Almost every weekday, without fail, at 5:00 I call my husband to harass him to come home from work and we have the following conversation:
"So... what do you want to do for dinner?"
"I don't know. What do you want to do?"
"I don't know, I feel like we've had all of our usuals this week."
Then there's silence.
Sound familiar? As much as I would love to have a home-cooked dinner on the table every night for my family, it just doesn't happen. Where are the extra hours going to come from to make that possible?
Fortunately, one of the leaders in making it possible to have fast and easy side dishes that taste homemade, Betty Crocker, has given me a way to cut some corners with mealtime with their Betty Crocker Boxed Instant Mashed Potatoes.

After boiling water and butter, all I had to do was stir in milk and a packet of the dried potatoes and... well, that was it. Making mashed potatoes has definitely never been easier!

Then, for a little extra flavor, the Roasted Garlic variety gave just the right amount of zing - I was really happy with the taste, texture and overall deliciousness of both! Plus, as each box comes with two pouches of potatoes, it provides the ability to make just the amount that you need and have plenty to go around for all.
As Betty Crocker has multiple other varieties of mashed

Which, thanks to the generosity of Betty Crocker, is exactly what one person is going to be able to do, because...
One lucky person will win a Betty Crocker prize package including two boxes of Betty Crocker Boxed Instant Mashed Potatoes (one Roasted Garlic and one Homestyle Creamy Butter), a bamboo serving bowl, a trivet and a serving spoon!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Betty Crocker on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
#WIN a Betty Crocker Boxed Instant Mashed Potatoes prize pack for a tasty meal! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway #myblogspark
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Betty Crocker. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on December 17th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Betty Crocker for providing a Betty Crocker Boxed Instant Mashed Potatoes prize pack for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner through MyBlogSpark. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 304 Newer› Newest»I like to cook Ham with the 4 cheese potatoes and corn. Its delish.
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I tweeted!/momofbestbaby/status/7192434677129216 I blogged about it. your cute lil button on my blog
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I am actually making some right now. We use it in our cheeseburger casserole. Quick, easy and wonderful for when the kids have after school activities.
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my twitter name is @momofbestbaby
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Thanks for the contest.
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I entered your atg contest too.
I like roasted chicken with them.
My daughter says they go well with pork chops and green beans.
ayeembored at hotmail dot com
Sheppard's Pie, combining the instant mashed potatoes with Cheddar cheese and ground lamb.
Hope to win!
I use instant potatoes so seldom it's not funny...but I would use them in potato soup or on Shepard's Pie!
I like mashed potatoes with steak...or chicken...or roast... or pork chops... ok fine I like mashed potatoes all the time =)
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steak is good with fresh mashed taters
I would like a piece of salmon smothered in garlic potatoes.
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I would make the mashed potatoes with baked chicken, baked corn and green beans. My favorite meal!
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I love mash potatoes with meatloaf.
follow Betty Crocker on twitter - 01GAramairTA
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i love mashed potatoes with pork chops. yum
mychancetowin at gmail dot com
these would be great on a friday night when i'm too tired from the week to cook
with Steak and salad
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baked chicken or steak
Wednesdays are crazy...
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They go good with Swiss Steak
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I'd use it as an awesome base for stew.
Meatloaf and Corn on the Cob.
I like to fix chicken with the Homestyle Butter Mashed Potatoes.
pkildow at gmail dot com
We don't eat beef or pork so I would make chicken :)
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Wed-Fri nights. Monday and Tues we're still tackling leftovers from my crazy weekend cooking spree.
@busyworkingmama follows betty on twitter
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thursdays - always pooped by then
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Monday is my most hectic day of the week, so easy sides like this would be great for then!
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I use it in the cheeseburger casserole. Quick and easy
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I've had these mashed potatoes several times, and I don't think anything pairs better with it than meatloaf! Love it!
I like them best when served with ribs with bbq sauce. Or on Souper Supper Pie (a version of a shepherd's pie). :-)
I subscribe to your rss feed.
We like to load spaghetti on top of our mashed potatoes, so the Betty Crocker potatoes would be yummy for that. Thanks.
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perfect for tuesdays, since I get home super late after a long day
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
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I would make them with a lemon herb roasted chicken.
Ravish30 at aol dot com
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Grilled marinated chicken sounds really good with mashed potatoes (alidear at hotmail dot com)
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I will make them with meatloaf
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ravish30 at aol dot com
Entered to win Eatsmart precision scale
Wednesday is steak night at my house so this would be perfect to serve Betty Crocker Potatoes!
I like to serve with baked chicken or steak (sometimes with a little gravy). Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
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we eat the 4 cheese potatoes at christmas with ham and green beans
I like Meatloaf with the mashed potatoes!
This would be for our Thursdays, have Boy Scouts that night!
These would be great to cook with our garden-grown green beans!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I entered the Pillow Pets giveaway.
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I "cheat" instead of using mom's recipe when I make my cheesy potatoes (which my family LOVES). I use instant potatoes, sour cream, cream cheese and top it off with a layer of shredded sharp cheddar. Yummy! kimbarsness(at)yahoo(dot)com
Entered to win a gourmet gift basket.
Ravish30 at aol dot com
I make these all the time. They go great with some pork chops or a nice steak!
I could really use these on Thursday nights when we always have meetings or practices to run to.
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These come in SO handy on Sunday evenings. We have our big meal early because Sunday just gets away from us each week:)
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The best thing that the Boxed Instant Mashed Potatoes go with is Pork Chops.
flophasit at yahoo dot com
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I love to make mashed potatoes with pork chops. :)
Friday night!
Monday and Friday nights are both busy for me
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I think my meatloaf would be great with a side of these potatoes.
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