Monday, September 13, 2010

Clouds and Stars QuickZip Crib Sheets {Review & Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Tiffany D!}

From the early days after Big Sister E was born, everything about motherhood was new and exciting (and tiring). As every mother knows, it doesn't matter how much you try to prepare because so much of parenting is figured out as you go along.

When it comes to products that make life with a baby easier, wouldn't it be nice if there was a list of the gear that really are better than the rest? Of course that would be difficult with things like strollers or bottles or baby carriers, because personal opinion would always come into play. But what if there was a product that was truly just an amazing, innovative, universally-appropriate item that any parent would be crazy not to love?

No doubt about it that at the top of that list would be the QuickZip Crib Sheets from Clouds and Stars. Once you've tried these sheets, there's no going back!

Simple, safe and stylish, the two-piece QuickZip Crib Sheet Set has eliminated the hassle from one of my most-disliked responsibilities: changing crib sheets. Even though it is a small task, the amount of effort that goes along with it has always made me cringe. The awkward reach, the yanking at the corners, the mess of the bumper pad... what a pain.

A two-piece set, Clouds and Stars' QuickZip Sheets consist of a base piece that you set the mattress down into for a snug fit, leaving the top open. Then, simply attach the top sheet (which is a flat rectangle the size of the mattress) by zipper and the bed is made. When it comes time to change the sheet, it takes only seconds to unzip the sheet off of the top and replace it with a new one. Unique, effortless and easy - exactly the type of solution that busy, sleep-deprived parents need.

So, is it really that uncomplicated and trouble-free? First, I removed Little Sister B's mattress from the crib and laid it on the floor. It wasn't a problem to lay it into the bottom sheet and bring up the edges so that they just barely come up around the corners.
Instead of using my normal mattress pad (which would have been bulky tucked down into the sheet and difficult to change later), the Clouds and Stars Quilted Crib Pad laid right down onto the mattress and was held in place by the edge of the sheet. The soft cotton top and waterproof back make it perfect for keeping the mattress safe from any sort of accident and the flat design ensure that pulling it off is a snap.

With the base and mattress pad in place, all that remained was attaching the sheet. Starting down at the bottom, I simply connected the zipper and followed it all the way around the the edge.

Clouds and Stars even thought to overlap the zipper at the end so that the pull can be tucked in and kept out of sight or reach from little hands.

Completely straightforward so far, all that was left was to put the crib back together. Due to her age and climbing skills, we no longer have a bumper pad in with Little Sister B, but I know that I would have found great pleasure in retying it on and knowing that it was the last time I would have to deal with attaching, adjusting or fiddling with it.

Oh, the beauty of the simplicity. The zipper was completely covered, so there was no worry about it being uncomfortable and the 200+ thread count cotton was soft and cozy for delicate skin. I loved the snug fit all the way around (with no way for the sheet to come untucked), so not only was the look crisp and clean but there would never be any concern of a loose-fitting sheet causing entanglement danger to a baby.

With the addition of a bumper, the zipper would be hidden completely and no one would be the wiser to the genius invention laying underneath. Because when it came time to change the top I just zipped it right off and threw it in the wash. No fuss, no hassle.

Clouds and Stars, where were you when Big Sister E was a newborn? How is it that I spent years struggling trying to figure out a way to change crib sheets without removing our bumper... only to end up sweating and looking at a bunched up mess? As far as I'm concerned, the moms behind this company have solved one of my most-dreaded and least-liked issues of having a baby. Change a dirty diaper? Sure, comes with the territory. Change a traditional crib sheet? No, never again.

The innovation and convenience of Clouds and Stars' QuickZip Sheets has made this a must-have for any new or veteran mom that I know. Depending on the color and fabric (there are a variety of solids, gingham prints and organics available) the Crib Starter Set starts at $36.99 and includes the top and bottom sheets. Extra zipper sheets or bases are also available for around $18.

But the level of handiness and amount of time saved make these sheets worth every penny. For daily usage they're a great time-saver but for those middle-of-the-night times when your child has an accident or has been sick, these are more than just nice to have, they're a life-saver. Clouds and Stars has already received a long list of awards and acclaim and they can now add me to their file of moms who are big, big fans.

Thanks to their generosity, one person will soon have the opportunity to fall in love with Clouds and Stars as well (or, if you don't use a crib, these would make the best baby shower gift EVER), because..

One lucky person will win their choice of color QuickZip Crib Starter Set AND a quilted mattress pad! ARV $59!

To enter to win: Visit Clouds and Stars and tell me which of their great color choices you would pick OR something new that you learned.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you Like Clouds and Stars on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: Clouds and Stars is genius! I just entered to win a QuickZip Crib Starter Set at Thanks, Mail Carrier!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN a Clouds and Stars QuickZip Crib Starter Sheet Set ($59) for amazing convenience! @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Clouds and Stars.

Giveaway will end on October 8th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Clouds and Stars for providing a QuickZip Starter Set and Mattress Pad for review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 716   Newer›   Newest» said... 1

I would get the sheet in solid blue

Anonymous said... 2

I would choose the Yellow Gingham.

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com said... 3

I like quick zip on facebook said... 4

I posted the comment on their wall (heather loeffler smith)

Anonymous said... 5

I entered the Target gc giveaway.

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

(PS my first entry posted twice. sorry!) said... 6

i am following you on twitter (chascouponmom) and tweeted said... 7

I like you on facebook 1 said... 8

I like you on facebook 2

Kaci Rose said... 9

following you from Monday mingle check m out

Mary Elizabeth said... 10

I would choose the solid color in sage.

Potts said... 11

I like the greeen gingham

Potts said... 12

Following you on Twitter and Tweeted (oneandonlymerp)

Potts said... 13

I subscribe via email

Kathleen said... 14

i'd go with pink gingham

Kathleen said... 15
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Kathleen said... 16

i'm an email subscriber

jmajor4870 said... 17

i would pick pink because my daughter had a baby girl last month

Kathleen said... 18

i follow on publically on google friends connect

Kathleen said... 19

i entered the play doh caddy giveaway

Kim said... 20

I'd get sage!

Kim said... 21

follow blog 1

Kim said... 22

follow blog 2

Kim said... 23

email subscriber 1

Kim said... 24

email subscriber 2

Kim said... 25

feed subscriber 1

Kim said... 26

feed subscriber 2

Rachel C said... 27

I would probably choose the sage.
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 28

email subscriber
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 29

email subscriber 2
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 30

gfc follower
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 31

gfc follower 2
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 32

entered play doh giveaway
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said... 33

entered Citizenpip giveaway
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

JM said... 34

like color yellow

Unknown said... 35

I would choose Ecru or Sage!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 36

Like Clouds & Stars on Facebook (aka Quick Zip Sheets)
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 37

Commented on Quick Zip Sheets FB Page!/pages/QuickZip-Sheet/32227447139?v=wall&story_fbid=438266482139&ref=mf
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 38

Entered the i-Play Giveaway!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 39

Entered the Halo Sleepsack Giveaway!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 40

Entered the PlayDoh Creations Caddy Giveaway!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 41

Entered the Citizen Pip Giveaway!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

JM said... 42

like clouds and stars on facebook (johanna martinez)

Unknown said... 43

Entered the Kodak EasyShare Digital Frame Giveaway!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 44

Follow you on Twitter & Tweet!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 45

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 46

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 47

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 48

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 49

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 50

Subscribe via Email! #2
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 51

Like Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook! #1
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 52

Like Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook! #2
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Sheila Hickmon said... 53

I would choose the Yellow Gingham!

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said... 54

Clouds and Stars Facebook Fan! (Sheila H.)

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said... 55

I left the message on their wall!

(Sheila H.)

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said... 56

Twitter follower {@mom2anutball}, and tweeted!

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said... 57

Email subscriber
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Anonymous said... 58

I love the Yellow Gingham Bundle


Anonymous said... 59

I "like" Cloud & Stars on facebook

Donna Hufman Warrington

Anonymous said... 60

I "like" Cloud & Stars on facebook

Donna Hufman Warrington

Anonymous said... 61

I left a comment on Clouds & Stars facebook wall

Donna Hufman Warrington

Anonymous said... 62

entered your Zoobie Pets giveaway


Anonymous said... 63

entered your Target $25 gc giveaway


Anonymous said... 64

entered your Amazon giveaway


Anonymous said... 65

entered your Magneatos giveaway


Anonymous said... 66

I follow you on Twitter as 2Cats2See and I tweeted.


Anonymous said... 67

I follow your blog


Anonymous said... 68

I follow your blog -2


JM said... 69

left the message on their wall (johanna martinez)

Anonymous said... 70

I subscribe to your feed


Anonymous said... 71

I subscribe to your feed -2


Anonymous said... 72

I subscribe through e-mail


Anonymous said... 73

I subscribe through e-mail -2


Anonymous said... 74

I'm a facebook fan.

Donna Hufman Warrington

Anonymous said... 75

I'm a facebook fan. -2

Donna Hufman Warrington

Brenda said... 76

I would pick the blue sheet.

JM said... 77

follow you on twitter and twitted

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 78

These look like an awesome idea!

I would pick the blue set

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 79

I have your button up at

omgababy at gmail

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 80

I'm a facebook fan! (blonde in the blue sweater)

WeeMasonMan's Mom said... 81

I'm a facebook fan! (blonde in the blue sweater)

Amy and Luke said... 82

I would like the sheet in Blue gingham! Thanks.

Amy and Luke said... 83

I follow you! #1

Amy and Luke said... 84

I follow you#2!

Amy and Luke said... 85

I entered your Zoobie pet giveaway!

Louis H said... 86

I really like the Twin Starter Set in Sage

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

Louis H said... 87

I like QuickZip Sheet on facebook (Louis Here)

Louis H said... 88

and wall post

Louis H said... 89

I entered your zoobies giveaway

Louis H said... 90

I entered your target giveaway

Louis H said... 91

I entered your iplay giveaway

Louis H said... 92

I entered your pillsbury giveaway

Louis H said... 93

I entered your magneato giveaway

Louis H said... 94

I entered your chic monkey giveaway

Louis H said... 95

I entered your playdoh giveaway

Louis H said... 96

I entered your citizen pip giveaway

Louis H said... 97

following you on twitter @left_the_stars

Louis H said... 98

I subscribed to your feed via google reader

Louis H said... 99

I subscribed to your feed via google reader

Louis H said... 100
This comment has been removed by the author.
Louis H said... 101

Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis

Louis H said... 102

Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis

Louis H said... 103

I like your blog on facebook (Louis Here)

Louis H said... 104

I like your blog on facebook (Louis Here)

Kristy said... 105

I like the yellow gingham print!

Kristy said... 106


Kristy said... 107

Feed subscriber!

Kristy said... 108

Email subscriber!

Kristy said... 109

Entered Zoobie giveaway!

Kristy said... 110

Entered Target giveaway!

Kristy said... 111

Entered Cards Direct giveaway!

Kristy said... 112

Entered Amazon giveaway!

Kristy said... 113

Entered i play giveaway!

Kristy said... 114

Entered Pillsbury giveaway!

Kristy said... 115

Entered Magneatos giveaway!

Kristy said... 116

Entered Jiffy Lube giveaway!

Kristy said... 117

Entered Chic Monkey giveaway!

Kristy said... 118

Entered Kodak giveaway!

Kristy said... 119

Entered Play Dough giveaway!

Kristy said... 120

Entered Citizen PIp giveaway!

Anonymous said... 121

I would choose the SOLID PINK color:)

Anonymous said... 122

LIKE Clouds and stars on FB:) (julie matek)

Anonymous said... 123

left this: Clouds and Stars is genius! I just entered to win a QuickZip Crib Starter Set at Thanks, Mail Carrier!

on Clouds wall on FB:) (julie matek)

Anonymous said... 124

Entered Energizer Ultimate Photo digital frame:)

Anonymous said... 125

Entered Chic Monkey Boutique:)

Anonymous said... 126

follow u thru GFC:)

Anonymous said... 127

follow u thru GFC:) #2

Anonymous said... 128

email subscriber:)


Anonymous said... 129

email subscriber:)


Anonymous said... 130

Like u on FB:) (julie matek)

Anonymous said... 131

Like u on FB:) #2

Anonymous said... 132

your button is on my blog:


Anonymous said... 133

entered magnetos Jumbo master builder:)

Anonymous said... 134

entered Zoobies:)

Mary said... 135

i would get it in solid blue

Mary said... 136

entered zoobies pets giveaway

Mary said... 137

entered target gc giveaway

Mary said... 138

entered cardsdirect giveaway

Mary said... 139

entered giftzip giveaway

Mary said... 140

entered i play giveaway

Mary said... 141

entered pillsbury giveaway

Mary said... 142

entered magneatos giveaway

Mary said... 143

entered jiffy lube giveaway

Mary said... 144

entered HALO giveaway

Mary said... 145

entered Kodak/Energizer giveaway

Mary said... 146

entered chic monkey giveaway

Mary said... 147

entered play doh giveaway

Mary said... 148

entered citizenpip giveaway

Mary said... 149

button on blog #2

Mary said... 150

follow w/ gfc

Mary said... 151

follow w/ gfc #2

Mary said... 152

facebook fan

Mary said... 153

facebook fan #2

Mary said... 154

subscribe w/ google reader

Mary said... 155

subscribe w/ google reader #2

Mary said... 156

follow you and tweeted

Mary said... 157

i like clouds and stars on fb

Mary said... 158

i wrote on clouds and stars fb wall

HiHoRosie said... 159

I would choose green gingham.

HiHoRosie said... 160

entered iplay giveaway

HiHoRosie said... 161

i entered HALO giveaway

HiHoRosie said... 162
This comment has been removed by the author.
HiHoRosie said... 163

sorry, hate it when comments post twice. :(

entered kodak-energizer giveaway

HiHoRosie said... 164

entered magneatos

HiHoRosie said... 165

follow you on twitter(@hihorosie) and tweeted

HiHoRosie said... 166

follow via gfc

HiHoRosie said... 167

follow via gfc

HiHoRosie said... 168

email sub

HiHoRosie said... 169

email sub

HiHoRosie said... 170

your cute button is on my cute blog.

HiHoRosie said... 171

your cute button is on my cute blog.

HiHoRosie said... 172

your cute button is on my cute blog.

Soggy Cereal Mom said... 173

I would choose blue gingham or the ecru.
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Soggy Cereal Mom said... 174

Following via GFC
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Jennifer said... 175

I like the yellow gingham color jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said... 176

I subscribe via email #1 jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said... 177

I subscribe via email #2 jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said... 178

I subscribe via google reader #1 jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Jennifer said... 179

I subscribe via google reader #2 jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Soggy Cereal Mom said... 180

Entered the zoobies giveaway
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Soggy Cereal Mom said... 181

Entered the wind & weather giveaway
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Soggy Cereal Mom said... 182

Entered the chic monkey boutique giveaway
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Soggy Cereal Mom said... 183

Entered the citizenpip giveaway
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Soggy Cereal Mom said... 184

Entered the boxtops giveaway
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 185

For me it is a tie between the Sage and the Green Gingham

Unknown said... 186

2 Follow TMC with GFC

Unknown said... 187

1 Like TMC on FB

Unknown said... 188

2 Like TMC on FB

Unknown said... 189

I entered the Gift Zip Giveaway

Unknown said... 190

I entered the Zoobie Giveaway

Jennifer said... 191

I follow you on Twitter (@jkgorcery) and I tweeted:


mary said... 192

Neat invention! I can't STAND changing crib sheets.
I like sage. Everything I'm getting for this new baby is sage so I suppose I'll hate it shortly, but for now, that's what I like.

mary said... 193

I entered the Kodak digital frame giveaway.

mary said... 194

I entered the Halo sleepsack giveaway.

mary said... 195

I entered the Magneatos giveaway.

mary said... 196

I entered the Cards Direct GC giveaway.

mary said... 197

I entered the Target GC giveaway.

mary said... 198

I entered the Zoobie Pets giveaway.

mary said... 199

I'm a GFC follower. (1)

mary said... 200

I'm a GFC follower. (2)

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