Friday, September 3, 2010

Shred Sled Shox Scooter {Review}

When I was young, we had roller skates. I think we had a skateboard in our garage as well, but neither my brother nor I ever really rode it because it just wasn't all that exciting.

Not to sound too old, but times sure have changed. Roller skates turned into roller blades (and then lost steam) and skateboards gave way to scooters. There isn't a day that goes by in warm weather that I don't see a child out wheeling away on their scooter, zooming down the block or shooting off towards school.

But even traditional scooters can get a little... boring. You just put your foot on there and push off the ground, over and over, until reaching a decline for a little more action. So, if you're a kid and you want something a little more exciting, where do you go? To the company that specializes in extreme sports products for children, Shred Sled, and their new and amazing Shox Scooter.

The first-ever active shock absorber scooter that allows riders to perform higher, faster, more awesome tricks, the Shox Scooter is the perfect thing for riders of all skill levels that love stunts. Unlike traditional scooters, the Shox Scooter is built with an innovative spring shock deck that not only absorbs impact when landing jumps and stunts, but also springs back to increase the rider's speed and air-time, making every move bigger and better.

Designed for ages 5 and up, Big Sister E was a little on the young side when it came to testing out the Shox Scooter. However, even though she wasn't able to do an "ollie" or spin a "180," that didn't stop her from wanting to take a leisurely ride down our sidewalk.

Note: Children should always wear safety products when riding a scooter, however, Big Sister E really wasn't able to move more than a few feet on her own and ended up mostly being pushed down the sidewalk, completely safe the entire time.

The textured surface on the grip deck (where you stand) makes it easier to have foot control and traction and I really liked the integrated wheel brake in the back that made it simple and safe to come to a stop. Even with Big Sister E's slow movements, it was easy to see that kids won't slip off or have any problems starting, riding or stopping on the Shox Scooter.

Although it does have a weight limit of 50 kg (110 lbs), I did give this scooter a few test runs of my own (the handle is even adjustable as kids get taller!) and was impressed at just how durable and well-made it was. Only weighing 7 lbs, it still feels sturdy and handles solidly.

As well as being light enough to carry, the Shox Scooter also easily folds in half for great portability or storage.

Retailing for $59.99 on the Shred Sled website (or a little less on Amazon), the Shox Scooter is appropriate for both beginning and advanced riders that are looking to do anything from simple cruising to complex tricks. Instead of buying cheap versions that are going to fall apart or be deemed "too babyish" as kids get older, this is a scooter that will last for years of riding fun!

(Other than the Shox Scooter that I was sent from Shred Sled in conjunction with my membership to Team Mom, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this product.)


Anonymous said... 1

Gavyn would love this. I may have to look into this for Santa Claus!

MIG said... 2

A spring shock cool!