that we needed, I clicked on it. Pause here to take that in: I clicked on it. Argh, what was I thinking? I'm smarter than that, aren't I? (Don't answer that.) It just looked so real that I didn't even take the time to consider that it might not be.
To make a long story short, after quite a bit of

I resolved two things from that stressful morning. One, if I ever found the address of the jerk who created that virus, I would personally show up on his doorstep and punch him in the face. And two, I was never going to slack on having computer security ever again. It just wasn't worth it. Considering so much of my life is spent on my computer, I need it to be 100% safe. Fortunately, that's where the award-winning software company AVG Technologies and their Internet Security 9.0 comes in.

And even though some of the computer terms are over my head, all I know is that AVG Internet Security 9.0 is keeping my computer safe. It keeps the bad stuff out (it covers web browsing, instant messaging and local area networks) and the good stuff in, simple as that.

So how complicated is the set-up process? As simple as a few clicks. After downloading and opening AVG Internet Security 9.0, I was given an installation option or two and it did the rest.
The software kept me updated as it installed and, in a few short minutes, it was done.
I love how easy it is to use AVG software and how it not only keeps you informed of the security of your computer but that it doesn't slow things down one bit. Any updates are done automatically, you receive warnings for any suspicious threats and you can even schedule it to scan at a particular time that is convenient. At any point you can browse their window of options to make sure that your computer world is safe and sound.

Even though most of us consider ourselves pretty intelligent when it comes to computers, there is a lot of malicious code and junk out there that stays well-hidden. Even if you know to not fall for the virus-laden email attachment or phishing scam, can you be positive that every single site you visit online is safe?
With the increase in online shopping over the past few years, more and more hackers have come out of the shadows to make our lives miserable. I, for one, am determined to keep them away from my computer and out of my life. Thanks to AVG Internet Security 9.0, I can sit back and relax knowing that my digital world is safe and protected.
Want to try this great software out for yourself? A 1-year subscription retails for $54.99 but you can download a free trial and find out just how easy computer security can be today!
(Other than the 1-year subscription to AVG Internet Security 9.0 that I was provided due to my membership at Parent Reviewers, I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this software, its features and its possibilities.)
Hi There!
Argh, computer problems are the worst! I've been using AVG for a while and I love it!
I'm visiting from Where the Love Friday. Have a great weekend!
I guess people will have mixed thoughts on virus protections. AVG killed my computer:( So many viruses got in it was crazy. But that was just the free version....I'm a huge fan of Kaspersky.
HI. I'm already a follower, but wanted to say hi to you. I'm blog hopping from Sensational Saturday/Sunday Social! I enjoy your site. Hoping you have a great weekend.
also entered the spinning see saw giveaway!
sunni08 at gmail dot com
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