Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Checking Our List #15: CSN Stores $75 Gift Certificate {Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, kathyluman!}

When I arrived to pick up Big Sister E from her first day of preschool this year, I walked the row of kids' backpacks until I found her adorable monkey backpack and brought it into the classroom with me. As she excitedly came over, so did one of her classmates, although I couldn't figure out why he kept pointing and reaching for the backpack.

Explaining that this was Big Sister E's backpack and asking if he liked monkeys or had a bag with a monkey on it as well, he finally seemed to shake his head at me before turning and walking away. Confused, I took my happy daughter home and proceeded to forget all about it.

Until a day or two later when I arrived to find his mom helping him place the exact same backpack on at the end of the day while he stood there giving me a pointed look. Oh, okay. Now I get it! It is an adorably cute backpack, after all.

And when it comes to finding great items for kids like this Beatrix Little Kid Backpack, there isn't a better place to look than the all-encompassing and their 200+ sites. In fact their baby & kids category brings up thousands upon thousands of options in collections such as baby gear, children's furniture and decor and toys.

With over 12,000 toys alone, it's actually hard to imagine that there is a child's holiday wish list that couldn't be fulfilled by shopping with CSN Stores. I have no doubt that Big Sister E and Little Sister B would both be really, really excited to find something like this waiting for them on Christmas morning:

Of course a trampoline might be a little covered in snow in our neck of the woods at Christmastime, but I'm sure I could find a way to get them out there to burn off some energy!

Or, for something a little easier to wrap, I'd love to sit back and see what their imaginations could come up with to build with a set of giant blocks!

But as easy as CSN Stores makes it to find gifts that my kids would love, I can't forget about my husband either. I have no doubt that I would earn some major brownie points if I managed to have something like this waiting for him with a red bow right on top:
Actually, I might just have to add a massage chair to my list as well. Are you listening Santa?

In an effort to help us all have stress-free holidays, CSN Stores has also put together their Ultimate Gift Finder that is filled with inspirations based on personality. Whether you're shopping for an outdoor enthusiast, seasoned chef or fashion icon, they'll have plenty of suggestions that are sure to please. There is even a Top 100 Gifts Under $100 section so that you can find great ideas at even greater prices.

Ready to go shopping? With convenient browsing, a huge selection, a friendly service team and consistent low prices (most items come with free shipping, too!) one stop at CSN Stores and holiday shopping for your family and friends could be taken care of all at once.

Plus, thanks to their generosity, one person will be able to cross off at least one more gift from their list (and maybe have a little left over to buy something for themselves?) because...

One lucky person will win a $75 gift certificate to CSN Stores!

To enter to win: Visit CSN Stores and tell me which of their vast selection of items you might purchase with this gift certificate.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you head over to A Mom's Balancing Act and enter to win a $75 gift certificate to CSN Stores there, too!
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow CSN Stores on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook and/or sign up for their email newsletter (found near the bottom of their homepage).
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the Holiday Gift Guide giveaways (Checking Our List giveaways ONLY) running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Checking Our List 15: WIN a $75 gift certificate to CSN Stores for great shopping! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you have our Checking Our List {Holiday Gift Guide 2010} button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and CSN Stores. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on December 10th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.

A big thank you to CSN Stores for providing a $75 gift certificate for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Scott said...

2) subscribe w/email
nynekats at aol dot com

Scott said...

1) facebook fan Heath Cole
nynekats at aol dot com

Scott said...

2) facebook fan Heath Cole
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Tweeted! - Dec 10!/lemonslippers/status/13321863367237632

Lloyd Family said...

blog 1

Lloyd Family said...

blog 2

Lloyd Family said...

blog 3

cougar44 said...

I would put the GC. towards the purchase of:Shown in gold bronze
Full-Bodied Eagle Weathervane - 45

Lloyd Family said...

daily tweet

Tonya Dean said...

Back to Basics Brushed Chrome Smoothie Elite is what I would get.


Jblanton said...

I would get the honey can do five tier grid storage shelves

Jblanton said...

following CSN stores on twitter-jblanton41

Jblanton said...

following on gfc

Jblanton said...

following on gfc #2

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Jblanton said...

following on google reader #2

Jblanton said...

email subscriber

Jblanton said...

email subscriber #2

Barbara Bee said...

I'd put a GC towards this kitchen faucet.

Venice said...

Daily Tweet 12-10!/IslandGirl421/status/13392227090825216

darlanpaulsmamma said...

i love the knex occ raptor bike
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

follow csn on twitter as lovinmykiddos
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

like csn on fb as melissa barnes -
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

entered tillamook
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

entered wind & weather
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

follow you on twitter as lovinmykiddos and tweeted

melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

follow on gfc
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

2 follow on gfc
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

email subscriber
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

2 email subscrinber
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

like you on fb as melissa barnes
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

2 like you on fb as melissa barnes
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

grannyvon said...

I picked the Frieting Deluxe Ice Crusher with ice scoop C203332

Kellie L. said...

I would get a Fisher-Price Precious Planet Blue Sky Jumperoo for my daughter from

grannyvon said...

#1 Public Follower on Google Friend Connect

Kellie L. said...

I follow via gfc!

kelliekelpie@ gmail dot com

Kellie L. said...

I am an email subscriber

kelliekelpie@ gmail dot com

kakihara said...

I want to get my husband the Cuisinart frozen yogurt, ice cream, and sorbet maker.

Colengal said...

I would put it towards a Paderno World Cuisine Stainless Steel Mandolin Vegetable, Fruit and Cheese Slice

susan1215 said...

I'd get the Cuisinart 14 cup food processer

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

I follow CSN on twitter susan1215

susan1215 said...

Like CSN stores on FB Susan S

susan1215 said...

Like you on FB Susan S

susan1215 said...

follow via GFC

misskallie2000 said...

Daily tweet

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

misskallie2000 said...

Entered # 31 giveaway

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

misskallie2000 said...

Entered # 34 giveaway

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Aisling said...

I'd like to get two Totally Bamboo Hawaiian Kauai Cutting Boards; one for me and one for a gift.

Aisling said...

I follow you with GFC. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net (1)

Aisling said...

I follow you with GFC. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net (2)

Aisling said...

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Aisling said...

I subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net (2)

tallcapp said...

I would use the CSN gift certificate towards the White Adirondack chair shown on their site.

Delena said...

I'd probably use it toward a table tennis set!

mcirish02 at hotmail dot com

Delena said...

I entered at "A Mom's Balancing Act" also

mcirish02 at hotmail dot com

Delena said...

I follow CSN on twitter (mcirish02)

mcirish02 at hotmail dot com

Delena said...

tweeted the giveaway (mcirish02)

Delena said...

I follow you on GFC #1 (delena)

mcirish02 at hotmail dot com

Delena said...

I follow you on GFC #2 (delena)

mcirish02 at hotmail dot com

Kristie said...

I like the Kinetic Black Wrought Iron Wall Half Round Pot Rack.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Mrs B said...

would love to get an x-rocker video game chair for my son
mbaldrees at yahoo dot com

Mrs B said...

follow via gfc
mbaldrees at yahoo dot com

Mrs B said...

follow via gfc
mbaldrees at yahoo dot com

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...we have our eye on a Panasonic Microwave @ CSN !

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Brian E. said...

...follow CSN Stores on Twitter: @brianpiero

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Brian E. said...

CSN Stores fan on Facebook: bryan eason

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Brian E. said...

Following you via Twitter: @brianpiero


senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Brian E. said...

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said...

Subscribed via RSS.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Brian E. said...

...entered giveaway at A Mom's Balancing Act.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

dvice12 said...

I'd get KidKraft Retro Kitchen in Pink - 53160
SKU #: kk1482

dvice12 said...

I follow CSN Stores on Twitter

dvice12 said...

I follow on twitter and tweeted -

dvice12 said...

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dvice12 said...

I follow on GFC 2

dvice12 said...

I subscribe by RSS

dvice12 said...

I subscribe by RSS 2

A Helicopter Mom said...

I love the The Crown Edition Crown X Spinner Carry-on in Light Pink!

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

Rachel @RunningRachel said...

I like alot of their kitchen organizing gear - like the food processor :)

runningrachel at

Rachel @RunningRachel said...

Rachel @RunningRachel said...

I follow via gfc

Rachel @RunningRachel said...

i follow via gfc (2)

Anonymous said...

I want their Delonghi Convection Toaster Oven with Rotisserie - RO2058

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

follow them twitter

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

liked them fb

rich hicks
ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

subscribe to their newsletter

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

entered wind and weather giveaway

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

entered maxi cosi giveaway

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

follow you twitter and tweeted

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

follow you gfc no.1


Anonymous said...

follow you gfc no.2


A Helicopter Mom said...

I follow CSN Stores on Twitter (mickeycoutts)

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

SUBSCRIBE rss via google reader no.1

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

A Helicopter Mom said...

I'm a fan on Facebook (Mickey Coutts)

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

SUBSCRIBE rss via google reader no.2

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

A Helicopter Mom said...

I signed up for their email newsletter.

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

subscribe to you via email no.1

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

subscribe to you via email no.2

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

liked you fb no.1

rich hicks
ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

liked you fb no.2

rich hicks
ardy22 at earthlink dot net

A Helicopter Mom said...

Follow you on twitter and tweeted:

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

have gift guide button no.1
ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

have gift guide button no.2
ardy22 at earthlink dot net

A Helicopter Mom said...

I follow you with Google Friend Connect (Mickey Coutts) #1

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

I follow you with Google Friend Connect (Mickey Coutts) #2

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

Subscribe to your RSS feed. #1

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

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mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

Subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email. #1

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

Subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email. #2

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

I'm a fan on Facebook (Mickey Coutts) #1

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

I'm a fan on Facebook (Mickey Coutts) #2

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

Marci said...

I would get the Plan Toys Preschool 50 block set

emmerswee at gmail dot com

jenzen69 said...

love to get an espresso maker

Anonymous said...

blogged no.1

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

blogged no.2

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

blogged no.3

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

jenzen69 said...

entered at moms balancing act

jenzen69 said...

csn twitter follower

jenzen69 said...

csn newsletter subscriber

jenzen69 said...

like csn on facebook

jenzen69 said...

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jenzen69 said...

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jenzen69 said...

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jenzen69 said...

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jenzen69 said...

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jenzen69 said...

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jenzen69 said...

twitter follower/tweet

jenzen69 said...

entered cuisipro

jenzen69 said...

entered wind & weather

jenzen69 said...

entered maxi-cosi mila

Marci said...

I entered the $75 GC to CSN at Mom's Banancing Act

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I follow CSN on twitter (@TheMarciFactor)

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I like CSN on facebook (Marcella Cook)

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I signed up for their email/newsletter

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I entered #30

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I entered #31

emmerswee at gmail dot com

jenzen69 said...

entered cuisipro

Marci said...

I entered #34

emmerswee at gmail dot com

jenzen69 said...

entered wind & weather

Marci said...

I entered #27

emmerswee at gmail dot com

jenzen69 said...

entered maxi-cosi mila

Marci said...

I entered #17

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I entered #18

emmerswee at gmail dot com

barblong said...

I would probably use the gift certificate to purchase the Le Creuset 9" Panini Press in Satin Black.

Marci said...

I follow you via GFC (Marcella Cook)
*entry 1*

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Karine Traverse said...

I would get the Nesco / American Harvest Snackmaster Express 5 Tray Food Dehydrator

Marci said...

I follow you via GFC (Marcella Cook)
*entry 2*

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Karine Traverse said...

Entered at A Mom's Balancing Act

Marci said...

I'm subscribed via email
*entry 1*

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Karine Traverse said...

Follow them on twitter (@SAHMofDQ)

Marci said...

I'm subscribed via email
*entry 2*

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Karine Traverse said...

Like them on FB (Karine Capobianco Traverse)

Karine Traverse said...

Receive their emails (

Marci said...

I'm a fan on FB (Marcella Cook)
*entry 1*

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Karine Traverse said...

Entered the Maxi-Cosi giveaway

Marci said...

I'm a fan on FB (Marcella Cook)
*entry 2*

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Karine Traverse said...

Entered the Gifted Imaginations Giveaway

Karine Traverse said...

Follow you and tweeted!/SAHMofDQ/status/13462412195794945

Karine Traverse said...

GFC follow (Karine Traverse) #1

Karine Traverse said...

GFC follow (Karine Traverse) #2

Betty C said...

I'd like to get this kitchen faucet.

Karine Traverse said...

Subscribe with yahoo reader #1

Karine Traverse said...

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Karine Traverse said...

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Karine Traverse said...

Email subscribe ( #2

Karine Traverse said...

Like you on FB (Karine Capobianco Traverse) #1

Karine Traverse said...

Like you on FB (Karine Capobianco Traverse) #2

SLG said...

I would put this towards the Sunny Health & Fitness 110 lbs Black Barbell Set with Roller Case - 46
SKU #: SNF1031. I need some exercise. (sandyswins) at (gmail) dot (com)

SLG said...

I entered at A Mom's Balancing Act and enter to win a $75 gift certificate to CSN Stores (sandyswins) at (gmail) dot (com)

SLG said...

I follow CSN Stores on Twitter user id is slgraycols (sandyswins) at (gmail) dot (com)

slehan said...

SLG said...

I am a fan of CSN Stores on Facebook user name is Sandra Gray (sandyswins) at (gmail) dot (com)

SLG said...

I follow you on twitter user id is slgraycols


(sandyswins) at (gmail) dot (com)

Tylerpants said...

I'd love to get the Jeep Baby Products Wrangler All Weather Umbrella Stroller in Shock! tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

Entered the CSN Stores $75 GC Giveaway at A Mom's Balancing Act. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

Joined the CSN Stores Email List. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

Likes CSN Stores on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

Likes Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at) #1

Tylerpants said...

Likes Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at) #2

Tylerpants said...

I'm an email subscriber. tylerpants(at) #1

Tylerpants said...

I'm a feed subscriber. tylerpants(at) #1

Tylerpants said...

I'm a GFC follower. tylerpants(at) #2

Anonymous said...

I'd like the Paderno World Cuisine 19.62" Pastry Bag and Tip Dryer in Stainless Steel
mistylimepink at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I might purchase the Nesco 18 Qt. Non-Stick Roaster Oven in Ivory.

orangefukurou said...

entered Cuisipro giveaway

orangefukurou said...

entered Carson-Dellosa giveaway

cman said...

Harmony Kids Disney Cars 95 3 Piece Juvenile Set - 90068

cman said...

I'm a GFC Follower.

cman said...

I'm a GFC Follower. 2

cman said...

I'm an email subscriber.

cman said...

I'm an email subscriber. 2

Bakersdozen said...

I would go for their shoes, such as the Johnathan Kayne Sahara in Taupe Leather. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Sand said...

I would love the Rachael Ray Lasagna Lover™ and 2 Piece Set Bubble & Brown™ Individuals.

Bakersdozen said...

1. Email subscriber. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Bakersdozen said...

2. Email subscriber. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Bakersdozen said...

1. GFC follower. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Bakersdozen said...

2. GFC follower. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Jlefkovenj said...

I would like to get a book shelf for my wife.

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