Friday, October 1, 2010

ShaToBu Shapers {Review & Giveaway} The Workout You Wear

{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Heather!}

You know what phrase I hate?

"There's no magic solution to weight loss."

Why not? Why isn't there a magic solution? Technology has come up with a whole lot of other incredible things, why isn't there one pill that I can take or one cream that I can slather on that will instantly make the extra pounds come off? Hmph.

Instead, here I am, stuck with my post-baby pooch and love handles that are threatening to turn into a complete spare tire if I don't watch out. My lack of time, motivation and pure laziness mean that I don't work out... who wants to do that? It seems that until I change something in my life, I am destined to be stuck with my muffin top. Double hmph.

And then I saw this:
I'm sorry... what did you just say? A workout that I can wear? That's definitely something that I can handle.

Having tried shapewear before, the addition of calorie-burning properties to the collection of ShaToBu shapers definitely caught my eye. Yes, I'm lazy, but if I'm going to get dressed every day anyway, why not have my clothes do a little of the exercising for me?

Designed for optimal comfort and to be worn all day every day, ShaToBu is the only shaper that is scientifically proven to burn calories and tone muscles just by wearing it. How does it work? By having seamless resistance bands built right into the fabric, ShaToBu is able to incorporate the principle of resistance training into your garment and provide toning and burn calories as you move.

Sound too good to be true? ShaToBu has quite a bit on their website demonstrating how their shapewear is proven technology. It isn't the instant magical solution of my dreams, but if I can wear something that is not only going to make me look better but burn up to 12% more calories while I go about my daily life, then it sure sounds like a winner to me.

Of ShaToBu's products, the one calling my name was the High Waist to Knee Shaper. With the extra smoothing in the stomach area and just right to hold those love handles in, I was ready to check see if I resembled the before and after pictures on ShaToBu's website.

Right away I noticed that this garment was different than other shapewear I have tried because of it's super-stretchiness and mix of fabrics. Varying between thin, almost pantyhose-like material along the front of the legs and thicker panels (including those resistance bands) along the back and middle, I already liked the soft yet strong feel of the ShaToBu.

After shimmying myself in, I immediately noticed how much I liked the non-binding leg bands. I've worn other shapers where the leg band either rolls or is so unnaturally tight that it makes a weird dent in my leg that shows through my pants. The ShaToBu stays in place easily and the overall length is just right so that the legs stay down and the waist stays up.

After having worn the High Waist to Knee Shaper for a while, I'm pretty happy with the results. I feel as though everything in my problem areas are being held in well enough to smooth out my figure but yet the moisture-wicking cotton doesn't make me feel like I'm suffocating or too hot. All in all, I'm comfortable and my clothes fit better - exactly what shapewear is supposed to do.

Of course I have no way of measuring if I've burnt more calories while wearing this around, but the fact that it boosts my confidence and makes me feel better about myself is nice in itself. And, according to ShaToBu, if I wear my shaper all day every day I can potentially burn up to 30,000 extra calories in one year - so why the heck wouldn't I wear it?

For an effortless way to add a little exercise into your life, ShaToBu has shapers in five styles (including tights to help you look good in any length skirts or dresses), four different colors and range from $34 to $58. Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will get to experience a boost to their self-esteem while burning some calories, because...

One lucky person will win their choice of shaper from ShaToBu!

To enter to win: Visit ShaToBu and tell me which of their innovative products you would choose if you win.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you follow ShaToBu on Twitter, sign up for their newsletter (found in the lower right of their homepage) and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

The workout you wear! #WIN your choice of @ShaToBu shapewear item to get fit & look good! @thxmailcarrier #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and ShaToBu. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on October 22nd at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, as I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.

A big thank you to ShaToBu for providing a High Waist to Knee Shaper for me to review as well as the choice of shapewear item for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Katie said... 1

I love their high-waisted tights! WOW!

Katie said... 2

I now follow ShaToBu on facebook

Katie said... 3

I published this on their wall: ShaToBu will help me get fit while looking good! I just entered to win my choice of shaping item at Thanks, Mail Carrier!

Katie said... 4

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redfuzzycow said... 8

i like the ShāToBu™ High Waist Shaping Tight

redfuzzycow said... 9

i follow shatobu on twitter (redfuzzycow)

redfuzzycow said... 10

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redfuzzycow said... 11

i entered your tj maxx giveaway

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redfuzzycow said... 20

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redfuzzycow said... 21

i entered your star costumes giveaway


ShāToBu™ Shaping Tight

Sims Family said... 23

I'd like the high waist to knee shaper! Wow!

sims.whitney at

Sims Family said... 24

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sims.whitney at

Sims Family said... 25

I get your emails

sims.whitney at

Sims Family said... 26

I entered your magic cabin giveaway

sims.whitney at

Sims Family said... 27

I entered your sport brella giveaway

sims.whitney at

Heather said... 28

INteresting idea. I would like to try it. Especially the wait to knee shaper.

Anonymous said... 29

I would love to own the ShāToBu™ High Waist to Knee Shaper.

goodforyouutah at yahoo dot com

Joy said... 30

I need the high waisted to the knee shapper

Joy said... 31

follow ShaToBu on Twitter jjjbennett

mkjmc said... 32

I would love to try their HIgh Waist to Knee Shaper

mkjmc said... 33

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Kathy persons

mkjmc said... 34

mkjmc said... 35

GFC Follower Kathy Persons

mkjmc said... 36

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mkjmc said... 37

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mkjmc said... 38

Entering the Spinning Seesaw

mkjmc said... 39

Entering the K'Nex

Kimbuckjr said... 40

MANDATORY ENTRY: 'IF' I win, I will choose the "ShāToBu™ Waist to Knee Shaper." This product looks like a "LOOKS" saver!

wigget said... 41

i would choose the ShāToBu™ High Waist to Knee Shaper

wigget said... 42

subscriber 2

wigget said... 43
This comment has been removed by the author.
wigget said... 44

entered halo giveaway

wigget said... 45

entered play-doh giveaway

wigget said... 46

entered spinning seesaw giveaway

Bethany C. said... 47

high waist to knee shaper!

Bethany C. said... 48

public gfc follower #2

agordon10 said... 49

I like the High Waist Shaping Tight.

4stemmes said... 50

I would definitely pick the high waist to knee shaper! I am desperately needing a new pair of Spanx but if I won this, that would be fantastic!

4stemmes said... 51

I follow ShaToBu on Twitter!

~dab said... 52

If I win I would pick the ShāToBu™ High Waist to Knee Shaper

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 53

I would pick the Sha To Bu waist to knee shaper.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 54

entered Citizenpip

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 55

entered Play Doh Creations

Anonymous said... 56

I like the ShāToBu™ High Waist to Knee Shaper

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 57

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Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 58

emtered the Halo Sleep Sack

Anonymous said... 59

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Anonymous said... 60

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Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 61

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Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 62

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Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 63

entered the Keurig Brewer

Anonymous said... 64

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Anonymous said... 65

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Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 66

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Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 67

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Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 68

entered the Douglas Cuddle Toys

Anonymous said... 69

I follow ShaToBu on Facebook

Joyful Girl Naturals said... 70

I would chose the High Waist to Knee Shaper if I won.

Joyful Girl Naturals said... 71

following ShaToBu on Twitter, like Shatobu on facebook as well

Joyful Girl Naturals said... 72

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Joyful Girl Naturals said... 73

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Joyful Girl Naturals said... 78

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Joyful Girl Naturals said... 79

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Joyful Girl Naturals said... 80

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Joyful Girl Naturals said... 81

have your button

Joyful Girl Naturals said... 82

#2 have your button

Joyful Girl Naturals said... 83

#3 have your button

elaine said... 84

I would choose the Waist To Knee Shaper.

Elaine R

Anonymous said... 85

I would love to get the ShāToBu™ High Waist Shaping Tight


Anonymous said... 86

I follow shaToBu on Twitter as


Anonymous said... 87

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Anonymous said... 88

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Donna Hufman Warrington

Anonymous said... 89

I follow you on Twitter as 2Cats2See and I tweeted.


Anonymous said... 90

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Anonymous said... 95

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Anonymous said... 96

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Donna Hufman Warrington

Anonymous said... 97

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Donna Hufman Warrington

Anonymous said... 98

entered your Chic Monkey giveaway


Anonymous said... 99

entered your Clouds adn Stars giveaway


Anonymous said... 100

entered your Spinning Seesaw giveaway


Anonymous said... 101

entered your Star Costumes giveaway


Anonymous said... 102

entered your TJ Maxx and Marshalls giveaway


~dab said... 103

10-1 tweet

Jenbutterfly said... 104

I would pick the High Waist Shaping Tight.

jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com

Jenbutterfly said... 105

I follow ShaToBu on twitter (jenbutterfly).

Jenbutterfly said... 106

Tweet, Tweet.

Jenbutterfly said... 107

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Jenbutterfly said... 108

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jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com

Jenbutterfly said... 112

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jenbutterfly12 at yahoo dot com

Jenbutterfly said... 113

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Jenbutterfly said... 114

I'm a facebook fan (jennifer garrido), 2.

Eureka Mitchell said... 115

This would be amazing to have ShāToBu™ Footless Shaping Tight
rekamitchell at yahoo dot com

Eureka Madubuko said... 116

I follow ShaToBu on twitter (@adorableyaya)
rekamitchell at yahoo dot com

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 117

I like the High Waist To Knee Shaper!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 118

I follow you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 119

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 120

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 121

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 122

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tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 123

I like you on facebook!
tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 124

I have your button!

Julia Gabriel said... 125

I would pick the ShāToBu™ High Waist Shaping Tight or the High Waist to Knee Shaper

Julia Gabriel said... 126

entered Knex

Julia Gabriel said... 127

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Julia Gabriel said... 128

entered Kodak

Julia Gabriel said... 129

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Julia Gabriel said... 130


fancygrlnancy said... 131

ShāToBu™ Waist to Knee Shaper

vrtish55 said... 132

ShāToBu™ - High Waist to Knee Shaper is the one I would choose. vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com

vrtish55 said... 133

Entry 1 Subscriber via email. vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com

vrtish55 said... 134

Entry 2 Subscriber via email. vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com

vrtish55 said... 135

Entry 1 GFC. Vickie Riddle vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com

vrtish55 said... 136

Entry 2 GFC. Vickie Riddle vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com

vrtish55 said... 137

Entry 1 Like you on Facebook. Vickie Grigsby Riddle vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com

vrtish55 said... 138

Entry 2 Like you on Facebook. Vickie Grigsby Riddle vickers_73460 at yahoo dot com

Ronda said... 139

I love to High Waist to Knee Shaper.

Ronda said... 140

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Ronda said... 143

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Anonymous said... 144

I would choose the ShāToBu™ High Waist to Knee Shaper.

Anonymous said... 145

I would choose the waist to knee shaper.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 146

Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee


rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

mkjmc said... 147

twinmomoftwins said... 148

I would choose the high wasit to knee shaper
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com

wildcat32 said... 149

I would choose the High Waist to Knee Shaper.
monster6236 at gmail dot com

wildcat32 said... 150

follow and tweet
monster6236 at gmail dot com

Kelly said... 151

I'd choose the high waist to knee shaper... I really need it to cover my tummy and thighs, but don't need anything below that! :) And I'd probably choose it in the buff color, just so it would go under almost everything.

krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com

Anonymous said... 152

I follow on FB. I'd love to try the high waist to knee shaper, I really need to cover my tummy and's finally getting a little cooler in her Florida so the waist to knee w/out sweating like a pig year around or at least till I get my figure back!!

Deanna said... 153

fave: high waist to knee shaper
deannalw47 @

Deanna said... 154

GFC #1
deannalw47 @

Deanna said... 155

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deannalw47 @

Deanna said... 156

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Deanna said... 157

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Deanna said... 158

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deannalw47 @

Deanna said... 159

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deannalw47 @

Deanna said... 160

button on blog: #3
deannalw47 @

julis55 said... 161

The ShāToBu™ Shaping Tight

julis55 said... 162

i like the ShāToBu™ High Waist Shaping Tight

Jen H said... 163

I really would LOVE to win this considering in December I have my 4th and last baby. This would be awesome to try out after that :) I really like the ShāToBu™ High Waist to Knee Shaper because my calves really don't need much work, the rest of me does lol

Jen H said... 164

I like ShaToBu - The Workout You Wear on facebook. Jennifer Harriman

MyBitsandBleeps said... 165

I would definately love to win the ShāToBu™ High Waist to Knee Shaper!

MyBitsandBleeps said... 166

I follow Shatobu on Twitter. (@MyBitsandBleeps)

MyBitsandBleeps said... 167

I follow you on Twitter & have tweeted about your giveaway.

MyBitsandBleeps The workout you wear! #WIN your choice of @ShaToBu shapewear item to get fit & look good! @thxmailcarrier #giveaway

MyBitsandBleeps said... 168

Your cute button is on my blog:

MyBitsandBleeps said... 169

Your cute button is on my blog:

MyBitsandBleeps said... 170

Posted your giveaway on my blog:…apers-giveaway/

MyBitsandBleeps said... 171

Posted your giveaway on my blog:…apers-giveaway/

mary said... 172

I'm gonna have to side with your choice as well. I like the high waist to knee in buff.
Interesting product, something I could definitely use.

mary said... 173

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mary said... 174

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mary said... 176

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mary said... 177

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Mary Kellett Ferran

mary said... 180

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Mary Kellett Ferran

mary said... 181

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mary said... 182

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mary said... 183

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mary said... 184

I entered the Storkie custom stamps giveaway.

Kristy said... 185

I would get the High Waist to Knee Shaper

~dab said... 186

10-2 tweet

Eureka Mitchell said... 187


Jessica said... 188

I would choose the High Waist to Knee Shaper
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 189

I signed up for the ShaToBu newsletter
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 190

I like ShaToBu on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 191

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 192

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 193

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 194

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 195

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 196

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 197

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 198

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 199

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 200

I love the high waist shaping tights! Amazing!

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