There are lots of items out there that I don't mind buying the generic version of because I just can't tell the difference. However, there are also those things that I find I have to stick with the brand that I know because... I don't know if it's real or imagined, but anything other than the original just isn't the same.
One item that this definitely applies to is the softest, most comfortable, cutest, extra-plush pal around, Pillow Pets.

See, when you're out and about and see them at kiosks in the mall or sold on various e-commerce sites... there is a chance that they might be imitations. How sad would it be if that child who had been pining for Friendly Frog or Hungry Hippo opened up their package and found a cheap stuffed animal that doesn't hold together or loses its stringy fur when petted?
To avoid all possibility of that disheartening situation happening, consumers can order online directly from My Pillow Pets or, if they find these plush pals in person somewhere, simply turn them over and check for the sewn-in logo right on the leg.

After all, only a genuine Pillow Pet can elicit a child to take one glance...

With a variety of cute jungle animals, farm critters and sea creatures to choose from, these machine washable pals are great for traveling, naptime and playtime and make the perfect gift. And, thanks to the generosity of My Pillow Pets, one person won't have to scramble to find the child in their life an adorable gift this December, because...
One lucky person will win their choice of Pillow Pets! ARV $19.95!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry if you become a fan of My Pillow Pets on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: Nothing compares to the authenticity of My Pillow Pets! I just entered to win my choice of plush pal at Thanks, Mail Carrier! http://bit.ly/9cIC89
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
It's a Pillow. It's a Pet. It's a Pillow Pet! WIN your choice of adorable and soft pal! http://bit.ly/9cIC89 #thxmailcarrier #win #giveaway
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and My Pillow Pets. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on November 12th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to My Pillow Pets for providing a Perky Penguin for review as well as a Pillow Pet of choice for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
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entered miracle body giveaway
entered cheryls giveaway
I love the Perky Penguin...although all of these Pillow Pets are cute as can be!
entered gaddy nipper crayon giveaway
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I am sure my little girl would love the Unicorn or the Dolphin.
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Dana C.
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I like the Tiger
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The favorite here is Snuggly Puppy.
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
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Lauralee Hensley
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
My son loves cows, so Cozy Cow would be a big hit! Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
My Pillow Pets FB fan: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
Entered the Gaddy Nipper Crayons giveaway.
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I posted the information that you have above on the Pillow Pets Facebook page. It read that the comment would appear in their others filter.
Lauralee Hensley
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
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Lauralee Hensley
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I also entered your SPORT BRELLA giveaway, my giveaway entry number there was #164.
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
I like the perky penguin!!
My favorite is the Hippo!
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i like the penguin
lizi serrano /mustang203@msn.com
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i like them on facebook lizi serrano /mustang203@msn.com
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lizi serrano /mustang203@msn.com
I entered your Douglas Cuddle Toys giveaway.
I entered your TJ Max giveaway.
I entered your Crafty Kids giveaway.
You have a great blog! i found you on Follow me back tuesdays. Feel free to follow my blog at:http://canadianmom-whatsonmymind.blogspot.com/
Take care and Make it a great day:)
I entered your ShaToBu giveaway.
I love the lady bug as my toddler is into bugs right now!
liked Pillow pets on FB
added required message to pillow pets fb page.
entered now i am reading giveaway
We like the puppy.
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(fb name Just Coupons)
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I entered Storkie Express giveaway
Entered Cheryl's Cookies giveaway
My granddaughter would love the Hungry Hippo
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Donna Hufman Warrington
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Donna Hufman Warrington
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entered your Goblin Kids giveaway
entered your Miraclebody Jeans giveaway
entered your innovativeKids giveaway
I sing this crazy song everyday ... glad to hear the good review. It looks like I may have to spring for one this year. My daughter loves the ladybug!
My daughter really wants the dolphin.
I like Pillow Pets on facebook - Rachel Manley
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I like you on facebook - Rachel Manley
We would like Tardy Turtle or Squeaky Dolphin!
I follow you #1.
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I love the silly monkey. It's darling!
angie.center at hotmail dot com
I think if I were able to order one for myself I would pick the cow... but then my kids my just take me out of I got one and they didn't! My son would love the puppy dog and my daughter would probably love the unicorn or ladybug. They are all just so cute!! Can we get one of each???
I "like" pillow pals on facebook
I posted the message on Pillow Pals page on Facebook.
I blogged: http://www.lilybeandesigns.net/2010/10/pillow-pet-giveaway-at-thanks-mail.html
I blogged: http://www.lilybeandesigns.net/2010/10/pillow-pet-giveaway-at-thanks-mail.html
I blogged: http://www.lilybeandesigns.net/2010/10/pillow-pet-giveaway-at-thanks-mail.html
My son's favorite is the Buzzy Bumble Bee.
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Entered MiracleBody giveaway.
Fan of Pillow Pets on Facebook.
Left Nothing compares to the authenticity of My Pillow Pets! I just entered to win my choice of plush pal at Thanks, Mail Carrier! http://bit.ly/9cIC89 message on Pillow Pets FB wall.
I think maybe the Buzzy Bumble Bee
vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
I love them all!!!! I like the cow, monkey, hippo, ladybug, and dog. Sorry I couldn't pick just one.
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tweet https://twitter.com/vlbsweeps/status/27899217899
vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
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Entered Douglad Cuddle Toy Giveaway
Hopped over from Blog Hop. You have a nice site!
I had gotten my four year old this past Sunday Ms Lady Bug. Seeing how much his brother loves his Pillow Pet now my seven year old wants the Perky Penguin so that would be the one I would say is my child's favorite.
+1 I am a fan of My Pillow Pets on Facebook (Raquel Vega-Grieder).
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Great blog! I found it on Welcome Wednesday and I'm now following. Hope to see you around at Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters
My childs favorite today is the snuggly puppy, but it changes daily.
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I like the Snuggly Puppy because i know my granddaughter would love it
like pillow pets on facebook(jmajor4870)
Cute! Love these pillows!
Loving these hops! Would love for you to hop on by i m a g i n e!
xo - jami
i m a g i n e
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I entered the ShaToBu giveaway
vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
I like the Friendly Frog!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
Google Friend Connect Follower! {mom2anutball}
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
My daugther's favorite is the purple Hungry Hippo!
anita [dot] truck [at] gmail [dot] com
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