As well as having to sort through a million and a half photos next week (yes, Mom, I'll send you some), something else I know I'll have to deal with is Big Sister E's constant requests for candy. I know that trick-or-treating is part of the tradition and a lot of fun in itself, but sometimes I wish that the aftermath could involve just a little less... sugar.
Fortunately, Hasbro has made it completely possible to enjoy the fun and excitement of Halloween without overdosing on sweets with their Play-Doh Trick or Treat Bag and Playskool Mr. Potato Head Trick or Tater.

Retailing for $3.99 a bag, these cute little Play-Doh containers will still be providing entertainment long after the candy has been eaten (or taken away). This year instead of filling up a bowl with empty calories and sugar, why not hand out a fun toy that all kids love?

Complete with glow-in-the-dark eyes (Big Sister E LOVES that they glow), shoes, ears, arms, nose, fangs, hat, pumpkin basket, hat and ghost costume (because even Mr. Potato Head gets into the fun of dressing up for Halloween), this is a great way to enjoy playing while subtly including learning about body parts and working on small motor skills.
Besides, as much fun as it is to create a traditional Tater that is ready for Halloween...

When kids think of Halloween, they think of costumes and they think of candy. But, thanks to Hasbro and their great alternatives, October 31 doesn't necessarily have to be overrun with an avalanche of edible treats. Instead, the Play-Doh Trick or Treat Bag and the Playskool Mr. Potato Head Trick or Tater will provide fun the whole year through... and maybe help save you from an extra disapproving look from the dentist come November.
(Other than the Play-Doh Trick or Treat Bag and Playskool Mr. Potato Head Trick or Tater that I was provided by Hasbro, I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this company and its products.)
I've been giving out wee containers of Play-dough as Hallowe'en treats for years now. Big hit with the neighbourhood kids. I'm amused to see them now packaging it specifically for Halloween giving.
Some toys just never get old, do they? And the prices have stayed reasonable throughout the years!
Oh he is cute! I love Mr. Potato Head. Told hubs if we were handing out candy I was getting Play-Doh instead.
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